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Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/28(Thu)00:40 No. 831238

File 173275081852.gif - (66.83KB , 640x640 , mcdonald.gif )

The only appeal McDonald's had is that it was cheap.
Now that it's expensive, it lost all its appeal, but retards are still going there for some reason.

Think about it, McDonald's sells you shit, it's not even real food, and it's not healthy, and it tastes like shit. It's designed to be the most hedonistic slop in the world, with absolutely no health benefits.

The only reason people used to go is because the "food" used to be cheap, and that made sense, because people expected shit food for a cheap price, and that was the deal. But now you are paying actual restaurant prices for this slop.

Why does McDonald's have the balls to sell their trash for real restaurant prices? At that point you are better off just going to a real restaurant and getting real food.

poe 24/11/28(Thu)05:29 No. 831243

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you will eat the poison, and you will like it.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/28(Thu)05:30 No. 831244

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OP 24/11/29(Fri)11:22 No. 831257

I go there and eat because I am depressed retard.

O.P. 24/11/30(Sat)09:14 No. 831263

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W. T. Snacks 24/12/01(Sun)22:30 No. 831274

Will spend the 12th on the McDriven and drive my regular McChicken. It is unironically the best fast food sandwich. I usually ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is always so nice and helpful.

One time I asked for extra McChicken sauce packets and she threw them in the car. I said "caught lyre on four!" and then she laughed and said that she will call me four-on-a-lyre from now on.

Now the staff always greets me with "serve, four-on-a-lyre!" and ALWAYS gives me four packs. It's such a fun and relaxed atmosphere at my local donk. I go there at least 3 times a week to buy lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times a week for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for supper when I'm in a hurry and want a good meal that is affordable, fast and can meet my nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce. It is delicious! What a great restaurant.

derp 24/12/01(Sun)23:17 No. 831275

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As an exo-Democrat, I hope Trump and RFK Jr. will make America Healthy Again is by making McDonald's illegal in all 50 states. If they don't. I will start smoking cigarettes.

poe 24/12/02(Mon)14:56 No. 831280

Get a jump on it and start smoking now.

McDonalds endorsed the Human McRib, there is nothing bad for you anymore.

4chan user 24/12/06(Fri)03:01 No. 831309

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ian 24/12/06(Fri)05:12 No. 831311

trump doesn't eat anything but McDonald's.

Reimu Hakurei 24/12/06(Fri)13:14 No. 831312

Trump is a clown. Never liked anything he says.

Cryomancer 24/12/06(Fri)15:07 No. 831314

Sorry you're only going to get mumps and tooth decay.

Spiderman 24/12/06(Fri)17:11 No. 831315



Steve 24/12/07(Sat)22:13 No. 831334


4chan user 24/12/07(Sat)22:25 No. 831335

There is no concept of health anymore. What's bad is good, what should be good is made bad. Vape to quit smoking/smoke to quit vaping. Fat is healthy, but skinny is unhealthy too. Incontinence is cool, poop is fun, urine is a miracle cure. Childhood diseases and vaccines are myths made by the medical industry to scare us into getting dangerous things put into our bodies. Rotten food is health food. Medicine is poison, but diesease is a cure for the world. Brain damage is a social goal, beauty is a shot of botulism to your face.

zeneslev 24/12/08(Sun)18:09 No. 831344

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But RFK gon' fix it all. He gon' make raw milk legal and that will solve everything! :b

Christian Weston Chandler 24/12/09(Mon)04:49 No. 831346

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He needs to fix his broke ass voice first. I can't stand to hear him talk. Just use an AI voice Bobby, like the wheelchair physics guy.

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