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Conductor Cat 25/01/13(Mon)18:51 No. 831809

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Hiya 7chan! ╰(▔∀▔)╯

Happy First Full Moon of the New Year! This months moon is very often my favorite! The Wolf Moon will become full tonight at 5:27 P.M. EST.

Weather looks good for a nice viewing tonight. So far this year has been much colder because of various polar vortices bringing snow and chilly temperatures.

Things have been pretty slow for me lately. I was able to get a few days of easy East Coast skiing done recently and that really helped me get outside and have some fun! (Snow wolfies unite!) I am thinking more and more about visiting Greenland than the last time I brought it up. It'd be so fun to see it during our solar maximum for the Aurora and also before it becomes part of the United States! I joke I joke! ヘ(゚∇゚ヘ)

Anyways, hope you have a pleasant viewing and enjoy the Full Wolf Moon! Cya! <3

:*:・。,☆゜🐺・🌕:*:・。, ⛷️☆:・゜'☆,。・:

Sonichu 25/01/13(Mon)18:52 No. 831810

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Liru Fanboy 25/01/13(Mon)19:37 No. 831811

what's your thoughts on the california fires, liru-chan?

Conductor Cat 25/01/13(Mon)21:17 No. 831812

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how do I unsubscribe to your shit blogs?

Sazpaimon 25/01/14(Tue)04:01 No. 831819

Liru has been a consistent contributor to the forum. And I know she is not the best, but we have to be grateful for what we have. Liru-chan is helping us remain relevant and remain alive.

You never know what you've lost until you no longer have it. Few members are left. Let's value and appreciate each other in 2025, ok?

Anonymous 25/01/14(Tue)05:14 No. 831820

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It's been too cloudy to see the moon these past few days. Lame. Here's to more full moons that will be visible on clear nights this coming year!

Dude, I will legit cry the day 7chan dies. I love you guys.
Except for this >>831812 hatin' ass bitch who has to get angry over lunar posts on an imageboard like a total dickhead.

N3X15 25/01/14(Tue)05:40 No. 831822

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7chan will only die when all of the oldfag admins die or loli is completely outlawed worldwide.
I'm 63% sure ponbiki is immortal, so we should be fine.

Novice Equestrian 25/01/14(Tue)13:12 No. 831829

My road bike's name is Wolf Moon, so this one has special value to me. I had a great view of it riding around last night, so huge and bright.

He-Man 25/01/15(Wed)11:38 No. 831836

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derp 25/01/15(Wed)22:03 No. 831842

you buy airbrushed t-shirts from flea markets, don't you

h 25/01/16(Thu)22:33 No. 831849

I swear to god I can't stand his blogging, moon stuff is ok, but the rest? imo he should anhero

Steve 25/01/16(Thu)23:04 No. 831851

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>edgy post

Lorf 25/01/16(Thu)23:07 No. 831852

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quit crying. this website sucks. always has. let people live their life.

Christian Weston Chandler 25/01/16(Thu)23:46 No. 831854

No, I agree with you sir, he does not have the right to be alive, let alone post on this forum.

Sazpaimon 25/01/17(Fri)03:42 No. 831859

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My beach cruiser's name is Cherlene.

To be Lucky Pierre.

Mudkip 25/01/17(Fri)04:42 No. 831860

My only message to Liru is this

>Life isn't always about being a retarded nigger faggot
>sometimes it's about more than that

O.P. 25/01/17(Fri)14:23 No. 831864

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Sorry for the delay in replying everyone! I was out again at a place with no internet.

Pretty terrible obviously. Alot of history lost and people have lost not just their lives, but homes and formerly beautiful property. It's too early to start blaming people but I hope policies and people's thoughts on the matter change because of it. I'll talk more on it in the future!

Aww, ღ(ˇ ˇ)♥THANK YOU♥! Yeah, I am not the best at anything but I've always had good intentions in my heart for this place and the users here!

Yeah, it would be sad. We shouldn't jinx it but I hope going forward it doesn't become a burden to the mods/admin because of spam or being forced to close it for one reason or another.

Cool! If you are the one up in Maine or somewhere way up there we've been talking in these threads for many years. Still wondering which one of you reccomended the Eden Project many years ago to me. I've been wanting to say thanks!

When I use to live in Cape Canaveral there were many flea markets on the main land that I'd visit every couple of months. They always had the same stuff though but it was a big Florida thing. I liked alligator tail! :)

I wonder if that Tesla battery plant fire is putting out alot if pollution.

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