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Bob Ross 24/10/25(Fri)15:08 No. 830644

File 172986168794.jpg - (337.73KB , 1702x2003 , IMG_20240329_151600_184.jpg )

Any dead or living here?

Closet Furry 24/10/26(Sat)01:19 No. 830647



Miku Fanboy 24/10/26(Sat)10:42 No. 830648

Its now 2024.
The world is more fake and gay than its ever been.
In the millenium year of 2003 a site emerged on the web that gave its users the freedom and anonymity to truly express themselves, and the result was something that challenged the status quo in a way that the richest most powerful men could not have predicted, we were a shock to the system and if we were smarter we would have used that to our advantage to overthrow the tyrants and completely change the world.
We fumbled that opportunity, we came so close, but when the time to employ violence against law enforcement came, we grew shy, now the time has passed, and its too late for anything to come from the millenial generation.
They couldnt handle us imageboard users before, but now they can, we are a known quantity with full counter measures employed against us, the zoomerfags are thorougly confused and think almost entirely in political factions and their ideological dogmas, rather than being able to piece together their beliefs from examination via empirical observation and philosophical reasoning.
They lack the combination of post-ironic hunor, psychopathic selfish pursuit of personal pleasure/happiness, and autistic robot logic that allowed us to self-radicalize into being pro-white pro-male activists from nothing but suburban white boys with too much unfiltered access to the internet.
We had a chance to be the revolutionary generation, but we missed it. we were so close, but we failed when it came to do the difficult and smart thing, we instead did the easy and dumb thing, but called it hard and clever.
all we had to do was fight, literally fight against the system.

Marisa Kirisame 24/11/04(Mon)12:30 No. 830811

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this has been a popular topic for discussion as of late, 7chan is actually dead

herp 24/11/04(Mon)13:54 No. 830812

Yet here you are

Panawave 24/11/04(Mon)14:00 No. 830815

you ever go walk around dead & empty tf2 servers.

derp 24/11/04(Mon)14:29 No. 830816

you ever go walk around dead & empty Dark Ages of Camelot servers.

poe 24/11/04(Mon)17:58 No. 830824

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as long as people are here to discuss how 7chan is dead, it will never die

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