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Cryomancer 24/06/21(Fri)13:05 No. 828480

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Dad drunk a block of emu export to himself one night and wanted maccas, way over .05 dad and the 14yr old me drove to the drive thru, dad ordered and when we get to the window, they gave dad the wrong order then argued they where right, so he drives out the front, pulls 10+ pavers from the footpath and puts them onto the truck, drives back thru the drive thru, jumps out, and proceeds to brick the entire drive thru. Smashed all windows on both drive thru booths, 3 massive side windows and 6 floor to ceiling windows out the front, staggers back to the truck, and drives less than 500m to the hungry jacks drive thru, orders and drives past the maccas he just destroyed with cops everywhere, driving up our street i could see the red and blue lights, got to the house and theres 4 paddy wagons out the front of the house. Dad tries to drive past the house and the cops prodeed to ram the truck, stop it, and next minute dads punching on with 2 cops. Went to court and got 9months prison,(thus is 1995), Remember that night til this day.

77 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
OP 24/11/16(Sat)03:12 No. 831067

My grandma worked at Lagoon in Utah in the 80s, and she witnessed a kid get cut in half from the waist down after the kid fell off the Puff the fire-breathing dragon ride. The ride went around 3 times and back then you could unbuckle your own seatbelt so he thought the ride was over after the first go around, and since he was in the back cart, when the ride when off to go around a second time he fell off and fell halfway through the railing before catching himself. The ride takes about 10 seconds to go around each time, and while the kid was pulling himself up, the cart came back and hit him, cutting him in two. My grandma, who was emptying a garbage near the line entrance, said the kids' parents tried to pull his upper half out from under the cart. The ride still exists today

Optimus Prime 24/11/22(Fri)13:36 No. 831128

I was a primary school teacher in England in the early 80’s. I asked a group of five year olds what their parents liked to do when on holiday. In hindsight obviously a big mistake. One little boy said his mum liked to make cakes. A little girl said her dad liked to make cars, ok. Then a little girl said my mum likes to wee on my dad and my dad likes to wee on my mum!

h 24/12/02(Mon)20:31 No. 831284

We went out at like 10pm and were just drinking and walking the strip. We hit a few bars during the night, a few strip clubs off the strip (Sapphire and Deja Vu) and then headed back. We got food at Fatburger (open 24/7) and ducked back inside Planet Hollywood. We then headed into Paris to use the restroom and we stumbled on.

Then suddenly we opened a door to leave, and it was daylight.

It was dawn.

Like, early sunrise morning.

None of us could remember the night before besides the few bars and strip clubs. And then we looked up. And we looked closer. We were in the fucking Shops at Paris which have a celling that mimics breaking daylight. It was only 2am. We were shit faced and obtuse and still inside the casino.

Optimus Prime 24/12/05(Thu)14:41 No. 831302

When I saw the Dark Knight in theatres, I had the misfortune of landing next to an aged man who kept sending fart clouds my way every 5-10 minutes. On top of that, he brought a container of chicken from home wrapped in tinfoil.

p4ch3c0 24/12/11(Wed)01:12 No. 831356

Went to school with a severely autistic dude, and he lost it one day because someone said "Hawaii."

He flipped the lunch table and attacked a kid screeching "TOO MANY VOWELS!"

Lorf 24/12/15(Sun)16:16 No. 831424

While we were in training, a bunch of blokes broke into our classmates room right before we went on leave. They covered the room in soil and threw grass seed everywhere than locked a baby goat inside for the holidays. When the bloke came back the goat was dead and there was shit and grass everywhere completely destroyed the room.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/12/15(Sun)17:11 No. 831425


I hope they were punished for animal abuse.

