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p4ch3c0 23/11/16(Thu)19:21 No. 824615

File 170015886875.jpg - (10.94KB , 270x186 , 16798566513.jpg )

A random thread, within the random board. Post about whatever.

(I'm making this thread because creating new threads requires captcha, but replying to a thread doesn't.)

Previous thread: >>817890

111 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Closet Furry 24/09/15(Sun)11:33 No. 830142

File 172639279031.gif - (1.62MB , 482x640 , dudecat-1.gif )


W. T. Snacks 24/09/16(Mon)01:11 No. 830153

File 172644188027.gif - (1.33MB , 256x169 , lick the balls.gif )

Marisa Kirisame 24/10/14(Mon)00:07 No. 830516

File 172885723091.jpg - (1.34MB , 1792x1675 , pip pip.jpg )

just look closely :)

right how many more days before the yankees vote?
/eh/ doesn't matter

zeneslev 24/10/15(Tue)09:23 No. 830521

I'm glad this place is still here.

Cryomancer 24/10/16(Wed)01:14 No. 830529

Yes, it is here. Well observed.

He-Man 24/10/17(Thu)23:31 No. 830539

File 172920068720.png - (718.44KB , 1280x533 , 32545657.png )

I've had this hanging around a while
now I know why

Conductor Cat 24/10/18(Fri)12:59 No. 830550

File 172924919243.gif - (941.07KB , 220x275 , cat thinks you stink.gif )


Mudkip 24/10/18(Fri)22:14 No. 830555

File 172928245928.png - (1.56MB , 1238x726 , 1455678.png )


go get your fish then

4chan user 24/10/22(Tue)23:20 No. 830616

So do I need a password

r000t 24/10/23(Wed)10:55 No. 830625

File 17296737308.jpg - (311.81KB , 1226x642 , 1463865860.jpg )


No you do not need a password, you have find this poor fcuk and gave her a light
Shit she's been sitting there waiting for years now

Sonichu 24/11/06(Wed)17:43 No. 830891

File 173091138524.jpg - (542.72KB , 1537x1369 , Orange back on the palette.jpg )

poe 24/11/06(Wed)18:42 No. 830892

I had like 12.5% of a carrot the other day

Miku Fanboy 24/11/09(Sat)20:09 No. 830964

this toy isn't failsafe its fail-deadly because it slips off when i let go and that slip can push me over the edge

Marisa Kirisame 24/11/09(Sat)21:26 No. 830965

Why does weed make me feel gay

Moot 24/11/14(Thu)23:25 No. 831046

Recommend me free games on the Oculus Quest 2?

Bill 24/11/15(Fri)01:02 No. 831047

File 173162893539.jpg - (18.53KB , 412x305 , 19048590488.jpg )


Your not very self aware are you?

OP 24/11/15(Fri)03:21 No. 831050

File 17316372681.jpg - (44.07KB , 1280x705 , 20241115_033632.jpg )

Just in case somebody still had doubts about women. One color is men the other is women, you can figure out the rest.

Cryomancer 24/11/17(Sun)01:01 No. 831079


VRchat is fun

Bob Ross 24/11/17(Sun)01:28 No. 831080

Wow, an MS Paint chart? Whatever you're on about, I'm totally convinced.

p4ch3c0 24/11/30(Sat)09:26 No. 831265

I once met a stripper who kissed me during the private dance and gave me her contact. I later paid her to meet me in a hotel room. I really enjoyed it, because she actually seemed to like me (insofar as a stripper can reasonably be said to, at least. Of course I realize it's not really real) Anyway, I'd like to have such an experience again, but when I tried going to the strip club again later, none of the girls seemed to like me like that. I guess I just gotta keep trying until I get lucky?

Miku Fanboy 24/12/15(Sun)21:40 No. 831427


This makes me feel so angry

Bob Ross 24/12/16(Mon)08:55 No. 831433

This fills me with hate and enrages my heart

ian 24/12/16(Mon)18:14 No. 831440

File 173436928081.jpg - (66.13KB , 794x596 , img_958029754.jpg )

i made this. everything came from home depot and hobby lobby

Homicide 24/12/16(Mon)18:19 No. 831441

I'll snap a picture of what I made when I get home. Please remind me. But it's some serious BDSM type shi.

