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Optimus Prime 25/02/23(Sun)09:17 No. 832534

File 174029863918.jpg - (210.50KB , 1600x900 , zelenskyy-und-kellogs.jpg )

Look at that pain.

Look at that smile.

Let us imagine their dialog.

Marisa Kirisame 25/02/23(Sun)15:00 No. 832540

>This is what Putin has on Donald.

>He let him put that in there??

He-Man 25/02/24(Mon)12:02 No. 832552

It's worth remembering that growth is a compounding phenomenon. Russia has missed a tremendous amount of growth by making the stupid decision to invade Ukraine. The consequences of that missed growth will continue into Russia's future. And more damage is being done to Russia every day because Putin is stuck in a sunk cost fallacy loop and continuing to double down.

The only way Putin can win is if Trump hands him victory on a platter.

Which Trump will do.

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