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Reimu Hakurei 24/11/15(Fri)16:31 No. 831056

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Heya 7chan! (^-^*)/

Tonight is the Full Beaver Moon! Or as the Algonquin say, the Moon of Much White Frost On Grass. Or maybe you are from the Kalapuya tribe in the Pacific Northwest, then it's the Moon of Moving Inside for Winter. In any case, the Full Moon will become full this afternoon at 4:28PM EST. It is also your last chance to see a Supermoon this year and it will be a close 224,385 miles away from the Earth. The Leonids meteor shower peaks on the 16th and 17th, but with the Full Supermoon they may be a bit harder to spot!

I hope you have a great viewing! Cya! (~‾‾∇‾‾ )~

:*:・。,☆゜🦫・🌕:*:・(⌒▽⌒)☆ ☆。:・゜'☆,。・:

Sazpaimon 24/11/15(Fri)16:56 No. 831057

Haven't seen you so excited in a while, liru.

But hey, tell me, is it true that if we had 13 months in a year, we would have them precisely coincide with the moon phases and each month would be of the exact same length? Also, is it true that the moons orbit is fucking artificially set? Don't you think it's a little bit too big of a coincidence that the diameter of the Moon relative to the diameter of the Sun is the same exact ratio of the distance between the Earth and the Sun and the Earth and the Moon?

I don't know, of course it doesn't have to be.

poe 24/11/15(Fri)21:16 No. 831059

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If we decided to have thirteen months in a year we would somehow need slightly more than 28 days a month to still maintain the 365 days a year solar cycle. Also while lunar calendars are more accurate than Gregorian calendars needing only a two second error annually, lunar calendars are quite a bit off (by a period of 11 WHOLE DAYS)! So you'd really screw up our seasonal alignments when it comes to things like agriculture for one. Many religions like Islam I think still use the lunar calendar though. I don't know how exactly they do it but it requires alot of weird things like leap months and tweaks I think.

What do you mean artificially set? There are people who believe the moon is an artificial satellite and just used by aliens as an observation station. ┐(´∀`)┌

Oh, you are talking about the cosmic coinkydink. Yeah, both the moon and Sun are about one hundred times farther from Earth than the sizes of their respective diameters. So yeah... if we didn't have that coincidence we wouldn't have solar eclipses (I think) either. Or it would be super rate or something I dunno. But yeah, I know what you are talking about. (*^‿^*)

I didn't think I was very chipper when I wrote it. Even though we need the rain it is kinda cloudy and I did just celebrate a birthday. I've had weird little bits of melancholy the last few weeks.

Reimu Hakurei 24/11/15(Fri)23:20 No. 831063

IDK maybe someone substantially advanced came and was like, you know what, I don't like this orbit, let me create another one and then their AI ship (non Turing, conscious rather) said ok let me beep boop bop Ok, now how you like this orbit (literally having taken into account the next millions years of Solar System orbital dynamics). And they were like, yeah, that's more like it and the ship was like ok, give me a second and after a second it was like "done". Yeah, the ships are pretty powerful in the future/past and they don't give a fuck about laws of physics as we know them or any kind of limitations of energy use.
Ofc it's not one guy with too much time on his hands, but a fucking telepathic collective that all were too busy to comment, but the entire race of 200M individuals 'nodded' their head and the 130 civilizations that they were in contact with either didn't mind or thought it's a pretty great idea. and now we tens or hundreds of thousands of years later have the moon orbit that we have. I don't think it's a deathstar though. The orbit is a little sus is all.

But yeah, moon months wouldn't work very well. At least not if we want to employ tropical, sidereal, anomalistic or besselian year as the standard. (each roughly within 365.24-.26 days)

Steve 24/11/16(Sat)17:45 No. 831075

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Oh, like ancient aliens creating the conditions that influence our development across the board? Maybe. I've always sorta subscribed to a theory that like for example, a mouse only has a finite capability to understand the world around it. As humans we exist on a different level of understanding. Some would say higher, but we really don't know. As we evolve we can break through to greater or more complex planes of understanding yet that just brings about more questions and previous beliefs abandoned. I don't think we have the capability to know just what exactly is going on or maybe there are infinite ever larger levels of understanding of realities of this universe and they are constantly affecting each other from the top down. Or of course the physical makeup of those realities aren't constant and its properties either dont conform to what we know or in a state of flux/change like certain particles and stuff. In that case, anything can become anything and no one may ever know why. Even Chaos theory is governed by deterministic laws. I dunno! 😆

This talk reminds me of sleepovers I did in high school when my friends would get together and look at the ceiling or if the weather was good, we would pull out the huge 17ft Olympic rectangle trampoline from the garage and bounce and look at the night sky and talk about all that in our sleeping bags. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/11/17(Sun)00:33 No. 831077

OP is a nigger

r000t 24/11/17(Sun)00:56 No. 831078


I think a mouse has an excellent understanding of the world around it, as it would likely die very quickly if it didn't. But of course only a human has philosophy, and can ask "why" of the world around it. You can call this a next level if you like although I think that is a flawed analogy, I think there are no levels.

