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  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

herp 24/11/27(Wed)10:46 No. 831235

File 173270077479.jpg - (113.29KB , 1080x1080 , IMG_20241119_180017_684.jpg )

Africans are sub-human

Argue with me

Sonichu 24/11/28(Thu)00:58 No. 831240

Honestly, not much to argue. Just the way God set it up. You can argue, you can kick and scream, but the one who is better off will be the one accepting it gracefully, adapting and embracing it.

Weeabot 24/11/28(Thu)05:42 No. 831245

Homo Nigerius Africans - commonly known in the west as a nigger person. Supposedly as smart and capable as the rest of the Earth population, but plagued by societal discrimination and internal community struggles. These specimens are easily recognized by their darker skin tones, enlarged nostrils and stupid looking money faces. No self respecting researcher would ever consider themselves equal to this life form, but many publications describe them exactly as that, because in the early 21st century this is the politically correct way.

4chan user 24/11/28(Thu)22:17 No. 831249

Got banned on the other ones again?

Optimus Prime 24/11/29(Fri)10:11 No. 831256

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Marisa Kirisame 24/11/30(Sat)01:00 No. 831260

>CPAC 2025 @ Gaylord National Harbor February 19-22
You won the election. You don't have to brag, ok?

Lorf 24/11/30(Sat)06:40 No. 831261

File 173294521534.jpg - (33.60KB , 350x474 , f3fc198f67764bd57169dc74c4156878.jpg )

black guys:chill, good at music and dancing, sociable
white guys:high strung, only good at computer nerd shit, will flip out at you for expressing the wrong opinion about a video game

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