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Moot 25/02/17(Mon)07:41 No. 832386

File 173977446029.gif - (2.80MB , 320x247 , 1688930240255711.gif )

i havent been here in quite few years but where the fuck is the vineyard? I wanted to post about a nice wine I just dipped

Bill 25/02/17(Mon)11:45 No. 832390

File 173978914025.png - (539.78KB , 1038x582 , aqua-drinking.png )

Perhaps the management has changed again, or there is just a new directive. I wanted to take a look at /meh/ yesterday, and it has also disappeared.

What did you want to say about wine?

Weeabot 25/02/17(Mon)12:12 No. 832391

File 173979073295.jpg - (39.98KB , 790x773 , 1529756473427.jpg )


zeneslev 25/02/17(Mon)14:56 No. 832394

File 173980058368.jpg - (81.92KB , 542x498 , P4vjmCRH_zw.jpg )

That is a weird looking butt plug!

symbion 25/02/17(Mon)21:51 No. 832418


Im glad that board is gone i cant stand you smug wine dippers actin all stuck up and snooty at your fancy gala balls talkin shit about the rest of us.

Bill 25/02/19(Wed)07:13 No. 832485

File 173994561848.png - (507.34KB , 583x752 , 173306768893.png )

the vineyard was sacrificed to the gods o boners and shitting dick nipples. Please leave a message after the beep.

Steve 25/02/22(Sat)14:23 No. 832512

No one said anything when gentleman went (r.i.p.)

jean langlais Fete Op.41


symbion 25/02/24(Mon)20:30 No. 832553

File 174042543372.jpg - (59.13KB , 1024x576 , 1630333890460.jpg )

Wtf happened to all the old good threads on the porn boards?
Im feelin nostalgic and head over to check in on some of them and find everything posted is like 2 years old and awful.

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