Liru Fanboy 24/12/17(Tue)11:45 No. 831446

>home depot and hobby lobby

Which one sold you that whore?

symbion 24/12/17(Tue)14:03 No. 831448

File 173444062770.jpg - (3.13MB , 4096x2304 , IMG_20241217_150225.jpg )

I thought you guys would appreciate it. It's anybody's guess what this thing actually do. Suffice to say - it's great fun. This is the picture that I managed to snap of it.

N3X15 24/12/17(Tue)14:57 No. 831449

That's a silly question. Hobby Lobby, and they only rent them.

derp 24/12/22(Sun)21:10 No. 831504

File 173489824511.jpg - (297.29KB , 1760x1286 , 1527081405.jpg )

Digitally, yes.

Cryomancer 24/12/24(Tue)06:10 No. 831519

The nipple peeking out of the fishnet made me chuckle. :b

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 25/01/06(Mon)21:21 No. 831718

I went to a strip club again recently. It was terribly unsatisfying because I could tell the girls weren't really into me. It just totally kills the vibe. There was ONE time a stripper really seemed into me, years ago, and that was awesome. I still think about her. Yeah, I know, it's still not real, but my point is that it was enjoyable. I wish I could somehow repeat that experience.

Sazpaimon 25/01/07(Tue)05:04 No. 831723

File 173622267881.jpg - (59.92KB , 450x600 , 1309804547369.jpg )

use the bing search engine to lookup the phrase 'the GFE' and 'escorts'. Come back to this thread to thank me later.

poe 25/01/08(Wed)11:41 No. 831729

I went to Vegas and guys on the strip were handing out these little advertisement cards with girls pictures saying stuff like "$50 special". There's no way that price isn't just completely fake, right? More generally, is there any way to know in advance what deal you're getting?

Anonymous 25/01/08(Wed)12:23 No. 831730

File 17363354259.gif - (3.72MB , 720x480 , barbiecumize.gif )


Closet Furry 25/01/10(Fri)08:00 No. 831757


[tags4lyf]PEARS 25/01/13(Mon)13:00 No. 831803

File 173676964943.gif - (1.47MB , 600x338 , zombiegirls(1).gif )

Novice Equestrian 25/01/14(Tue)13:02 No. 831828

File 173685616762.gif - (1.56MB , 450x389 , barbiecum678-resize.gif )


Cryomancer 25/01/15(Wed)10:33 No. 831832

gays be like, I don't care if I get AIDS and DIE, I NEED to have frequent BLOODY buttsex with numerous strangers, and if you don't normalize and subsidize my lifestyle you're a RACIST

PrettyPony 25/01/15(Wed)12:19 No. 831837

I once went to one of those handjob massage places, and they had me shower before and after, but there was no soap, just water, so I was still all oily walking out, it was really annoying.

Sazpaimon 25/01/15(Wed)20:02 No. 831839

you're a sexless incel, why does any of that matter to you?

Weeabot 25/01/15(Wed)21:21 No. 831840

Ever consider apomorphine for facilitating sexual arousal?

Optimus Prime 25/01/15(Wed)23:33 No. 831844

It's interesting that nipples can show through even when a girl is wearing a bra under a shirt if it's a thin one

He-Man 25/01/17(Fri)00:25 No. 831855

File 173706993154.jpg - (16.77KB , 390x312 , 117920663522.jpg )

PrettyPony 25/01/18(Sat)09:51 No. 831869

File 173719030556.jpg - (366.61KB , 828x836 , 1608328754566.jpg )

ova here, during summer mostly, some whores (read young, to young-midle aged women) have decided that bra is not required, and every once in a while you'll see one with fully erect nipples protuding through her t-shirt

Bob Ross 25/01/19(Sun)00:51 No. 831879

Bras aren't required in general.

Liru Fanboy 25/01/19(Sun)01:30 No. 831880

I only have eyeeees forrrrrr youuuuuuuuu

Closet Furry 25/01/19(Sun)01:31 No. 831881

These are a few of my favorite things

tee 25/01/27(Mon)02:53 No. 832003

File 17379428139.jpg - (395.68KB , 1056x704 , IMG_20250121_110857.jpg )

For the love of Carrot$

p4ch3c0 25/01/30(Thu)11:34 No. 832057

Do people actually watch hours long porn films? I can't imagine edging for more than half an hour or so, that's just ridiculous.

PrettyPony 25/01/30(Thu)13:42 No. 832059

File 173824095111.gif - (2.56MB , 400x225 , hy400.gif )

no i don't think so, but some want to have the full video , so that means its very transitory, if you get a clip and you you like it then you would seek out and find the full version...


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