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Novice Equestrian 24/11/20(Wed)04:44 No. 831101

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Uhhh, I only trust information that comes from peer-reviewed papers that employ an APA-style bibliography. Sorry, bucko, but otherwise I don't believe you.

Moot 24/11/20(Wed)08:20 No. 831103

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As opposed to believing pseudoscientists on social media because it's convenient and goes against "the system" you so clearly distrust?
I'm with the people you think you're criticizing here. I trust my doctor over Joe Rogan.
Stop being a rebellious contrarian and start trusting people smarter than you, and that's going to be most folks.

poe 24/11/21(Thu)00:11 No. 831117

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See, here's the thing. These people are SMART because dumb Airwolves told them they are. Sure, in elementary school their section of the gold star chart was devoid of bling, they haven't read a book for enjoyment in their entire lives, and they whine that prices don't include tax which confuses and irritates them. The cool, antagonistic people told them they were smart. Certainly they have no hidden reason for doing so.

Miku Fanboy 24/11/23(Sat)03:06 No. 831137

Here's the problem, they may be smarter than me, but they don't necessarily have my best interests in mind.

I shouldn't listen to them, not because they aren't smarter than me, but because they're smart enough to care about themselves more than me lol.

4chan user 24/11/23(Sat)03:37 No. 831138

True intelligence understands things as whole systems. The more you break things down and compartmentalize - the stupider you are. So if anything, not smart enough.

symbion 24/11/24(Sun)22:40 No. 831196

I will peer review your mom when I examine her bibliography and cross bree- uhh I mean cross reference information about her :^)

Weeabot 24/11/25(Mon)21:46 No. 831215

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Weeabot 24/11/26(Tue)02:25 No. 831217

File 173258433139.png - (505.13KB , 450x600 , GdPv70sacAA4hC9.png )

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