You probably mean x axis. It's ok, nothing ground breaking, but it could be used in war.
Yes most of it is redacted by AI because it could have contained information that is sensitive. But this is the main idea - to make it more efficient per dollar spent. Ultimately what is fighting is total war budget x efficiency, so that means the training of the personnel and the machinery employed to further the means - a logical/technical problem. If one side comes up with more points in that equation - they win the war. Most of it depends on what mechanical / logical means you choose so long as personnel isn't completely incompetent or improperly managed (which is again, the job of properly trained personnel). You could say creativity/genius also plays a role, and down on the micro level - the warrior spirit too, but we will see less and less of that (knife fights), and less and less of actual creative solutions - the future of battlefield will be dominated by actual smart systems. Keyword being - smart. Making the right decisions from hiring people at the factories all the way to squad management, aiming, attack cooridnation, and let's not forget, perhaps most importantly - formulation of objectives, which is the true downfall of armies. They're stupid and rotten before any fighting has even begun.
I'd wager no longer than 10 years from now there will be almost no heavy machinery or explosives involved at all - all wars will be won before they even began (no hot stage). Because that's efficient. It's an archaic concept - conventional war. And the powers that fight will be so asymmetric that nobody will even know what hit them, but they'll be already out of the fight. Humans stand no chance.