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O.P. 24/12/25(Wed)15:48 No. 831535

File 173513813656.jpg - (68.54KB , 866x1300 , 36899157-cartoon-sexy-girl-with-long-black-hair-in.jpg )

Good morning, anon. What places do you know where prostitutes congregate? and what are the most popular online places you know where you can choose them.

Marisa Kirisame 24/12/25(Wed)15:51 No. 831536


Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/12/25(Wed)15:55 No. 831537


Homicide 24/12/25(Wed)16:40 No. 831539


poe 24/12/25(Wed)21:36 No. 831542


Spider Expert 24/12/25(Wed)22:02 No. 831545

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Conductor Cat 24/12/25(Wed)23:15 No. 831549


herp 24/12/26(Thu)01:53 No. 831553

I don't speak English very well. But I do not know where else you can get such requests.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/12/26(Thu)05:26 No. 831554

I pray you Shankar, do not redeem.

derp 24/12/26(Thu)12:55 No. 831557

The image board of my country was bought by the government and now it is useless.
Did you guess which country I'm from?

Sonichu 24/12/27(Fri)00:28 No. 831561


zeneslev 24/12/27(Fri)02:09 No. 831563

Go on Google Maps and look for massage parlours lol

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)02:41 No. 831565

Almost right. Russian

Novice Equestrian 24/12/27(Fri)02:43 No. 831566

I hate salons. I want to find the self-employed. But thanks for the advice.

OP 24/12/27(Fri)03:26 No. 831567


Most are self employed. But if you mean you want a street hooker then my advice is to ask locals, there's usually a specific street they go on. In my city there's a street with a bridge and they wait under the bridge.

Cryomancer 24/12/27(Fri)05:08 No. 831568

Oh yeah, well welcome aboard, comrade. We love scum like you in here. Please feel at home in our humble abode.

PrettyPony 24/12/28(Sat)01:18 No. 831578

Yes and we even got the German officer reprimanded, because "oh, we care so very much" fucking niggers and that officer - fucking nigger. Now at least we get some slav people willing to murder each other for a little bit of money 💰

Welcome aboard sweet comrade, we've been waiting for you, you are so very welcome here.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/12/28(Sat)19:16 No. 831598

Thanks for the invitation, the Russian bastard climbed aboard a drifting ship. And still maybe tell me about this topic. I knew all about it in my city. And I need it more in order to learn more about life here. The salons are the same everywhere, but I would like to know about the sites where it is fashionable to find those who work at home or on the street. I also knew a review site for girls where they throw numbers and describe what they liked and what they didn't like.

PrettyPony 24/12/29(Sun)22:54 No. 831620

Are you not allowed to answer such questions?

Homicide 24/12/30(Mon)06:39 No. 831621

I can answer. It is on orion.net go in the hoes section and search for Lizzie, she will know all the whores that you need to find to lead a carefree and happy life.

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)14:41 No. 831624

Human scum. Always looking for whores instead of doing something productive with his life.

herp 24/12/30(Mon)16:12 No. 831625

I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU AS A HUMAN BEING. If something was to happen to your well-being, it probably wouldn't nudge me an iota. I'm not going to go as far as to say that I hate you, I'm not even judging you, OP, but I just really genuinely do not care about you. And that's arguably worse. You can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned.

Miku Fanboy 24/12/30(Mon)17:17 No. 831626

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Mudkip 24/12/30(Mon)18:06 No. 831627

Fucking bitch ass negro, straight up.

OP 24/12/30(Mon)19:59 No. 831628

What a fucking bitch ass nigger. Jew ass motherfucker.

Bob Ross 24/12/30(Mon)22:53 No. 831630

You're're mama's house

Sazpaimon 24/12/31(Tue)00:23 No. 831631

I have no sympathy for guys like you, OP, go find some whores in your Russian gulag, you worthless. Even the top cs players are always Ukraine despite how many ruski player try to be. Below shit tier country, go find some friends there, you don't belong here. Honestly, just leave.

Anonymous 24/12/31(Tue)17:05 No. 831641

Fr, I have no respect for these Russian guys betraying their motherland. First they alienate themselves from the entire international community, then come here and try to pretend all friendly and just want to make friends. Niggers. Unless they are actually state sponsored actors trying to infiltrate, in which case you can still fuck off, but I have a hair bit more of respect for you. Still shit tier country with shit tier people in both cases. I'm not going to say I hate you, because I don't, but you really have zero relevance here, regardless of what you say. You are better off just leaving here already. Lurk if you want I guess, but don't say anything. You would only embarrass yourself further.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/12/31(Tue)17:29 No. 831642


Frankly I think the Russians are based. They want 8 child white families and don't tolerate niggernomics and homo propaganda like they do in the Fallen West.

Steve 24/12/31(Tue)17:32 No. 831643

I bet if you found a little piece of you didn't know what - on the side of the road, like it look like a few grams of oxidized banana or perhaps a bit of diarrhea, you'd actually put it in your mouth and taste it (and swallow it regardless of your findings), that's the kind of guy we're dealing with here, y'all. I'd stay away from this guy, he stinks all the way from the other side of the world, fucking goober shmuck ong. Steer clear from this retard, he's like the plague tbh.

Cryomancer 24/12/31(Tue)17:49 No. 831645

Lol what they embraced niggerconomics like there was no tomorrow. Their inflammation is 3x worse than the west and they funnel all of that shit into useless piles of crap that gets burned up in Ukraine. Meanwhile their working age men demographic thing is worse than china, people are way less educated and they continue sending them into the grinder, because their great leader doesn't like taking hits to the ego and isn't interested in losing his position of power, it's the stupidest clusterfuck in the world and people are still paying taxes, if anything theyre more nigger than all of Africa put together.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/12/31(Tue)21:20 No. 831646

Nah dude, you're right on the money I think. Russia is a country of level 0 crooks, through and through.

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