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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Lorf 24/12/02(Mon)14:15 No. 831277

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100% of all funko pop dolls will eventually arrive and be stored in a landfill.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)14:16 No. 831279

fill the land

h 24/12/02(Mon)16:38 No. 831281

that's not true. many will end up in the oceans, waterways, and other places in the wilderness. some may even stay in museums.

derp 24/12/02(Mon)17:52 No. 831282

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I will never understand why people buy that shit

OP 24/12/02(Mon)20:57 No. 831285

i'll never understand why people watch the kardashians

Spider Expert 24/12/03(Tue)03:35 No. 831286


In the same way people now call these selfie-farms "museums".

Disposable, forgettable, vapid.

Sazpaimon 24/12/03(Tue)05:00 No. 831287

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>In the same way people now call these selfie-farms "museums".
Nobody does that. Stop being retarded.

Bob Ross 24/12/03(Tue)19:44 No. 831289

There is an actual Selfie Museum in The Denver of Colorado. It is there for the wasting of time.

ian 24/12/03(Tue)19:52 No. 831290

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I've seen selfie studios in a few major cities downtown and oddly a few out in the suburbs. I also saw quite a few of them recently in Japan. I walked around inside one when I was in Seattle during the pandemic. A bit silly if you ask me. (ლ ^ิ౪^ิ)ლ

Miku Fanboy 24/12/03(Tue)20:25 No. 831291

That's like me calling one of those photobooths with the curtain a museum. It's not a museum, solely based on its intended use.

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