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Miku Fanboy 25/01/24(Fri)03:30 No. 831967

File 173768581316.jpg - (61.84KB , 647x643 , PSEUDOSCORPION ALBUM of ZENJIN.jpg )

Does anyone have a links or an mp3 files of the Pseudoscorpion album by Zenjin? I'm not a pedo or anything, I'm just curious to the core and I must hear it!!

Steve 25/01/24(Fri)04:56 No. 831969

you're just like elon, he has once said that his religion is curiosity and that he gives his heart (corrazon aka core) to us all.

Anyway, in my humble opinion, art that doesn't conform to current societal norms or regulations should be destroyed. For the absolute very least, the access to it and ability to distribute should be restricted and those who partake - punished by law.

Now that I think of it, even if someone claims this website to be art, I don't understand such art and I think it deserves to be destroyed. Especially if someone finds it not just artistically pleasing but positively hilarious, not only should that person not be allowed to keep copies of it, but they should probably be jailed like they do in Germany and UK nowadays. Art was never something meant to be enjoyed freely, unless it's jew sanctioned. then I guess go ahead and gorge yourself on it.

Closet Furry 25/01/24(Fri)19:50 No. 831978

what is this? i've been out of the loop for a while. Some kind of remix of cheesy stuff passing as music?

Bill 25/01/24(Fri)19:58 No. 831979

Remix of popular cyper tapes audio afaik

It's probably shit but normies want to ban it just because of the source materials used as if they have no artistic value. People are retarded, Socrates knew that 2k years ago already, feel free to ignore the drama. Unless you want to start a holy war where only the wise are allowed positions of power or something like that. But you're probably retarded yourself, so just idk don't buy the new iPhones and keep your comms encrypted I guess, idk dude, just live ur life. Globalization hasn't consumed everything yet, so just move where people are still somewhat respected. If you're going to feed the machine, don't feed it too much I guess.

The other option is to enlighten the world, but again you're probably just another retard, so you should probably ignore this option.

Homicide 25/01/25(Sat)03:54 No. 831982

Sure, thanks for the answer. I hope the remix is at least good, otherwise itll just be another edgy piece of media for the sake of being contrarian and edgy.

W. T. Snacks 25/01/29(Wed)01:46 No. 832031

I don't get wanting to ban shit that is on the edge of pedo faggotry. Like loli, or, ai shit. Like if we aren't going to banb lolita complex then there's no logical reason to ban loli, or, whatever else. It's just about feels and moral majoritarianism.

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