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Lorf 24/12/31(Tue)22:05 No. 831647

File 173567913190.jpg - (214.69KB , 600x452 , Cuddles Giles Hoover.jpg )

Just checking in on 7chan again. Who remembers who I am?

Miku Fanboy 24/12/31(Tue)22:41 No. 831648

Fuck yeah.

p4ch3c0 24/12/31(Tue)22:41 No. 831649

I remember you. You are that whino, who mouthed my bottom!

Moot 25/01/01(Wed)00:53 No. 831656

Bro all the chans are dying somethings going on

Sonichu 25/01/01(Wed)02:19 No. 831659


> who am i

Its in the filename.

PrettyPony 25/01/01(Wed)04:11 No. 831660

I have revealed myself!

Steve 25/01/01(Wed)09:27 No. 831664

File 173572005577.jpg - (43.42KB , 660x407 , WeAreLegion.jpg )


OP 25/01/01(Wed)10:25 No. 831665

chans are a product of their time. back when /b/ was in its peak, the internet was still the wild west with relatively no rules. laughing about a kid who was bullied to death being called "an hero" was acceptable. things change. the people who originally did these things grew up and most of them matured.

Bill 25/01/01(Wed)13:31 No. 831668

Clean chans are a rarity now, most of them are full of dirty niggers.

Conductor Cat 25/01/01(Wed)14:39 No. 831669

File 173573874765.jpg - (72.79KB , 696x577 , Anonymous-Proyecto-Chanology.jpg )


tee 25/01/02(Thu)04:17 No. 831680

You're so edgy with your liberal use of the n word.

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