Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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she makes me wanna heavy machinegun spam those international politician meeting photocalls, just for climate, just in case, maybe they get the message
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So wait, now we kinda like her? I thought we all agreed she was pointless, winey, hippy, dippy, bologna.
>>832604 I guess it changes when she grew those massive titties
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>>832604 it's purely sexual, pro-nature thoughts are a side effect
>>832582 They cut her legs off ;-;
>>832604 we? youre on the wrong board you fag retard
When kids aren't interested in politics, old people bitch. And then when they do get involved, old people bitch. My point is: shut up, you old bitch.