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Cryomancer 24/10/31(Thu)00:54 No. 830707

File 173033249618.png - (1.55MB , 1307x964 , abc news.png )

Today ABC news accidentally aired a "test" of their election results system. (That's the cover-up they made up after they accidentally aired the election results early, before election day, because the election is rigged and ABC already has made up the final numbers before the election day even happens), voting is fake. Lol.

Marisa Kirisame 24/10/31(Thu)16:02 No. 830720

thanks Hardeep.
source, by the way. take a quick stroll through their profile to see how real this ain't.

O.P. 24/10/31(Thu)16:03 No. 830721

File 173038703942.png - (68.58KB , 885x388 , Screenshot 2024-10-31 100431.png )

Retweeted by the same account that was the source of OP lmao

ian 24/10/31(Thu)17:07 No. 830724

Yet here you are.

Cryomancer 24/10/31(Thu)17:49 No. 830728


The russia bots have a tummy ache

N3X15 24/11/07(Thu)20:31 No. 830912

Yet here you are.

Conductor Cat 24/11/07(Thu)22:45 No. 830914

7chan is dead.

poe 24/11/07(Thu)23:36 No. 830915

I wish you were.

symbion 24/11/08(Fri)15:49 No. 830932

File 17310773697.jpg - (157.55KB , 1005x868 , 1685722513741696.jpg )

why are you not on the streets armed with your fellow compatriots? this is not acceptable
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

herp 24/11/08(Fri)17:31 No. 830934

gee willickers, what happened?

N3X15 24/11/16(Sat)04:57 No. 831070

File 173172944439.gif - (1.59MB , 480x360 , 1713581299919598_1.gif )

remember how retarded schizo OP was? I do.

Conductor Cat 24/11/27(Wed)10:34 No. 831234

File 173270005744.jpg - (510.49KB , 1000x1333 , 1431972982685.jpg )

fuck op, you publicly embarrassed yourself

zeneslev 24/11/28(Thu)19:25 No. 831247

ABC clearly got cold feet after OP exposed them, so they switched the winner in order to gaslight him in front of us

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