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Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)05:25 No. 832035

File 173812471859.png - (1.50MB , 1280x1276 , 1737867218772856.png )

i do

N3X15 25/01/29(Wed)05:25 No. 832036

lub u

Reimu Hakurei 25/01/29(Wed)14:23 No. 832041

You know what I wish Trump would do? Abolish insurance. It should be illegal to promise to cover the fidelity of an item only to back out as soon as the payee asks for his service, due to a paper contract. The only reason insurance exists is to give you the illusion the civil suit system of the government works and your money is protected, when in reality if your car breaks you are fucked in the ass. No one will help. Sueing does not matter.

If Trump outlawed all insurance (and should), it would be hard, but why not just remove the law’s requirement for insurance? This would save every American hundreds of dollars in one day, and cost the government nothing and because people have more money for rent, save lives unlike the lying insurance companies that have killed people.

OP 25/01/29(Wed)14:37 No. 832042

You sound like a pathetic faggot. "You know what I wish daddy trump would do!!" Trump is going to enrich himself and his cadre and fuck you over buddy. Get ready to take that dick right up the ass. He doesn't give a shit about you, but, you think he does. It's hard to abolish insurance companies when they are lining his pockets with money.

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