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[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/11/22(Fri)00:59 No. 831119

File 173223356715.jpg - (154.61KB , 718x930 , Netanyahu's_military_service_I.jpg )

...when the Bilderberg Group realizes that there will be a shortage of children to have sex with if Israel isn't curbed. (They got bored with the ukranian children.) And then Nethanyahu says "So what?" and then the Bilderberg Group gives him a nasty surprise by putting his bloody foreskin in his bed to wake up with. And then you ask how that is possible? Wasn't he circumcized like 75 years ago. But the Bilderberg Group keeps mementos from everyone. They are THAT good.

Novice Equestrian 24/11/22(Fri)01:01 No. 831120

The subject line was omitted. Huh? But here it is:

>The war in Gaza will end...

Panawave 24/11/22(Fri)09:34 No. 831124

File 173226444319.png - (2.09MB , 1920x1080 , 7chan at work.png )


There is No war in Gaza

The extermination of all Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Will most like be complete very soon

Miku Fanboy 24/11/22(Fri)09:39 No. 831125

File 17322647994.jpg - (284.83KB , 776x694 , 17900.jpg )

Opps, sorry wrong picture

Liru Fanboy 24/11/22(Fri)12:03 No. 831126

Our team is quite sure that most of Africa simply no longer exists.

Nyan Cat 24/11/26(Tue)11:09 No. 831224

File 173261574813.jpg - (478.47KB , 1080x894 , Screenshot_2024-11-26-12-09-49-684_gallery_photoma.jpg )

If God is my witness, a new life will spring in Africa. New people will come to spread their seed in that barren landscape. Then, after 40 years - a new civilization, surpassing anything ever seen or witnessed before will manifest. Black man will rule over the Dominion of Earth one last and final time.

h 24/11/26(Tue)17:56 No. 831225

File 173264016499.jpg - (45.46KB , 640x357 , 1431971044268.jpg )


40 years isn't that long, tbh.

zeneslev 24/11/26(Tue)21:06 No. 831226

Yeah, for sure. It's even on the shorter end of the scale as far as time periods go.

tl;dr it's not much

4chan user 24/11/26(Tue)23:57 No. 831228

So when exactly because this has been said before by a lot of other people and stil nothing. Let's get this shit in hear man!

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