Miku Fanboy 24/12/18(Wed)18:25 No. 831455

It's just a nigger thing, don't worry about it.

r000t 24/12/21(Sat)05:57 No. 831486

I started getting friendly with this woman I worked with, one night we closed together I asked it she wanted to go out to dinner and I took her to get sushi, we had a good time. another time she invites me over to her place to watch a movie, so I go to the address and she walks me up to her apartment. I go inside and the smell hits me like a chemical weapon. there's dog shit everywhere, all over the floor, some fresh some dried up. she's like "oh just step over it, I haven't had time to clean" like girl there is at least a week's worth of shit around here! y'all I'm telling you, she always showed up to work with her hair and makeup done nicely, her clothes were clean, she smelled good, she was super bubbly and sociable, last person you'd expect to live like that. I did not hang out with her outside of work again.

ian 24/12/29(Sun)01:06 No. 831607

When I was a kid I had a birthday where me and some friends were supposed to spend the night at the zoo. At some point, it stormed a bit and the wind was so strong that somehow a bull got out?? They sent all the kids home because yeah no shit but because me and my buddies were older (I was around 14 and so hyped to spend the night at the zoo and then we got there and the next oldest kid was like maybe 8 lmao) we got taken on a private tour in a golf cart. Zookeeper told us about how they used to give the elephants treats but the elephants quickly realized that the local ducks really like the treats too. They would leave the treats out to attract the ducks and then stomp the ducks into little flesh patties. I’ve never looked at elephants the same (although tbf i’d prolly do the same if i was locked in a zoo).

Sazpaimon 25/01/03(Fri)00:42 No. 831692

I stayed at Circus Circus in 2009. A drunk person pooped in the hallway. I reported it to the cleaning lady and reception. 12 hours later, and not only was it not cleaned up, but someone had stepped in it. We called back and the general manager apologized and said we could stay again for free, but we checked out the next morning and never came back. I'll never go back.

Sazpaimon 25/01/03(Fri)20:58 No. 831697

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Every time a girl rejects me I buy another AR.

ian 25/01/04(Sat)11:21 No. 831699

hah, this was years ago before doorcams etc, there was a serial shitter who used to shit around a suburb for years , they finally got the guy, he just jogged at night and would shit on someone's porch or steps and when the people got up to go to work they'd find a nice surprise by the serial shitter, apparently he confessed after they tracked him down that he did it just for the Lulz of it....

Liru Fanboy 25/01/06(Mon)20:10 No. 831714

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get on my level

herp 25/01/06(Mon)20:17 No. 831715

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here is the current collection

Reimu Hakurei 25/01/12(Sun)00:23 No. 831775

you didn't even buy the same thing dozens of times!

Spiderman 25/01/13(Mon)14:16 No. 831804

we have a lot of holes to fill, simultaneously.

Reimu Hakurei 25/01/16(Thu)07:11 No. 831845

Nice hobby you have there, buddy. Make sure you clean them holes before and after. There are many opportunists who will gladly hijack your innocent little hobby for their own survival and procreation, even if it means at the peril of those who had the heart for some innocent fun. It's not because there's something wrong with your hobby, it's just the times that we live in. Not everyone is to be trusted. Especially not anyone invisible.

Closet Furry 25/01/21(Tue)03:53 No. 831926

When I was at a haunted house as a kid I was kind of entangled in some kind of rope net when some monster guy came at us screaming. And while my classmates ran away, I ended up disorientated because of that net thingy and for lack of other things to stick to, reflexively ended up just following the monster dude until I found myself standing in the door of a staff room, where a vampire and a mummy were sitting around at a steel table, somewhat baffled at what I was doing there.

tee 25/01/30(Thu)14:37 No. 832061

Had a friend in Highschool that was a WoW addict. Would miss classes often to play it and when an expansion dropped (dunno which one it was) he'd be 'sick' for 2 weeks so he could play it all the time.

Apparently he was in a guild and they had their PCs in a guild home, as in these people lived together just to raid. He was invited over for a week after school to keep their characters dailies and such going cause they had to go somewhere.
He of course wasn't in school for a week, turns out he stole the guilds gold or something and was missing another week of school cause he was on the run. Then after 3 weeks total our teacher told us he was hospitalized and expelled from school.

So yeah. He stole their stuff, ran away, got caught and beaten up over WoW.

PrettyPony 25/01/30(Thu)14:53 No. 832062

When WOW entered into my life or friend group... I was going from 8th to 9th grade (middle-high) and my best friend who was a couple years older was about 6'4" and had been groomed by his Dad and played basketball for the school his whole life. Dad trained him at home and even had home gym we worked out in with him having goals to play NCAA and possibly NBA one day...

Enter the time i just mentioned and he discovers WOW... (Its actually my fault i got a free trial disc in a game magazine) and somehow gave it to him... Well he plays is NON-STOP like a damn madman. I would go home, sleep, lounge around, go to his house about 30 hours later and he HADNT MOVED....

