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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/10/31(Thu)13:53 No. 830716

File 173037918589.jpg - (766.82KB , 1049x1049 , 6389aa66b8189f4f90f9b858ea29a9a0.jpg )

Happy Halloween 7chan! 🎃👻

So what spooky activities are you getting up to tonight? Tommorow is a new moon, so it'll be extra dark! 🌚

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/10/31(Thu)18:04 No. 830730

I will be eating 2 tabs of LSD and participating in the illegal taking of wildlife.

PrettyPony 24/10/31(Thu)20:24 No. 830733

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Haitian? Wildlife can be your friends!

Liru Fanboy 24/10/31(Thu)20:34 No. 830734

Not eating, just killing. We are going to sterilize a pond and wetland behind my buddies place using a pallet of old pool chemicals we found in wrecked amazon delivery truck.

Moot 24/11/01(Fri)01:51 No. 830735

File jfJkvnXx8vw.you - (0B )

Wow you you did not get the Dead Kennedy's Halloween video

I did shroom's and i'm drinking whiskey (Tullamoore D.E.W Irish, Jamesons is for Yankee tourist)

night all

PrettyPony 24/11/01(Fri)04:43 No. 830738

I'm 300 miles from home on a gig. I guess "disheveled musician" is an okay costume. I did bring a bottle of wine to share with my stuffed animal in the hotel room. If I can figure their wifi out we'll watch a scary movie too. Wish I could go harder for the holiday but tonight's still going pretty well.

Taking LSD right before murderizing an entire ecosystem of life forms?? Isn't that begging for a punitive bad trip?

Brony 24/11/01(Fri)05:52 No. 830739

I am stuck in my mom's trailer while some ugly spanish whores stalk me.

Aside from that, the shitty Adult Swim app on the Roku pretty much marathons a couple of decent adult cartoons with ad spam.

I guess that's just what I do everyday. I don't do much else.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/11/01(Fri)19:07 No. 830750

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Oh cool a musician living the hotel life! 😎

Eh... I'd just make a HTPC if I were you. It's fun. It's just a small PC but it has optical outputs so you can hook up your amplifier and speakers and either get a huge TV or projector and make yourself a home theater. You can even go all out and get Dolby Atmos speakers and put up sound dampening material on the walls. I didn't do that, but I got someone to do that. You can just use Windows and use it like a PC and torrent whatever media you want. No ads. Then do what I do and get a big 4bay NAS and put that on the network hooked up to your router and keep everything neatly on there.

I've heard of people getting a computer and putting PLEX on it, but I've never found a reason too. Just this last year I got HDR10 to work. It's fine just using Windows and a HTPC keyboard while sitting in your theater. Definitely worth it to get an enclosure for it or use passive heat sinks and not fans because ambient noise sucks. Try it. :) Much better than using an app.

Liru Fanboy 24/11/01(Fri)23:23 No. 830751

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I handed out candy in my usual costume. A kid told me I scared the crap out of him, then told me I smelled like french fries as he was leaving. After the kids stopped showing up, I smoked a gram and a half joint outside because the weather was the best it's ever been on Halloween and I didn't want to waste it.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/06(Wed)13:25 No. 830888

this is why you'll never be anything but an uncharasmatic midwestern white nerd.
he literally just said he was in a trailer. obviously none of that conveniences him.

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