Spider Expert 24/11/17(Sun)01:29 No. 831081

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The simplest way I can describe it is levels or plateaus. Yeah, all species have an understanding of the world around it because they are alive and reproduce. We can sort of quantify levels of intelligence between various species. They all have certain awareness and brain processes that we can observe. Though it could be possible they have senses or intelligence that we can't observe or understand. Reminds me of Star Trek 4 and the alien ship that wanted to talk to the whales. 🐋 I was just using the levels thing to explain that I think like lower level intelligence species have certain inherent limits (again, that we can observe) of understanding the complexities of the world around it just like higher level intelligence species like humans do. I wouldn't doubt there are others on a higher plateau of comprehension that we as a species can't achieve yet. Like you said, it may not be a level or plateau at all. Possibly we can evolve "up" if that's a thing and we can unravel more secrets of the universe that earlier members of our species could never even fathom. Or maybe all our current and future intelligence is fundamentally wrong. Who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Optimus Prime 24/11/17(Sun)02:34 No. 831082

This conversation is for no apparent reason being steered towards the ideas within Hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy, either OP or the other fag must have read that. According to the book, mice have the greatest understanding of the universe of the species we know. According to great fellow from africa named Elon Musk, the book's takeway is that we don't know so much so that we don't even know what to ask to begin to know, as such it shall be curiosity that is the guiding principle in our lives, this is the aforementioned african gentleman's self professed religion - curiosity. According to my own knowledge mice know much less about the general proceedings on the planet or beyond for that matter - like the celestial movements or even the fact that there exists celestial bodies at all... as for ultimate comprehension of the nature of reality... Certainly they have less developed egos and cerebral capacities, act much more whimsically (according to famous greek named Socrates - an unexamined life is not worth living), which may be their actual true harmonious role to play, but as for ultimate wisdom and comprehension of the structure of reality, they must be closer to it, because they are more capable of listening to and hearing - the wind. Less distraction, better signal to noise ratio. However, due to inherent capabilities of the human form - if we were manifested as fully in our true form as say mice currently are - we, I think, would indeed have a somewhat greater comprehension of the universe. Ultimately though, whose to say that a low level intelligence like a rock or the ocean doens't know secrets of the universe deeper than a moss, a mice or us? Surely a self awareness like ours or cetaceans' doesn't render us in any way superior in the ultimate sense before God almighty. As such, even if indeed there are levels or plateaus, we shall refer to these densities or dimensions of consciousness as merely arbitrary segregations. And in any case all of these things we just mentioned exist in the same octave, even big heart aliens on higher densities or non corporeal entities in higher planes of existence altogether. None of us be it a rock or a big awareness/attention alien - know of the things in the octaves above and beyond. Our best bet to comprehend reality is to remember the curious nature at the core of our heart and henceforth not miss a single moment by staying here now immersed fully in the wonder and magic of it all!

Also, I never know liru fag did DXM or other dissociatives, you may be served well to keep that in your past, sire, and not dwell too much on/about that.

Weeabot 24/11/17(Sun)03:26 No. 831083

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I never read that book I just said mice as the first thing that came to mind. A grasshopper then. Also, I don't do drugs, not even prescription or over the counter medications really except alcohol now and then. I definitely don't smoke. Also no needles or other chemicals. Yeeecch. <(´ཀ`」<)

Stay curious as that is the best way to fully understand our reality? Ok. I can get behind that. That is one of the characteristics of our species!

Miku Fanboy 24/11/17(Sun)05:13 No. 831085

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It's been cloudy since Thursday and will continue until Monday night so I'm gonna miss the moon this time around. I found this picture someone else took, though.

Finally got a car and am hoping to get out west to some prime dark sky spots this summer. I'm not brave enough to drive into the forest in the dead of winter, though. I know it's be amazing, but I don't need to get stranded out there because my car died or something, you know.

Thank you for the post, Liru!

OP 24/11/17(Sun)10:47 No. 831089


I don't doubt there could be a creature with higher intelligence than humans, but I don't think it would be as transformative a difference as between a mouse and a human.

You can look to animals like dolphins or certain birds and people who keep them are often surprised by how "human-like" they behave. And we have advances in understanding of animal science that suggests they have greater capacity for language than how we thought.

r000t 24/11/17(Sun)14:51 No. 831092

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That's a crazy picture! Neat! Oh, good luck with your new car. Sometimes more useful than just a bicycle! You can always get one of those battery jumper things if the battery is weak or drains fast. As for driving out to nowhere in the winter, I'll assume New England, just look at the darksite finder maps. Winter can be dangerous but you might find some dark blue almost grey spots that are just off a road in a relatively safe area where you don't need 4WD. Just be prepared. I know I gotta go up north somehow this year or next for the Solar Maximum Aurora viewing. You are lucky if you live up there already. I'm jealous! Winter is the best time for the lights! 🌌🌠❄️

Yep! Mice and humans are more similar than not and we are discovering many animals have sophisticated communication systems we never knew about or understood. It just made me wonder. What if there was this alien species that was so technologically advanced or just hyperevolved in all areas and they made contact with us. Say they wanted to share their knowledge about life inside and around us. Would we as a species be have the intelligence to comprehend such knowledge? That's what I meant again about the levels. It'd might be like trying to explain molecular biology to a grasshopper. Even if you utilized their language (if they have one) it'd be beyond their realm of capabilities to grasp I think. Oh well, enough sleepover talk for one day. Thank you, it was fun! (^v^)

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