The week trial runs out and we instantly have to get to the store for him so he doesnt lose his week straight grindset leveling up and shit...

Long story short my mans quits basketball and tell his Dad hes gonna be a professional gamer 😂... But he meant it and said f basketball 🏀 completely for WOW...

This is Not The type of dude you would think would have this absolute 180 character arc/turn of events, dude has played and loved baseball since he was young and got blessed with the height and had full eyes on college basketball...

Just to say fuck all that in place of WOW and literally his answer for what about his future was "Im gonna be a professional gamer dude im good enough"....

I think hes doing pretty good as of now but i do not think he became a pro gamer unfortunately, that would have been a nice ending to the story ..

Conductor Cat 25/01/30(Thu)15:16 No. 832063

Not your blog fuck off loser.

Anonymous 25/01/30(Thu)16:42 No. 832066

nigger you don't run this place, shut the fuck up, i can blog on it if i want to.

ian 25/01/30(Thu)17:16 No. 832067

Nigger you listen to what I say because I rule here. Suck my fat cock then gtfo bitch.


Conductor Cat 25/01/31(Fri)07:21 No. 832096

ohshit you just poked the bear

Sonichu 25/02/05(Wed)21:42 No. 832157

That's the entire point of this thread you dumb fuck. Post funny blog posts.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 25/02/06(Thu)01:54 No. 832158

Has anyone else noticed that nearly all image boards are just dead

Bill 25/02/06(Thu)01:57 No. 832159

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nigga got

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 25/02/07(Fri)01:21 No. 832173

When ig is edgier than your local chan, you know you have a real problem. Y'all r probably work/mingle with normies too much. Of course their gonna curb your enthusiasm/autism eventually, that shit doesn't just preserve by itself, you actually have to put in effort continuously. Otherwise you'll end up like the mods here - old, decrepit and washed out

W. T. Snacks 25/02/07(Fri)05:41 No. 832175

imagine blaming mods for a lack of user content.
there are better places on the internet to shit now and simultaneously get overstimulated.
like fortnite and dickcord.

Bob Ross 25/02/07(Fri)17:35 No. 832178

I'm not saying the mods caused this, if anything, these are the most forthright and honest mods that I know on the internet, I'm just warning people so that they don't end up like them (not the honest part, the lame and old part)

h 25/02/07(Fri)18:42 No. 832179


Words normal people use to distinguish themselves from normal people.

This is 7chan, we have a higher standard of weird.


Lorf 25/02/07(Fri)20:39 No. 832181

Normie is means literally the opposite of weird, wtf are you on?

OP 25/02/07(Fri)21:11 No. 832184

He's talking about quircked up lil niggas. But yes, it's different from the concept of normie, I've been on the internet long enough to know this with 100% certainty, IDK why he tried to say 7 chan somehow uses different language for normies as weird. Nigger probably is retarded.

Reimu Hakurei 25/02/09(Sun)03:27 No. 832207

I'm on 7chan, and you are both immigrants here.

Go back.

Spiderman 25/02/12(Wed)14:15 No. 832237

When I was a kid (born in 2000) my dad really pushed me to play little league baseball. He and I enjoyed going to minor league games together and he didn't have a chance to play any sports growing up because the town he grew up in just didn't have enough kids to make a whole team.

I was kinda terrible because I needed glasses and my doctor and parents and coaches hadn't noticed yet. About halfway through the season my dad asked my coach if I could miss 3 practices and 1 game so I could fly to South Texas to visit my grandparents. Coach said "Sure! No problem with that! Actually, if you want to do me a solid just don't bring him back at all. My oldest son went pro after playing in college for only 2 seasons and 1 season in the minors and this age is when the talent scouts for college and travel teams start sniffing around. Your son is making my whole team look like trash and that's going to hurt my youngest son's future".

My dad then decided to ban me from playing sports after I finished the season and told me he'd buy me a PS3 if I intentionally struck out every time I was at bat and sat down in the outfield every time I was on defense just to spite that guy. Two games later coach was arrested for smashing my dad's car windows and threatening to shoot him if he didn't pull me out of the game or make me actually do something.

ian 25/02/12(Wed)16:46 No. 832238

fuck you and your blog, kys

He-Man 25/02/12(Wed)18:44 No. 832240

all because you were a fucking loser who couldn't play ball. your dad probably felt bad because he knew it was his bad genes that did it. did your family go into hiding after the coach punked him out?

derp 25/02/13(Thu)13:06 No. 832246

You're getting angry at copypasted comments. This is what the thread is about: You see some funny comment or story elsewhere, you post it here.

