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I can smell the cortisol that is literally dripping from your forehead right through my display. The stress you are experiencing is palpable. You might want to go your optometrist and get checked central serous chorioretinopathy.
If I was your doctor I'd prescribe you quetiapine to help with your racing thoughts. If you don't get this stress under control, you are going to start experiencing cardiac symptoms, for which I would prescrbe propranolol.
Also, just hit the gym, man. Get under the squat bar and do 3 sets of 12 with 25s. Then 35 min on the stair stepper. Stay away from supplements, pre workout, caffeine, all that shit.
You are loosing it right now, in public no less. We are all watching your health dissolve. airwolf.
Most of all, stop being Russian. Being from a failed society is the root of all this.