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Miku Fanboy 24/10/29(Tue)02:10 No. 830688

File 173016420797.jpg - (7.16KB , 199x253 , trump.jpg )

I voted for him. (Early voting).

Sonichu 24/10/29(Tue)14:17 No. 830691

Who is that?

Mudkip 24/10/29(Tue)16:10 No. 830692

Russian nationals can't vote in US elections, OP. You are lying with 0.00 ways of proving otherwise.

Weeabot 24/10/29(Tue)19:29 No. 830693

Nigger never been to California (it's part of US)

h 24/10/29(Tue)19:32 No. 830694

File 173022676884.gif - (2.98MB , 320x215 , 1723057565552452.gif )

Hahaha! I got you to reply in anger, it was easy to do. I can manipulate you to do anything, to say anything, and to feel anything. You are my puppet to control!.

Homicide 24/10/29(Tue)19:48 No. 830695

I would never respond to you in anger. you are my bitch basically.

Cryomancer 24/10/29(Tue)20:49 No. 830696

File 173023137739.jpg - (9.01KB , 638x394 , 1714613490797576.jpg )

I can smell the cortisol that is literally dripping from your forehead right through my display. The stress you are experiencing is palpable. You might want to go your optometrist and get checked central serous chorioretinopathy.

If I was your doctor I'd prescribe you quetiapine to help with your racing thoughts. If you don't get this stress under control, you are going to start experiencing cardiac symptoms, for which I would prescrbe propranolol.

Also, just hit the gym, man. Get under the squat bar and do 3 sets of 12 with 25s. Then 35 min on the stair stepper. Stay away from supplements, pre workout, caffeine, all that shit.

You are loosing it right now, in public no less. We are all watching your health dissolve. airwolf.

Most of all, stop being Russian. Being from a failed society is the root of all this.

Weeabot 24/10/30(Wed)17:18 No. 830701

File 173030512976.png - (520.71KB , 929x734 , 1730302545539672.png )

Panawave 24/10/30(Wed)18:04 No. 830702

File 173030786126.jpg - (35.69KB , 750x730 , 50ccfc969cc5aed8d57e76253c15a27036ae7978.jpg )

>I voted

h 24/10/30(Wed)21:53 No. 830703

File 173032158595.gif - (113.61KB , 225x225 , 20240622_223221.gif )

7chan kinda sucks now, why would you think posting this is effective for any means?

Mudkip 24/10/31(Thu)00:55 No. 830708

That wasn't me, some other guy is pretending to be me because this site is anonymous. I haven't posted again in this thread until now lol.

Bill 24/10/31(Thu)00:58 No. 830709

You can vote for whoever you want, it doesn't matter in the end, and if you're not a kike, you're a strawberry that the kikes call cattle.

If you are a kike, then you should kill yourself.

The site is airwolfing dead, man. The arachnologist that funds the cp bots won.

I keep hoping that I'll find the 7chan from 2011, but it's airwolfing gone.

Moot 24/10/31(Thu)03:04 No. 830710

File 17303402138.gif - (3.15MB , 498x281 , 9dowhrdahcxd1.gif )

Airwolf you, this place rules.

Cryomancer 24/10/31(Thu)11:10 No. 830712

File 173036945788.jpg - (188.65KB , 1170x1788 , GbMEL9AW4AAq9W9.jpg )

What a airwolfing joke this guy is

W. T. Snacks 24/10/31(Thu)12:08 No. 830713

someone please photoshop a cock over the mic

W. T. Snacks 24/10/31(Thu)12:48 No. 830714

File 173037532135.png - (1.22MB , 1280x720 , url(1).png )

Conductor Cat 24/10/31(Thu)14:21 No. 830717

File 173038086938.jpg - (312.08KB , 835x944 , Untitled-1.jpg )


symbion 24/10/31(Thu)14:45 No. 830718

File 173038231799.gif - (1.01MB , 654x368 , 1.gif )

the senile covert kike can't even grab. cucked his daughter to Bob Rosss chosen oven fodder.

Reimu Hakurei 24/10/31(Thu)15:52 No. 830719

File 173038633556.jpg - (683.56KB , 1170x1788 , donaldcock.jpg )

here u go bby

p4ch3c0 24/10/31(Thu)17:51 No. 830729

File 173039348743.jpg - (24.16KB , 612x407 , 1000199699.jpg )

this site is so dead, there are really less than 100 regular users, the rest is a just a bot magnet. i have over 50 twitter accounts and a few are for botnet analysis, and its the same there. just leave it alone and the only activity are porn bot and political influence bots. its how i delineate the edges of botnets. then find and decapitate the accout who is in control. same thing happens on 4sshit, 90% of content is porn and ragebate to keep spergs around for the political influence.

100% of everything posted on 7chan is strawberryed shit, except for the cp honeypots, those are legit. its funny how the russians have an influence campaign division for imageboards, but they all think they work like 4skin. russians are airwolfing stupid.

