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PrettyPony 25/01/02(Thu)01:59 No. 831675

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What sites or places with whores do you know? You need those that you have already used and haven’t been scammed there. Somewhere they don’t write prices and obvious things, but you can only call and ask about everything. Please tell me something about this.

Optimus Prime 25/01/02(Thu)02:04 No. 831676


Anonymous 25/01/02(Thu)02:05 No. 831677


Sonichu 25/01/02(Thu)03:06 No. 831678


Closet Furry 25/01/02(Thu)14:13 No. 831687

know where to find your mom without your advice.

Closet Furry 25/01/03(Fri)12:49 No. 831695

Honestly, just ask your cab or taxi driver, they know exactly where to take you, and tip your taxi driver or cabbie, they always take care of you so take care of them...

Sonichu 25/01/03(Fri)14:40 No. 831696

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Thanks for the advice. I know ways to ask a taxi driver or find a sauna on Google and the like. I would like to know the most popular offline sites and where they are concentrated. I have seen some, but you need to register with your phone number. But I don't want to leave my phone number in such places.

W. T. Snacks 25/01/04(Sat)14:19 No. 831703


It differs according to location

N3X15 25/01/05(Sun)18:44 No. 831709

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Bro, I fucked your mom, she was moaning like a stupid little whore the whole time while I was pounding her plump ass and when I came down her throat she gasped for air all red and hot, blushing like a Nicaraguan slut, she was obviously enjoying it, she even asked me to give her another son, hiding it, but obviously being annoyed and dissatisfied with her current one, she asked me for a superior son, because she knew she would be so much more likely to pass on her genes if she got an offspring from an alpha stud as such... trust me, you don't want to know more details of how I treated her, it was hot, but you don't want to know how absolutely submissive she was, I chose not to impregnate her, but what I did after I think even you wouldn't want to know... I showed her a glorious time.. at her expense of course, but it was relatively fun for me... Not to mention I could finally drain my balls into someone with no regard for their own dignity. Anyway, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what happened between us.. So, you know, choose your words carefully going forward.

And you gotten me banned, which is your biggest mistake. You do not want to push it any further, black nigger that you are. And you do not want to acquire my wrath, mark these words. I am part of the legion. We forgive, but we do not forget.


Spider Expert 25/01/05(Sun)22:38 No. 831710

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This is pretty much the basis for all of life's problems.

p4ch3c0 25/01/10(Fri)00:20 No. 831747

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