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Moot 24/11/15(Fri)23:45 No. 831064

File 173171070954.png - (293.52KB , 640x444 , 8852.png )

why is 7chan so butthurt about trump?

zeneslev 24/11/16(Sat)00:47 No. 831066

We as a community care deeply about him, that's why

Weeabot 24/11/23(Sat)23:40 No. 831148


Sonichu 24/11/24(Sun)23:24 No. 831197

what has don ever done

Cryomancer 24/11/24(Sun)23:52 No. 831198

Rape. He has raped.

Optimus Prime 24/11/25(Mon)00:22 No. 831199

found guilty of rape in court, a charity that was shut down because of fraud by him and his children, multiple businesses bankrupted, never announced an actual healthcare plan that he promised (in about 2 weeks, folks, the greatest plan ever).

there are so many singular things that he did that would've disqualified any president who didn't have a cult-like following.

Conductor Cat 24/11/25(Mon)01:36 No. 831200

He is a fine old fella. Let's discuss

herp 24/11/25(Mon)01:37 No. 831201

Okay, let's discuss. For starters, back in the '90s, mild rape was actually socially acceptable.

Liru Fanboy 24/11/25(Mon)04:38 No. 831204

To him..not usually to those who got raped though.

Optimus Prime 24/11/25(Mon)04:40 No. 831205

He would make a terrible trans furry.

derp 24/11/25(Mon)18:15 No. 831211

>mild rape
interesting, tell us more about it
I got one ex-gf for 5 years by literally internet + irl stalking her. I tried again same tactic on other girl, she didn't feel the romance in it and called the police the 2nd or 3rd time

Mudkip 24/11/25(Mon)18:15 No. 831212

ahahahaha you fucks

derp 24/11/25(Mon)20:48 No. 831214

>found guilty of rape in court, a charity that was shut down because of fraud by him and his children, multiple businesses bankrupted, never announced an actual healthcare plan that he promised (in about 2 weeks, folks, the greatest plan ever).

>there are so many singular things that he did that would've disqualified any president who didn't have a cult-like following.

Let's spit at the republicans who didn't want him impeached for J6, tfui!


Liru Fanboy 24/11/25(Mon)23:45 No. 831216

It aint the 90s no more, homo.

4chan user 24/11/26(Tue)03:05 No. 831220

So what? If walking on sidewalk was outlawed tomorrow would you like to be punished for the crimes you did yesterday, let alone three decades ago, get a fucking grip, you moron

zeneslev 24/11/26(Tue)03:08 No. 831221

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Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/27(Wed)03:09 No. 831230

Kill yourself, guy who clearly Airwolfs kids and wants everyone to forget about it.

Anonymous 24/11/28(Thu)11:51 No. 831246

File 173279106788.png - (81.40KB , 256x205 , 20240204_142244.png )

I hope you have resolved all your debt, you don't live close to a farm, and you aren't allergic to tin dust. 2025 is going to be wild.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/12/10(Tue)23:49 No. 831355

he made u butthurt

Cryomancer 24/12/11(Wed)15:37 No. 831358

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>>he made u butthurt

I believe the nominal phrase you are looking for is actually, "hurtbutt".

Thank you,

Bill 24/12/15(Sun)01:28 No. 831414

Why are you so butthurt that anyone might not love that POS?

Nyan Cat 24/12/15(Sun)06:47 No. 831420

Don't worry, soon everyone everywhere will be hurtbutt/butthurt

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/12/21(Sat)22:03 No. 831496

>t. butthurt about trump

PrettyPony 24/12/24(Tue)00:01 No. 831513

Maybe if you took his dick out of your ass, your butt would hurt less.

ian 25/02/10(Mon)22:56 No. 832215

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>Maybe if you took his dick out of your ass, your butt would hurt less.