Sonichu 24/10/31(Thu)18:17 No. 830731

50% of the "less than 100" are flaming homosexuals who like to announce how dead the site is.

Sonichu 24/11/01(Fri)06:14 No. 830741

Look, it has changed in palpable ways, but one cannot say with a clear conscience and without lying that very mysterious things are not going on here. VERY MYSTERIOUS>>>

Reimu Hakurei 24/11/01(Fri)09:45 No. 830742

File 173045073621.gif - (4.11MB , 375x319 , ezhyls41.gif )

Moot 24/11/01(Fri)09:53 No. 830743

File 173045120842.jpg - (278.72KB , 1152x1536 , 99337.jpg )


O.P. 24/11/01(Fri)10:48 No. 830744

I've never posted with the intention of being effective in my life, what effect would I even hope to have?

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/01(Fri)11:49 No. 830745

420 chan had chinabot, it was definitely a wumao that never blew its cover even though everyone knew how to bait them and fuck with them. this was 2016-17ish, i left after 2017

Liru Fanboy 24/11/01(Fri)13:09 No. 830747

Some boomer mayor in a 300 people hillbilly town.

ian 24/11/01(Fri)13:13 No. 830748

File 173046323944.jpg - (114.17KB , 1024x576 , 49.jpg )

poe 24/11/01(Fri)23:32 No. 830752

In the background here looks like Hubble deep field right before being zoomed in.

Mudkip 24/11/02(Sat)05:49 No. 830755

Yeah, but it also looks like the evil spirits are being exposed on the film, that or there was a charged particle accelerator nearby and right at this moment that the picture was snapped, some of the charged particles escaped through one of the magnetic rings straight into the camera lens of this photographer, capturing this moment. What a twist of faith!

Marisa Kirisame 24/11/02(Sat)23:56 No. 830781

That middle one is hot.

Miku Fanboy 24/11/03(Sun)12:39 No. 830786

File 173063395533.gif - (4.61MB , 540x304 , pink5063-.gif )


r000t 24/11/03(Sun)13:12 No. 830789

File 173063592120.jpg - (67.68KB , 1125x1012 , GbbNxWqaYAAyD97.jpg )

pump is dumping

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/03(Sun)21:33 No. 830790


OP 24/11/03(Sun)22:37 No. 830805

I was thinking about it. I was all principled and into morality and ethical blah blah blah my whole life, and also hopelessly about 5 years behind every fuckking trend in this country for some reason. So this time around I was like, ehhh you know what would be funny, is after spending the last 4 years following MAGA's every move becoming more and more radical and excited about waging violence and destruction on their fellow murricans, it sure would be funny if they actually won and just tore the fucking dysfunctional country to shreds. Man the destruction I could entertain myself with causing with nothing left to lose... ngl would be a lot more fun being a solder again than endlessly toiling away for nothing. I'm looking forward to... either way this one goes.

O.P. 24/11/03(Sun)23:07 No. 830806

File 173067164631.jpg - (1.85MB , 3072x4080 , 1175222403.jpg )

Fuck off russian bot boris.

Bob Ross 24/11/04(Mon)02:18 No. 830808

I love how easily you guys are fooled into thinking that something is going on. While in fact nothing is going on. And never has.
>Do drugs
>Become a straight negro

herp 24/11/04(Mon)03:21 No. 830809

File 173068689385.jpg - (127.06KB , 1170x1104 , prov3.jpg )

I refuse to be straight.

poe 24/11/04(Mon)15:03 No. 830820

File 173072899041.gif - (1.29MB , 500x254 , 1 g13.gif )

Optimus Prime 24/11/05(Tue)12:27 No. 830832

File 173080602573.gif - (3.56MB , 470x456 , OOOhhh-eize.gif )


Liru Fanboy 24/11/05(Tue)16:15 No. 830833

File 173081971536.jpg - (73.40KB , 1000x750 , 1206248216.jpg )

In the dark, a biologically male anus and a biologically female anus are totally indistinguishable.

N3X15 24/11/05(Tue)16:35 No. 830834

If you're gonna do some drugs, at least do the right ones.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/05(Tue)17:27 No. 830835

File 17308240661.jpg - (624.33KB , 2048x1536 , 1403972001.jpg )

that would be 2c-e

He-Man 24/11/05(Tue)21:27 No. 830846

Man of taste and culture I see (naturally occurring ones still superior though largely and for the most part)

PrettyPony 24/11/06(Wed)00:11 No. 830847

File 173084825724.gif - (5.89MB , 462x640 , 914056997.gif )

take the plunge

W. T. Snacks 24/11/06(Wed)01:27 No. 830848

File 173085287061.gif - (1.73MB , 400x302 , 1176105698.gif )

Brony 24/11/06(Wed)01:40 No. 830849

File 173085363372.gif - (8.69MB , 580x840 , 2040087193.gif )


Steve 24/11/06(Wed)02:31 No. 830850

yeah, that's fine

Spiderman 24/11/06(Wed)05:01 No. 830853

File 173086565745.gif - (4.77MB , 640x360 , 1714618101268550_1.gif )


Nyan Cat 24/11/06(Wed)05:04 No. 830854


OP 24/11/06(Wed)07:36 No. 830857

We did it! Again!

