Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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I don't think anyone here has any idea of what's about to happen...
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What's about to happen?
I do. I have even seen God..
>>831328 Oh yeah? What color were his pubes?
>>831316 damn it just hit me parties are literally just people drinking gay liquor and acting retarded together. can't believe I envied that shit ever.
>>831341 There's a thread on /me/ where someone mentions how much certain music sucks and all I could think was "You have to be drunk out of your skull and in your 20s to like it because it's breeding music". That's why alcohol is legal in all 50 states. Get drunk, fuck, procreate. That's why that lifestyle stops being attractive to most people eventually.
In 2025, most of what we knew as the internet is going away. The Library of Alexandria has a faint odor of smoke. It was cool that I got to see it when I was in the prime of my life, and most physically and psychologically able to enjoy it at it's best too.
>>831357 If I had known what we had, I would have screen capped around 100,000% more than I have. But just like you, I'm happy to have been able to witness it, not necessarily that I was in my prime, but that it was in its.
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>>831359 im glad for the 420chan thread, I have a large b folder with content from about 2008-2013 when i was most active there. i posted many gifs in that gif thread here
>>831514 you know /weed/ is basically the 420chan board right if you want to share that shit
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>>831515 Yeah bro, i know this, that's what I just said. and I have been sharing there and I'm gonna some more.
>>831520 I'm another fag but please do
>>831514 Wait, which thread are you talking about exactly?
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>>831522 It purged, I worked on it all summer. you missed out
You robbed me of my own life... Fuck you, Isis.
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>>831587 inshallah, i guess?
>>831587 You are just a piece of shit worthless as far as I can tell. Go back to your shithole middle eastern bullshit country with equally retarded leaders. If you're from Syria I actually HOPE some sand nigger is found worse than what you had so you suffer at least 5 decades more. That's all I have to say about you Arab Muslim pieces of shit.
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>>831629 On New Years Day, my father finally admitted to me that I conceived anally. I'm screaming.
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Has It happened yet?
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I hate that I have to narrate this and can't use meme arrows, so fuck u have it ur way - watch news - the planets align - but apocallipse though? - well no proof - right after - - killahuea volcano about to erupt
>>831629 Hey, are you also the Liru hater? You have a similar overly angry vibe.
>>832594 Yes I was at the time, but now I'm on good terms. Long story... But no I'm not so angry anymore since I stopped going against the grain of this forum. It really is much more fun when you embrace Liru supremacy.