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Moot 24/11/15(Fri)23:45 No. 831064

File 173171070954.png - (293.52KB , 640x444 , 8852.png )

why is 7chan so butthurt about trump?

zeneslev 24/11/16(Sat)00:47 No. 831066

We as a community care deeply about him, that's why

Weeabot 24/11/23(Sat)23:40 No. 831148


Sonichu 24/11/24(Sun)23:24 No. 831197

what has don ever done

Cryomancer 24/11/24(Sun)23:52 No. 831198

Rape. He has raped.

Optimus Prime 24/11/25(Mon)00:22 No. 831199

found guilty of rape in court, a charity that was shut down because of fraud by him and his children, multiple businesses bankrupted, never announced an actual healthcare plan that he promised (in about 2 weeks, folks, the greatest plan ever).

there are so many singular things that he did that would've disqualified any president who didn't have a cult-like following.

Conductor Cat 24/11/25(Mon)01:36 No. 831200

He is a fine old fella. Let's discuss

herp 24/11/25(Mon)01:37 No. 831201

Okay, let's discuss. For starters, back in the '90s, mild rape was actually socially acceptable.

Liru Fanboy 24/11/25(Mon)04:38 No. 831204

To him..not usually to those who got raped though.

Optimus Prime 24/11/25(Mon)04:40 No. 831205

He would make a terrible trans furry.

derp 24/11/25(Mon)18:15 No. 831211

>mild rape
interesting, tell us more about it
I got one ex-gf for 5 years by literally internet + irl stalking her. I tried again same tactic on other girl, she didn't feel the romance in it and called the police the 2nd or 3rd time

Mudkip 24/11/25(Mon)18:15 No. 831212

ahahahaha you fucks

derp 24/11/25(Mon)20:48 No. 831214

>found guilty of rape in court, a charity that was shut down because of fraud by him and his children, multiple businesses bankrupted, never announced an actual healthcare plan that he promised (in about 2 weeks, folks, the greatest plan ever).

>there are so many singular things that he did that would've disqualified any president who didn't have a cult-like following.

Let's spit at the republicans who didn't want him impeached for J6, tfui!


Liru Fanboy 24/11/25(Mon)23:45 No. 831216

It aint the 90s no more, homo.

4chan user 24/11/26(Tue)03:05 No. 831220

So what? If walking on sidewalk was outlawed tomorrow would you like to be punished for the crimes you did yesterday, let alone three decades ago, get a fucking grip, you moron

zeneslev 24/11/26(Tue)03:08 No. 831221

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Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/27(Wed)03:09 No. 831230

Kill yourself, guy who clearly Airwolfs kids and wants everyone to forget about it.

Anonymous 24/11/28(Thu)11:51 No. 831246

File 173279106788.png - (81.40KB , 256x205 , 20240204_142244.png )

I hope you have resolved all your debt, you don't live close to a farm, and you aren't allergic to tin dust. 2025 is going to be wild.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/12/10(Tue)23:49 No. 831355

he made u butthurt

Cryomancer 24/12/11(Wed)15:37 No. 831358

File 173392785149.jpg - (23.21KB , 700x394 , GMWtHGGWkAAJVYe.jpg )

>>he made u butthurt

I believe the nominal phrase you are looking for is actually, "hurtbutt".

Thank you,

Bill 24/12/15(Sun)01:28 No. 831414

Why are you so butthurt that anyone might not love that POS?

Nyan Cat 24/12/15(Sun)06:47 No. 831420

Don't worry, soon everyone everywhere will be hurtbutt/butthurt

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/12/21(Sat)22:03 No. 831496

>t. butthurt about trump

PrettyPony 24/12/24(Tue)00:01 No. 831513

Maybe if you took his dick out of your ass, your butt would hurt less.

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