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zeneslev 24/11/12(Tue)15:51 No. 831004

File 173142311210.jpg - (68.09KB , 498x326 , sad-pepe-sad-pepe-in-room-ezgif_com-gif-to-jpg-con.jpg )

Going to get married tomorrow. Don't have enough cash available. Can any anonymous may help me with $2k to help me to get married? Crypto will be best

N3X15 24/11/12(Tue)17:16 No. 831005

Do you live in the US? If so, then no.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/12(Tue)17:52 No. 831007

Is it will be anyway considerable to help me out?

Weeabot 24/11/13(Wed)01:20 No. 831010

Is a gift card ok?

Marisa Kirisame 24/11/13(Wed)03:53 No. 831013

Can I convert the gift card into real money?

4chan user 24/11/13(Wed)09:03 No. 831018

No, but it's for walmart, you can get pretty much anything there.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/13(Wed)09:26 No. 831019

Thanks. That will be also okay. Can you please email me at [email protected]? So that I can talk about it with you

O.P. 24/11/13(Wed)10:17 No. 831020

Will be waiting for your response in email as I mentioned above.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/13(Wed)18:13 No. 831029

Are you here please?

OP 24/11/13(Wed)19:14 No. 831030

OP, do you have nudes of your spouse? If you get money from begging this community, you need to contribute accordingly.

herp 24/11/13(Wed)19:55 No. 831031

Hi. Yes I'm here, just got home. But I agree with the other poster, you need to contribute something first or it's not a fair exchange. If you have nudes or even just sexy pics, but don't share, yet expect someone to pay from the goodness of their heart, that's kind of a double standard. You need to have some reciprocation.

If you don't want to post them here we can talk through email

h 24/11/13(Wed)21:32 No. 831033

Sorry I won't share anything of my wife, no mattrr how much you give me. Its totally prohibited in Islam. Sorry.

The way you replied from the beginning I thought yoi really wanted to help. But now you are adding conditions. A person who really want to help doesn't expect anything in return. Anyway, thanks.

PrettyPony 24/11/13(Wed)21:57 No. 831034

Yeah brother, it's different here in the west. People will only believe you are of good heart and good intentions if you show it with action, but not many want to help another if they might have evil in them or just manipulate to receive advantage. Many from your countries came and not to contribute, but exploit and leech off and scam their way into success in our society. This is why we don't trust based on words alone. Don't take offence, brother, but if we see a sand niggers here (in Europe at least) we automatically assume you are kind of the scum of the Earth unless a proof counter to that become evident. Bless you, I have nothing against you or your wife. Greatness to Megatron

Steve 24/11/14(Thu)15:02 No. 831043

So how was the wedding?

Bill 24/11/14(Thu)15:07 No. 831044

There was no wedding. Just like there is no wife, or, nudes of said 'wife'.

Once again, the cynical asshole was right.

Spider Expert 24/11/14(Thu)15:12 No. 831045


Cryomancer 24/11/15(Fri)01:50 No. 831049

I will give you $2k dollars to be married, but my conditions is that you and your wife are both baptised, acknowledge Optimus Prime and are married in church.

Closet Furry 24/11/15(Fri)05:22 No. 831051

Sorry we are Muslim.

Cryomancer 24/11/15(Fri)12:44 No. 831052


Yes, hence my condition. Turn away from heresy and toward the light of the lord, my brother.

4chan user 24/11/15(Fri)15:26 No. 831055


Aaand there it is. Dishonesty is baked in to your world view.

Spiderman 24/11/15(Fri)23:12 No. 831061

They talk so much shit about Jews being sneaky but these Airwolfers do nothing but lie on people.

Novice Equestrian 25/01/23(Thu)20:08 No. 831963

OP, how was the wedding 💒?

Anonymous 25/01/25(Sat)04:44 No. 831984

Here friend.

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