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Panawave 25/03/01(Sat)03:21 No. 832582

File 174079567992.jpg - (120.95KB , 681x681 , 1740791983287980[1].jpg )

she makes me wanna heavy machinegun spam those international politician meeting photocalls, just for climate, just in case, maybe they get the message

Sazpaimon 25/03/01(Sat)14:37 No. 832590

File 174083625362.jpg - (407.03KB , 1080x1076 , 264.jpg )

4chan user 25/03/01(Sat)16:01 No. 832592

File 174084129947.jpg - (22.50KB , 507x500 , 481338334_2792851220917898_4340012631905849183_n.jpg )

poe 25/03/01(Sat)18:21 No. 832597

File 174084971896.jpg - (48.88KB , 474x711 , OIP.jpg )

Sazpaimon 25/03/02(Sun)06:44 No. 832604

So wait, now we kinda like her? I thought we all agreed she was pointless, winey, hippy, dippy, bologna.

Moot 25/03/02(Sun)10:36 No. 832606

I guess it changes when she grew those massive titties

derp 25/03/02(Sun)14:16 No. 832610

File 174092140547.jpg - (181.49KB , 1600x1063 , 1683668045887942.jpg )

it's purely sexual, pro-nature thoughts are a side effect

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 25/03/02(Sun)14:41 No. 832613

They cut her legs off ;-;

Miku Fanboy 25/03/02(Sun)22:37 No. 832620


we? youre on the wrong board you fag retard

Optimus Prime 25/03/06(Thu)05:34 No. 832655

When kids aren't interested in politics, old people bitch. And then when they do get involved, old people bitch.

My point is: shut up, you old bitch.

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