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[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/08/28(Wed)10:44 No. 829755

File 172483464310.gif - (496.37KB , 657x657 , 1720968033643.gif )


OP 24/08/29(Thu)00:00 No. 829823

Is anyone familiar with Kyiv strip clubs? Which ones have showers, or other extras?

herp 24/08/29(Thu)03:20 No. 829829

Are you still alive ukraine bro?

Marisa Kirisame 24/08/29(Thu)03:51 No. 829830


zeneslev 24/08/29(Thu)07:07 No. 829831

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Reimu Hakurei 24/08/30(Fri)04:55 No. 829947

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Optimus Prime 24/08/30(Fri)21:45 No. 829956

Nigro here, checking in for seven chan validation and acknowledgment. Hello there everyone, I am here. I came just once to announce myself, the purpose is to make myself known. I will return after a few days or hours or weeks, I hope to continue this discussion at that time. I came here to make sure somebody knows I exist.

I now go to make the beautiful things that I do by myself without worrying if anyone knows I exist, if I feel like I start worrying again I will come back. Until then, sayonara bitches.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/04(Mon)16:59 No. 830822

File 173073595563.jpg - (299.97KB , 1024x1544 , 1085319816.jpg )

hey girlie

Reimu Hakurei 24/11/04(Mon)17:47 No. 830823

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4chan user 24/11/05(Tue)12:17 No. 830830

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Conductor Cat 24/11/05(Tue)12:17 No. 830831

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symbion 24/11/06(Wed)02:33 No. 830851

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Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/06(Wed)02:40 No. 830852

many good ones. try Babushka's secret or Czar's lounge. Kiss of Kiyv is also good one. Borsch and Beauty is decent but it's near the train station and full of junkies and delinquents.

He-Man 24/11/06(Wed)12:07 No. 830885

Okay, it finally happened, took a while, but I got there. I finally prefer anime girls over real women. Yeah, I am that guy. And not just prefer, but animated girls are the only ones I'm interested in at all. Except perhaps for some very rare ones, real ones, which mostly exist in my imagination, but even if they were manifested in physical reality, the only thing I could offer to them would demand of me a transformation of inner character that I don't think I am yet ready or willing to live. So on this less adventurous but certainly vibey af mode/portion of my life - it seems like I became one of those freaks myself. Could not understand them, thought it's ridiculous, now I am one of them and without even a crack that a real woman could theoretically wedge herself in. So, watch out guys, if you're into anime, you might become one of me too.

And you know the reason why? Because at least in the sexual or romantic context, anime girls, believe it or not have more heart than the real girls. Don't know about you, but I just can't pump and dump, I can't just fuck a girl I genuinely don't give a flying fuck about. I could, but just the idea itself deflates my rod. At least with anime girls I can have something romantic and real. And yes, there are these girls that I could actually care about, but it's basically mostly just drug-fueled fantasies of unbelievable adventure. Who has time for that nowadays? Maybe one day, but who'd give up absolute vibes, for a one chance shot into the dark?

Liru Fanboy 24/11/09(Sat)13:13 No. 830949

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