Legalize CP, End the AoC, Make Pedosex legal. I'll outargue anyone on this point. Just like we made people alright with being literal fascist nazis, we will make people alright with being literal actual pedophiles.
I don't care if someone rapes a female child, foids like the idea of being raped, and minifoids are no exception, even if they don't like it they deserve to be raped for being born as foids, cumtoilets of any age should be legally considered objects, the consent of a female should never matter, neither should their suffering be of any concern to the law, the only wellbeing that matters is that of white males, the only consent that should be important regarding anything that happens to a foid of any age should be the consent of the male who owns her as his property.
If a faggot male rapes a male child then they deserve the worst kind of death, I have no sympathy at all for sodomites of any variety, I'd gladly kill any queer, but pederasts are the fucking worst of the lot.
Childhood was the only time a sub-5 male like myself could have been happy at, and anyone who takes that away from a boy by making a gay bitch of him is a monster who deserves to be blood eagled, even the minichad should be allowed to keep his masculinity intact as he grows up.
A grown foid who bangs a boy is alright, so long as she doesnt touch his ass or make him feel a girl, its actually really good for him, she should make him feel like a man, showing him what a cunt is for (sticking a dick into in order make a cock feel good).
However, foids who are true pedos dont exist, foids want chads thundercock inside them, not the teeny-weenie that minichad has, they want to feel the dick thats fucking them, a "hot dog in the hallway" situation would just make then feel disgusted with themselves (but when we take foids rights away, they will have no choice but to obey their shota masters, and they will serve them sexually, making their micosized little boy cocklets feel amazing.)
Most of the "fempeds" are hebephiles, going for the teenaged kid who rizzed them up when they were teaching them in high school, not an actual elementary or kindergarten school-aged shota.
>A prepubescent foid isn't going to innately know what sex is or want to seek it out on her own accord.
Minifoids can be sexual. They often are in cultures where they are allowed to learn about sex. Most child psychologist acknowledge child sexuality. Just read about child sexuality; type "child sexuality" in Google and read what comes up.
In an Israeli kevutza, one researcher found play among two year olds sometimes included kissing each other, and touching each others' genitals.
Occasionally, 5-year olds may attempt intercourse if they have learned about it from parents or other children.
Greater peer group activity can lead to group masturbation and sexual experimentation. If children are left unsupervised, sex play is predictable.
How sexual the activity becomes depends on how much sexual activity the children have observed and how permissive the society is. Children in cultures where they are able to observe adult sexual relations will engage in copulatory behaviors as early as 6 or 7 years of age.
Sexual fantasies among 8- or 9-year olds might take any form known to adults. One study showed they were aided by photos of nudes or pornographic magazines, or involved people the children knew."
Source: http://www.ethicaltreatment.org/research.htm
"As long as the adult members of a society permit them to do so, immature males and females engage in practically every type of sexual behavior found in grown men and women. [p. 197] [...] After reviewing the cross-species and cross-cultural evidence, we are convinced that tendencies toward sexual behavior before maturity and even before puberty are genetically determined in many primates, including human beings." (Ford. C. S.. & Beach. F. A, Patterns of sexual behavior. New York: Harper & Row.)
>The only way to have sex with a foid that young is via coercion, which is easy consider that they can't fight back or know what's going on.
How do you know children don't have the mental capacity to know what is going on? And if they don't, then should children be allowed to have sex with each other? Or can they only not understand what's happening if it's with an adult? Is there anything wrong with teaching them about sex, the same way we let them learn about literally anything else?
This is just me pretending for the sake if the argument that we should give a flying fuck about what a female wants, her consent to sex shouldnt matter, whether or not the sex hurts her shouldnt matter, she should have the legal status of an object, she should be the property of a male, and whatever the male she belongs to wants to happen to her should be allowed to occur within the context of what is legally permissable, as long as the rights of other males and their control over what belongs to them (such as their females) is not infringed upon.