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Sonichu 24/12/13(Fri)23:48 No. 831392

File 173413013576.jpg - (559.65KB , 2000x1330 , saintluigi.jpg )

The PR blitz from health insurance companies has started.
This is a drop in the bucket of the billions they torture and murder Americans out of every year.

Homicide 24/12/14(Sat)00:05 No. 831393

File 173413112162.png - (667.45KB , 784x621 , Screenshot 2024-12-13 170517.png )

The New York Times allowed Brian's CEO replacement to write an Op-Ed.
It was obviously a ploy to ridicule people with genuine grievances for considering the murder justified.
This new CEO is British, was knighted by the royal family, and earned $23.5 million in 2023.

4chan user 24/12/14(Sat)13:43 No. 831400

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see? all it takes is to slaughter some piggies, slaughter some more

Closet Furry 24/12/14(Sat)13:46 No. 831401

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Closet Furry 24/12/14(Sat)13:55 No. 831404

Political violence was completely normal for most of the history of the USA and before that the Colonial period.

Before, during, and after the Revolutionary War, Loyalists were lynched, tarrred and feathered, and assassinated. Their homes were looted and burned, and their families were beaten and driven out of the country.

In the run up to the Civil War, pro-slavery militias would raid anti-slavery towns, shooting unarmed men and boys (even boys as young as 9 years old) out of hand.

The dozens of wars we had with indians in our history have all been incredibly brutal.

Politicians were routinely tarred and feathered or outright lynched during the westward expansion.

The robber barons built great works largely to rehabilitate their reputations after robbing honest miners, lumberjacks, farmers, and many other categories of workers and businesses. They did this because they feared assassination of themselves and their families.

Political violence is normal. We are returning the base state of normal politics in the USA.

I do not endorse or condemn this; it simply is.

Miku Fanboy 24/12/15(Sun)04:35 No. 831417

More of this, please.

Conductor Cat 24/12/15(Sun)06:52 No. 831421

It simply is. They advocate for the proliferation of guns then whine like bitches when they start dying by them.

r000t 24/12/15(Sun)18:54 No. 831426

A member of a highly ritualized class system trying to tell us Dumb 'Mericans how to behave...get airwolfed you wanker clot.

Sazpaimon 24/12/18(Wed)07:28 No. 831452

File 173450328586.png - (277.15KB , 465x381 , Screenshot 2024-12-18 002753.png )

"Trump's new counter-terror czar Sebastian Gorka likens sympathizers of Luigi Mangione to terrorists."


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