Brony 25/02/13(Thu)13:25 No. 832248

i get angry at everything, it's my thing.

Mudkip 25/02/13(Thu)13:46 No. 832249

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Are you bragging or making this as a statement of pride? Or is this an admission of a fatal personality flaw?

PrettyPony 25/02/13(Thu)14:08 No. 832250


Steve 25/02/23(Sun)01:09 No. 832526

I once stayed in a motel in Vermont. We opened one of the drawers only to find an honest to god crack pipe, right next to a brochure advertising Shen Yun.

Optimus Prime 25/02/23(Sun)09:06 No. 832533

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W. T. Snacks 25/03/02(Sun)14:28 No. 832611

My ex husband was and is still probably obsessed, to the point where I couldn't even breathe because it would "distract him" from his game, and when that happens, I'd never hear the end of it along with multiple threats and more. He used to force me to play with him, force me to stay up late just to finish a dungeon (even when I had work the next day), he'd force me to be his only healer because, well, why wouldn't he, he's already forced me to do majority of stuff for him or else. The only time he'd get off his PC would be when he needed the toilet. I enjoyed WoW when I played by myself whilst he slept, as soon as I'd hear him getting out of bed, my stomach would turn, so much so that I just started NOT liking the game. I quit at some point when I found Overwatch and friends to play it with, however, I wasn't allowed to talk to people when he was gaming because again "I'd distract him", I tried whispering, that was an issue too, I tried soft talk, that was an issue. So I just quit playing with my friends. Worse stuff happened among all that but this is WoW related so, there you go.
THANKFULLY I'm away from this piece of shit now, I'm happy, life is good!
I don't blame the game, I blame people who act like that. I still think WoW is a good game, people just tend to abuse it sadly.

OP 25/03/02(Sun)14:38 No. 832612

Me and one of my college roommates had a WoW player roommate in our dorm. He kept turning down party invites, which was whatever, no big deal…but my god did it spiral from there. He slowly attended classes less and less, literally never moved from his laptop at his computer desk. Started going weeks without showering. I think he essentially “camped out” at the dorms for 2 months, later finding out he had officially stopped going to class altogether. We confronted him about the mess and stink…..man that shit sucked.

Reimu Hakurei 25/03/02(Sun)14:48 No. 832614

I lived in a low rent apt. complex and heard a tale about a guy who’d been evicted for not paying rent after playing WoW nonstop for months after he moved in. Apparently he sat in his chair all night playing WoW, pissed and shit himself because he didn’t want to interrupt his gaming, and there were mountains of wrappers, cans, partially eaten moldy food, etc. The landlord had to tear the carpet in that room out, repaint because of the stench, etc. and it cost them a few thousand bucks. Apparently the maintenance guy who did the cleanup wore a literal surplus army gas mask, plastic coveralls, rubber gloves etc. He said it was the grossest thing he’d ever seen. Thank the gods it was in a different building than mine…

r000t 25/03/02(Sun)17:07 No. 832616

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Lmfao nice

My mom said she saw my dad methed out one night and they were arguing, so she took a beer bottle and threatened him with it. He grabbed her hand with the bottle, bit into the fucking glass and chewed the bottle out of her hand. She said she was shocked and just let him win the argument, and he was picking glass out of his mouth for hours

They say I was made that way

4chan user 25/03/02(Sun)18:31 No. 832617

Do you mean you were made that same night?

Miku Fanboy 25/03/04(Tue)10:53 No. 832637

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That seems unlikely, nor does he sound like he meant what you just implied.

He said
>that way
Means in a similar manner

His conception was probably rough, arised from conflict and ultimately resulted in the father dominating his mom. Probably rape. I think he is proud of his father and even if he considers it an inconvenience to exist in this fleshy prison, he's willing to take one for the team. I think he thinks that his father is epic. Or at least was. Can't blame him, chewing a bottle out of a woman's hand while she's threatening you with it, later fucking and knocking her up is pretty badass tbh.


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