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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/09(Sat)16:48 No. 830955

File 173116729512.jpg - (7.26KB , 192x112 , images.jpg )

The Mask was a pretty funny idea for a movie. I am surprised they didn't make another one. I think it was based on a book. It's about a guy who finds a ancient mask that turns him into a looney tunes type chacter when he puts it on. And he gets cartoon silly powers. Ha ha. Lol.

h 24/11/09(Sat)17:13 No. 830956

Yeah, it was amazing. I remember watching this movie when I was a kid. Probably 11 years old. I was glued to the screen the entire time. Such a fascinating movie! Jim Carrey's character in this movie is portrayed as some loser, but he finds the mask and turns his life around, even gets the girl and the money and everything. Gangsta af. I think this movie started me on the path of being a gangster.

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