4chan user 25/02/11(Tue)03:27 No. 832216

You do realize this ain't failchan, right?

r000t 25/02/11(Tue)04:29 No. 832217

OP is Canadian

Sonichu 25/02/13(Thu)09:12 No. 832245

Pizza slut

W. T. Snacks 25/02/23(Sun)00:59 No. 832525

Donald could be (or would have been) tried for sedition, leading to treason charges. The punishment for those is 20 years in prison, and the death penalty is possible. People died on Jan 6th so that’s why. elon could also be charged with sedition, up to 20 years. He hasn’t been involved in violent takeover (that we know). He has been involved in geopolitical plots, manipulation of public discourse, election interference etc.

>Donald Trump’s January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection, the effort to overturn the 2020 election, and ignorance of judicial rulings, could be violations of sedition-related laws. Under 18 U.S.C. § 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy), conspiring to "overthrow, put down, or destroy by force the Government of the United States" or to "hinder, delay, or prevent the execution of any law" is punishable by up to 20 years in prison or fines. Additionally, 10 U.S. Code § 894 (Mutiny or Sedition) applies to those who, with intent to overthrow lawful authority, create violence or disturbances; this law allows for punishment by death if proven guilty. Trump's alleged pressure on officials continues to undermine civil authority.
>Possible Punishment:
18 U.S.C. § 2384: Up to 20 years in prison and/or fines.
10 U.S. Code § 894: Death or other punishment as directed by court-martial for sedition.
18 U.S.C. § 2385 (Advocating Overthrow): Up to 20 years in prison.
To initiate proceedings, federal prosecutors would need evidence that Trump’s actions meet the statutory definitions of sedition or conspiracy. This would involve presenting evidence before a grand jury for indictment and proceeding through a federal trial where guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

They’ve argued against law abiding as too authoritative for them. My opinion is to weigh the amount of damage they’re doing vs allowing their illegal activities to continue.

Moot 25/02/23(Sun)15:04 No. 832541

Fun theories, but let's face the facts: Donald controls the GOP, the GOP controls all three branches of government: the system of checks and balances, the rule of law, and the concept of precedent are all void and there's nothing anyone can do for at least the next two years.

Miku Fanboy 25/02/23(Sun)15:38 No. 832542

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maybe because hes destroying the country.
You can post your cringe memes all day from your moms basement OP but you're all traitors and juat like confederate traitors you will all get your shit pushed in by the USG.

poe 25/02/23(Sun)15:44 No. 832543

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4chan user 25/02/23(Sun)16:16 No. 832544

You don't have an ex-gf.

At best a girl had a very hard time trying to explain to you that she wasn't interested for five years straight.

p4ch3c0 25/02/24(Mon)01:54 No. 832547

Don't pay attention to stuff like this, it's just some dipshit's dopamine fix.

Conductor Cat 25/02/24(Mon)02:23 No. 832548

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4chan user 25/02/24(Mon)02:55 No. 832550

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So, did he step down?

Marisa Kirisame 25/02/24(Mon)04:02 No. 832551

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Bob Ross 25/03/04(Tue)02:31 No. 832633

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Bob Ross 25/03/04(Tue)10:17 No. 832635

>Elio Musco


Sott il sole d'Africa sub-Romana
A meridion di deserti e savana

Nacque il genio che il destino doma
Per riportar il mondo ai piedi di Roma

Elio Musco (lui!) fortissimanente
Uomo virile, acuade e potente

Conquista le Americhe, corotte e fiere
Ora il so nome echeggia fra le bandiere

Marchemero su Marte, avanti guerrieri!
Con Elio Musco, guida degli imperi!

Su quel pianeta noi risorgeremo!
Pianeta rosso, cuore nero!

Romanemente ci lanca il suo cuore
Evviva Musco, evvia il tricolore!

I colli rossi gridan col mitragliatore
Evviva Musco, evvia il tricolore!

A noi!!!

Non più cinguetti, man un dieci romano
Dà voce a chi delle Americhe è sovrano

Donaldo Briscola del mundo nuovo è duce
E il mondo illumia con fascio di luce...

Marchemero su Marte, avanti guerrieri!
Con Elio Musco, guida degli imperi!

Su quel pianeta noi risorgeremo!
Pianeta rosso, cuore nero!

Romanemente ci lanca il suo cuore
I colli rossi gridan col mitragliatore

"A noi!"

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