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Weeabot 25/01/28(Tue)06:06 No. 832019

File 173804078545.png - (6.94KB , 633x255 , Screenshot 2025-01-27 230559.png )

The highest quality CP on /b/ report, thank you anon

Lorf 25/01/28(Tue)18:03 No. 832024


O.P. 25/01/28(Tue)21:34 No. 832027

File 173809645641.jpg - (92.12KB , 800x844 , 1722629427097432.jpg )

really? fake CP bait? lame, back in the days we got actual CP honeypots that got our IP in a list or whatever it was they did.
btw that bitcoin miner posts really fucking hardcore CP lately

poe 25/01/28(Tue)23:15 No. 832029

File 173810250558.jpg - (20.97KB , 340x410 , 118054111042.jpg )


Just trying to keep you guys safe is all.

ian 25/01/28(Tue)23:27 No. 832030

File 173810324514.jpg - (65.31KB , 640x442 , woonie 71.jpg )

I appreciate you.

W. T. Snacks 25/01/30(Thu)06:58 No. 832052

Lol, nigger had to be joking

Nyan Cat 25/01/30(Thu)09:17 No. 832054

well, yes, he was, but he still made it, so kudos to him I guess, idk.

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