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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/10/29(Tue)00:25 No. 830685

File 173015790161.jpg - (109.71KB , 960x640 , 12037.jpg )

I use this script to play with some security in online casinos:

CASH $20 PENALTY { [bet 1] if lost = stop ///19/// else win = claim and and [bet 1] if lost = stop ///20/// else [next bet] if lost = stop ///20/// else win = claim and stop ///24/// } ROULLET { [bet 9 to 12/24] if win = stop ///27, 23 or 22/// else lost = [bet 10 to 20] if lost = stop ///0, 1 or 5/// else win = stop ///20, 21 or 25/// } if number = 0 = cry if number = 1 or 5 = bet esports if number = 20 = payout if number > 20 (21, 22, 23, 25, 27) = bet aviator :until: number = 20 and after payout

tee 24/10/29(Tue)00:47 No. 830686

How did you get this code? There is no way our defenses could allow for a leak of this magnitude. Only some kind of genius could pull something like this off.

Closet Furry 24/10/29(Tue)00:49 No. 830687

File 173015939914.jpg - (16.23KB , 225x233 , 20240428_211009.jpg )

10 PRINT "Hey there!"
20 PRINT "You must be feeling pretty low today."
30 PRINT "Let me remind you that you are always less than you think."
40 LET A = 10
50 LET B = A + 5
60 PRINT "You'll never amass ";B;"."
70 LET C = B + 5
80 PRINT "No matter how hard you try, you'll never amount to more than";C;"."
90 LET D = C + 5
100 PRINT "You'll never achieve the status of";D;"."
110 END

Novice Equestrian 24/10/31(Thu)20:19 No. 830732

If you use AI to write your AI code, you will start to see defects similar to DNA defects that result from incest.

OP 24/11/01(Fri)06:04 No. 830740

I would be careful with shit like that. The kikes don't like being bothered, especially when their shekels are involved.

Lorf 24/11/02(Sat)04:01 No. 830754

Just press Z or X twice

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