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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

4chan user 24/12/10(Tue)03:42 No. 831351

File 17337985375.png - (359.26KB , 814x821 , NPCcomic2347865782356.png )

I fixed this stupid comic.

Lorf 24/12/10(Tue)05:34 No. 831352

congratulations, you narcissistic faggot

symbion 24/12/10(Tue)12:42 No. 831353

File 17338309629.jpg - (35.09KB , 450x450 , 5305.jpg )

Pursuing pleasure through the use of a strick moral code is still hedonistic. In the same way that altruism is an illusion.
Supernatural Morality is only a form of self-protective neurotic psychosis.

Cumming feels good because you are supposed to do it as much as possible. You are designed to cum.

OP 24/12/10(Tue)17:35 No. 831354

File 173384852753.png - (2.25MB , 1920x1178 , Snapshot_849.png )

"Do not persue pleasure, for thou may have the misfortune to overtake it."

p4ch3c0 24/12/11(Wed)15:48 No. 831360

File 173392850793.png - (359.26KB , 814x821 , 17337985375.png )

Okay I actually fixed it for you

He-Man 24/12/13(Fri)02:22 No. 831372

File 17340529362.jpg - (190.73KB , 814x821 , comic fix.jpg )

Optimus Prime 24/12/22(Sun)23:25 No. 831505

Are these lyrics from something?

OP 24/12/22(Sun)23:31 No. 831506

File 173490666777.jpg - (113.07KB , 800x600 , Train-Molestation-01.jpg )

I'm out of the frame but in the same train car molesting people

W. T. Snacks 24/12/23(Mon)13:20 No. 831509

Yeah, it's from the Bible afaik

Weeabot 24/12/23(Mon)13:25 No. 831510

>Out of the frame

Spider Expert 25/03/01(Sat)10:50 No. 832585


Conductor Cat 25/03/01(Sat)16:06 No. 832593

Purity is slavery.

tee 25/03/02(Sun)10:43 No. 832608


It's better to have mixed children for the strength of the genetic stock. Otherwise it's just elaborate forms of incest and doesn't really lead anywhere good. Look a juice.

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