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Spider Expert 24/11/28(Thu)00:30 No. 831237

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Happy St. Turkeys Day 7chan! ๐Ÿฆƒ

What are you cooking up this Thanksgiving or are you visiting family and just going to eat? Maybe you are eating out or at a church function? We traveled today to northern PA to stay at my families farm. We are having Turkey and all the traditional stuff but also rack of lamb and two unknown Turkish dishes for some reason. We are set to have about 5 inches of snow so that should be quite beautiful and really help with the ambiance.

In any case, I wish you all a great day and hope you find some way to fill your tummy up with delicious meat ๐Ÿ– and other goodies! ๐Ÿ˜‹

Steve 24/11/28(Thu)00:56 No. 831239

Enjoy your meals and each other's familial company. Give praise to the Lord for having provided life and relative peace and comfort and also for providing the foods that you shall enjoy.

It sounds like you're going to have some carefree and optimistically oriented playful or at least peaceful time together. I'm glad you are afforded this kind of time together at this time. God bless your little gathering. I hope everyone coming together has good intentions and even if they don't, I hope you can be the beacon of light in the gathering, liru fag. Again, God bless you all.

Weeabot 24/11/28(Thu)02:45 No. 831241

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You as well! We all sometimes forget the original reason that this became an official holiday here. On Oct. 3rd 1863 President Lincoln made a proclamation that the last Thursday of November will officially be a day of Thanksgiving. It follows a year of terrible fighting in the Civil War including in this state, Gettysburg. Sarah Josepha Hale was a woman who had been on a long multi year crusade to officially continue the national Thanksgiving that George Washington started way back in 1789 at the same time of the month. It just so happened she was able to convince him that this holiday of family, feast and peace would be beneficial for all when our nation was in great turmoil.

So let's all remember the reason for the season as we traverse the holidays! (o^-โ€™)b

OP 24/11/29(Fri)04:25 No. 831252

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Ooh, I have a chance to tell someone about my almost disaster! Yesterday I went to pick up a turkey during my lunch break, and since I walk everywhere, I knew it was gonna take most of my thirty minutes so I figured I'd pick up some of the other things and maybe some lunch. I head over to the sale turkey freezer, look in, and see four turkeys. Not a single one was under 24 pounds. A bird that size would never thaw in time and it's way too big for two people. Okay then, I guess I'll do a fresh turkey this year. Little more pricey but it shouldn't be too bad. I check the fresh turkeys and to my dismay see that there's organic turkeys of reasonable size that are $53 and $23 tiny Purdue turkeys. This means I now have to go to another store on my way home instead hoping they'll have some. I got so bummed out about it, I just sulked back to work and didn't even buy a lunch. Everything ended up fine, though. :b

I hope everyone is having a pleasant Thanksgiving! I'm about to indulge in some eggnog after swearing I wouldn't buy any this year.

Sazpaimon 24/11/29(Fri)07:41 No. 831253

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Nobody actually "eats" the turkey, you just buy the largest one possible to get the most stuffing possible out of it.

Moot 24/11/29(Fri)09:51 No. 831255


Weeabot 24/11/29(Fri)15:34 No. 831258

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Some Thanksgiving I will go to Turkey and send everyone postcards. Didn't happen this year though.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/30(Sat)00:53 No. 831259

glu glu glu

Mudkip 24/12/01(Sun)14:35 No. 831273

30lb turkeys are nice to look at and have alot of meat, but they are harder to bake and keep moist compared to a 15lb one. You need to keep basting with the fallen juices in the tray and push butter up through its skin. You can always submerge in water in a sink to thaw faster. Egg nog is pretty good too. Fun to make yourself as well!

I'm seeing more and more people these days not cooking stuffing in the turkey cavity. Must have something to do with it not being fully cooked or something or some crazy food safety thingy. (๏ฟขะท๏ฟข)

We had leg of lamb too which was pretty yummy.

ga ga ga? ๐Ÿ‘ถ

But yeah, I had alot of fun in Northern PA at one of my families farms. I wanted to walk in the falling snow the day after this but it turned into sleet and just made everything messy. If only I would have gone further up north to another one of my families farms in NY. They have crazy snow now! โ„๏ธ

Glad everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! ๐Ÿฆƒ

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