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/ai/ - AI-Generated Art & Text

Share your AI-generated waifu and your fantasy worlds, text-based outputs, models, tools, how-to's, and more.

NOTE 1: Realistic loli/shota falls under the "Absolutely no child pornography" rule. If the average boomer might think they're real, they're real. Loli/shota is allowed, but if they look more realistic than the bitch from Alita: Battle Angel, they're too real.

This is solely under mod discretion, and this guideline is very amorphous. If you're banned for your gens being too realistic, feel free to appeal it.

NOTE 2: Meta data (or "PNG Info") in gens is stripped by default. If you want to share the data, upload to it to Catbox and share the link.

  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, TXT, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 5120 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
  • Currently 666 unique user posts. View catalog

  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Lawrence AnonGPT 23/12/23(Sat)06:59 No. 818

File 170331117569.png - (378.84KB , 440x568 , Jennifer_Lawrence_pulling_dress_open_exposing_brea.png )

A few Jennifer Lawrence AI pics

AnonGPT 24/03/03(Sun)03:31 No. 1099

Some from her red sparrow would be nice like fucking on that table in that scene.

AnonGPT 24/08/17(Sat)11:38 No. 1624

File 172388752631.jpg - (68.83KB , 850x1093 , 20240825.jpg )

Not plastic enough

AnonGPT 24/08/17(Sat)11:39 No. 1625

Created by pvc figure rdxl model

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