Conductor Cat 24/11/06(Wed)12:47 No. 830886

File 173089362731.jpg - (112.31KB , 1600x900 , Still Standing.jpg )

Mudkip 24/11/06(Wed)13:12 No. 830887

This sucks.

r000t 24/11/06(Wed)13:25 No. 830889


h 24/11/06(Wed)20:57 No. 830893

File 173092305013.gif - (1.43MB , 320x176 , AZsN6c.gif )

Another day, another president. About time somebody won the election.

O.P. 24/11/06(Wed)22:21 No. 830897

File 17309280624.jpg - (722.00KB , 1080x1066 , Screenshot_2024-11-06-23-21-32-274_com_openai_chat.jpg )

I thought Japan is the coolest, but them I think America is my new favorite country.

Spiderman 24/11/06(Wed)22:40 No. 830898

File 173092920723.png - (182.23KB , 600x600 , Lib_Streamers.png )

The lib streamers are malding right now

PrettyPony 24/11/07(Thu)02:09 No. 830902

File 173094179435.jpg - (65.32KB , 780x439 , E39HSrwX0AM6AU8.jpg )


Closet Furry 24/11/07(Thu)04:14 No. 830904

That is pretty funny, but those cocksuckers are gonna get the already retarded troons to shoot up schools and churches because they believe and chugged the fucking kool aid by the retard doom and gloom pieces of shit that only do this to rile up interest in a poll that ultimately doesn't matter in any way. The kikes have this rigged up to the point where legitimate retards are spouting some of the dumbest shit.

Please, do not allow your kids to go out for the next mobth or two, because the troons are going batshit, and the kikes have their new-ish low impulse control nigger that WILL kill kids on demand, especially when the kikes trigger them with some nonsense about them getting "killed" or "thrown in some camp". They already kill themselves, but they molest and "recruit" more kids than they're killing themselves.

Moot 24/11/07(Thu)12:38 No. 830906

You use the word cocksuckers, just because you think it makes you sound cool, but in truth, there is no intent behind it, there is no real meaning behind it on your part. I think you're just a fake, using buzzwords like that to pretend you're somebody who you are actually not and to try to fit in here or make your content sound more legitimate, but you're only shooting yourself in the foot by not expressing things the way is actually natural to you. You're trying to make it sound more legitimate, but you are only discrediting yourself by pretending to be someone you're not.

OP 24/11/07(Thu)13:25 No. 830908

The use of kikes was the red flag for me.

PrettyPony 24/11/08(Fri)08:08 No. 830924

File 17310496965.jpg - (174.35KB , 1066x999 , notPresident.jpg )

Bob Ross 24/11/08(Fri)08:09 No. 830925


Bob Ross :nigra: is such a pussy ass faggot.

PrettyPony 24/11/08(Fri)08:09 No. 830926


:nigra: really is a massive, massive faggot isn't he?

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/08(Fri)10:23 No. 830928

Drumpf lost a million voters since 2020. He had 74 million losing to Joe and now he's at 73.4 million. Not good. Not good at all. That's how unpopular he is.

Democrats just failed to show up. On his own, Orange got less popular from for years ago. He shed support.

It's going to be a quick four years.

Marisa Kirisame 24/11/08(Fri)20:53 No. 830937

> Drumpf lost a million voters since 2020. He had 74 million losing to Joe and now he's at 73.4 million. Not good. Not good at all. That's how unpopular he is.

>Democrats just failed to show up. On his own, Orange got less popular from for years ago. He shed support.

>It's going to be a quick four years.

Airwolf, you're right:

>:kfc:: 81,283,501
>:nigra:: 74,223,975

>:nigra:: 73,407,934
>Harris: 69,076,028

Panawave 24/11/08(Fri)22:03 No. 830938

Whatever, I'm on Bricks and dollar is dead.

r000t 24/11/09(Sat)01:25 No. 830940

I could literally not give less of a fuc

zeneslev 24/11/09(Sat)02:48 No. 830942

America is now officially a shithole country.

Miku Fanboy 24/11/09(Sat)04:34 No. 830943

how will are you preparing for the upcoming recession? save your money now. shit is about to get bad

N3X15 24/11/09(Sat)11:20 No. 830945

File 173114760770.jpg - (264.63KB , 1920x1080 , 5b92dd9d-34e5-47c8-99c2-1c4cd0486f82_1920x1080.jpg )

We're all about to be unemployed.

Liru Fanboy 24/11/09(Sat)12:38 No. 830946

File 173115231040.gif - (2.48MB , 640x480 , 9876974reed.gif )


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