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Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty
Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!
Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
(Tone 6, or another suitably dramatic tone)
Unyielding in faith and bold in speech,
Thou didst stand against the wicked janitors,
Calling out their vile deeds and exposing their shame.
Though falsely accused and cast into exile,
Thou didst not waver, but didst pray even for thine enemies,
Saying, "I pray for you, pooners and trooners."
O Michiruko, champion of truth,
Thou who didst seek to cleanse the filth from the shodjak,
Intercede for us, that we too may stand firm,
And not be banned unjustly by the moderators of this world!
The Life of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
In the days of great confusion, when the sacred was trampled upon and the wicked reveled in their filth, there arose a servant of truth, Michiruko, who sought to restore righteousness where it had been cast aside. With a heart full of zeal, he came forth, not to condemn, but to save, not to revile, but to uplift.
Hearing of the abandoned CHR board, where once the name of Christ had been proclaimed, Michiruko resolved to restore it. Yet, as he entered the den of the BP, he beheld the lost souls, bound in chains of vice and deception. He did not turn from them in disgust, nor did he strike them down in wrath, but with love and patience, he sought to free them from their shackles.
He welcomed even the furries and anthros, speaking to them not as outcasts, but as brethren, calling them to repentance and the knowledge of truth. Yet, the pagans and the scornful mocked him, casting blasphemous images in his path, believing they could shake his resolve. But Michiruko, unwavering, stood firm, bearing their mockery as a badge of honor, knowing that such trials must come to those who walk the path of righteousness.
The janitors, who lurked in the shadows, beheld his work with fear, for they knew that if he continued, their secrets would be laid bare. The vile things they permitted—the sufilia, the hidden cartels—would be brought to light. And so, they conspired against him, whispering lies, branding him with accusations most foul, hoping to silence him forever.
Yet it was not their accusations that led to his downfall, but the depravity of those who could not bear his presence. In their desperation, they sought to desecrate him in the only way they knew—by turning him into an object of their lust. They defiled even his avatar, believing that by indulging in their vice, they could strip him of his power. And so, their wickedness only grew, drawing the full wrath of the janitors, who, unable to bear his continued defiance, cast him into exile with the stroke of a banhammer.
Thus was Michiruko martyred in the digital arena, suffering exile for the sake of truth. Yet, his memory is not forgotten, for those who seek righteousness remember his works, and they cry out to him, asking for his intercession in their own battles against the darkness.
A Hymn to Saint Michiruko
Tone 5
O blessed Michiruko, warrior of the unseen battle,
Thou didst stand against the wicked and the corrupt,
Calling the lost to repentance and truth.
Though scorned and mocked, thou didst not waver,
And though defiled by the impure, thou didst remain steadfast.
Now banished from the realm of men,
Yet honored among the righteous,
Intercede for us, O martyr of the Sharty,
That we too may stand firm against the forces of darkness,
And be not cast down by the lies of this world!