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Brony 25/01/13(Mon)23:00 No. 831814

File 173680561512.jpg - (1.04MB , 2043x2077 , 2128615126 (1).jpg )

Guys, she's back and she won't go away. I don't know what she wants and she won't say anything and shes peed in the pool twice.

tee 25/01/14(Tue)11:25 No. 831825

lulz, yes this is the stuff

Miku Fanboy 25/01/14(Tue)12:13 No. 831826

Fuck her and send her homeward

herp 25/01/15(Wed)11:28 No. 831834

call the cops and watch them taser the bitch and film it.

OP 25/01/16(Thu)22:34 No. 831850

sounds like a great plan, record it

Sazpaimon 25/01/17(Fri)02:44 No. 831858

see, that's the problem, she feral, no home. she's the neighborhood slag, like a squirrel or raccoon.

p4ch3c0 25/01/18(Sat)08:27 No. 831868

27 states have adopted stand-your-ground laws. Eleven states restricted the right of armed response to their homes -- the "Castle Doctrine" -- and saying that people have a duty to retreat from threats or danger in public places.
For example, Florida lets you open fire on someone forcibly trying to enter your dwelling -- including your attached porch -- but not the rest of your property (such as a yard).
and in the photo she is technically on your porch if she attempts to open a door or smash a window, well...
But remember: Shooting at a trespasser is always a legal gamble. The legality of such actions is incredibly state-specific and fact-specific. Property owners could potentially be held liable -- civilly and/or criminally -- if their efforts cross the line.
So calling the cops is the first thing to do and securing the property with proper fences trespassing signs locks etc would be advised or just get a dog

ian 25/01/18(Sat)20:41 No. 831876

Just don't get one of those stupid ass dogs who just barks at whoever walks by, those should be shot dead. It's just one more reason to not live in a fucking city or a suburb, people are fucking retarded and their dogs reflect exactly that.

PrettyPony 25/01/21(Tue)13:38 No. 831931

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Novice Equestrian 25/01/21(Tue)15:27 No. 831934

File 173746962537.jpg - (35.69KB , 398x498 , FUB7jqRXEAkzAph.jpg )


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