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r000t 24/11/20(Wed)15:48 No. 831110

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The sacrifice by the two countries is almost entirely not equal. Russia lost only cowards and fools, Ukraine certainly must have lost some real ones.. they live their lives there to the end and in that sense it was glorious, but now the whole world is deprived of those men who, at least some of them, might have been with purity of heart and of actual honestly and adventure spirit. Perhaps a little suicidal, but who isn't from time to time? The real ones knew that they're going there to die. They were not excited to go there.. to do something positive... at best it was 50/50. A cancellation of forces.
Almost no sacrifice by Russia is therefor equivalent to that of Ukraine. Godspeed those men.
You could also say that even Russia had some real ones, just in a completely unprecedented tangle of circumstances (under which, I guess their actions are "justified", even noble...) and I'm sure that in the million or whatever that went there to the armed conflict itself - surely there was at least a handful of ones like that. It's harder to sympathize and empathize with them and for them, but it's true. Some real ones were lost on both sides, although completely disproportionately.
For what? Territory? Government? The future of that beautiful country and that beautiful land? These things can be turned around, not the lives lost and not the bodies crippled. Even if the ratio was 1 to 10, the sacrifice was entirely too great.

Lorf 24/11/20(Wed)17:50 No. 831111

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I genuinely want to know what Vladimir tells his people recently about the special military operation in Ukraine and if everyone really just jumps in line and still supports him. Even though it is pretty well known he wants to recreate the USSRs level of influence in those countries, from an American perspective it's pretty bold to line up tanks and guns at a sovereign border and then actually take the first step and invade. I couldn't see Americans hopping on board with a leader who would do that to say, Mexico or Canada even if hypothetically they were once part of us. Is it really that he feels genuinely threatened by the west or simple greed for more resources? What does he say to his people when they ask if all the resources and lives lost were really worth it for an invasion or special military operation in Ukraine? I'd he just stuck now and refuses to concede? I would really like to know. I would ask him to convince me as if I were a Russian citizen. Maybe I just looking at it too one sided from what the media tells me I should think standpoint.

Steve 24/11/20(Wed)22:57 No. 831114

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Steve 24/11/20(Wed)23:26 No. 831115

Russians don't believe him for the most part, the ones that believed are mostly dead. The ones that are signing up now are doing it mostly for the cash. And because their personal financial situation is really bad. Also they really are a bunch of drunks and zombies, it's an exaggeration, but it's also true. He did it for I guess some ideological reasons, but also greed, there were quite a few, what seem to be good resource grab opportunities, obviously it didn't turn out quite as he expected, but right now the biggest reason is saving face and continuing to convince the public that his decisions were sound and worthwhile. Because if he loses support, he loses power, likely he even loses his life. Also it's ego. He's definitely not an egoless ruler. But there you go, it's a big and quite sad clusterfuck. But I don't consider it a huge loss as the people who chose to go there, did it to themselves. And as I said, for the vast vast majority of cases, we lost either cowards or really dumb people and for the most part it's just really dumb people.

It's not that I don't have compassion, but, the Ukrainian lost is much bigger, so I can't focus too much on them, even though I know they are suffering too. It's an interesting country by the way, a lot of interesting people. And if you know people, and I know some people that know some people, actually Russia has a very disproportionate amount of very high vibe, very advanced people, but this is not the general public. It's just an interesting trip there. Heavy. But also unique and valuable. I tasted it some, even though I did not live there ever.

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