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Novice Equestrian 24/11/11(Mon)15:11 No. 830989

File 17313343009.jpg - (76.24KB , 1024x996 , 1731331369034089m.jpg )


How are there more reddit users in America than the American total population?

Conductor Cat 24/11/11(Mon)15:21 No. 830991

There are probably a lot of faggots using bots, proxies, retards using multiple accounts, and who knows what other retarded shit these sub-human cockroaches do to inadvertently oe intentionally manipulate those statistics.

Don't forget that tardditers are basically the worst aspects of humanity, so attention whoring and replying to themselves or giving themselves likes and those stupid little faggot awards to seem better than others should be expected.

h 24/11/11(Mon)15:45 No. 830993

hi anon, quick question... are you retarded?
it says "1.9 billion monthly visits".
is that what confused you, that someone can "visit" multiple times?

Bob Ross 24/11/11(Mon)16:26 No. 830997

Listen here, jerk face. Learn how to fucking read, and understand that it isn't "someone" like uour tiny little brain somehow seems to shit out. I said tardditers, in PLURAL, probably the same amount of times your whore mother wished to abort your retarded little brain.

Can you comprehend MANY people doing stupid shit? You know, like your fucking life, retard? Stupid, worthless, ESL cockroach. I would recommend learning how to read and fucking write first, but you should legitimately kill yourself.

There should be a retard filter for this site to stop ESL garbage from posting. Maybe the stupid bitch confuses "monthly vists" with unique visits, but it says NOTHING about unique visits.

N3X15 24/11/11(Mon)16:29 No. 830998

File 173133895389.png - (608.92KB , 1235x1001 , 2pzh5v.png )

cool story mr. tard rage.
still doesn't explain how OP got "more reddit users in America than the American total population".

zeneslev 24/11/12(Tue)17:39 No. 831006


Haha I had to read that shit like 3 times to glean any kind of point or argument from it.

Apparently you're retarded because he said more than one person is visiting Reddit and apparently you're saying only one person is visiting Reddit.

Brony 24/11/12(Tue)18:07 No. 831008

I never said that

Lorf 24/11/23(Sat)00:34 No. 831133

File 173231845612.jpg - (128.35KB , 1230x1230 , MV5BMTRhYzJhYTEtNWI5Ni00ODI4LWIwMDItZjY1NzM3MDgwM2.jpg )

Lauri Törni. The Moomin Troll.

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