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4chan user 24/11/22(Fri)20:04 No. 831129

File 173230227065.jpg - (224.26KB , 1418x1418 , 2ad6d5b2782fcf62290dabee1272caea.jpg )


zeneslev 24/11/22(Fri)21:55 No. 831130

Hello guys I came here to have fun with you. While I'm at it I'll bump this nigro's post, because he asked. But mainly I came here to have fun with you now. LETS HAVE FUN!

Lorf 24/11/23(Sat)00:43 No. 831134

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4chan user 24/11/23(Sat)00:54 No. 831135

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Mudkip 24/11/23(Sat)01:07 No. 831136

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PrettyPony 25/01/08(Wed)21:26 No. 831734

Lolis are based and don’t fuck niggers

4chan user 25/01/08(Wed)21:48 No. 831735

I like your attitude sir and I agree with the general sentiment. Let's have a jolly old time here. This is what life is all about - a group of friends getting together and having a little ball, having a little adventure, hell, if they're up to it - taking on the universe itself with one another. This is brotherhood. This is life. This is love.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 25/01/10(Fri)03:39 No. 831755

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Yes, it is good attitude to have. Especially where brother turns against brother - just entirely too often in our modern time. We should not allow women to break the bond between us. If it wasn't for the wicked ones poisoning the meaning of friendship, realness and espirit de corps, we would not see so many men acting out of anger towards other men. At the end of the day we just want to love one another and do cool shit together.

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