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Oshii 2021 is done already? Screw this relativity shit 2022年01月01日(土) 05時23分47秒 36807 ID: 79c87a

画像ファイル名 164101102745.png - (212.68KB , 704x396 , vlcsnap-2021-12-11-22h59m19s007.png )

Damn. This year flew by. Not like I was off guard, but rather unprepared. But yeah, time for the yearly spreading of fertilizer.

All done on the fly this year. Not like i use a script anyway. Being the old fart has it's advantages.. But this year, is anyone wants to chime in, please do. My viewing fell off a cliff this year, as I think i've opined before.
Combination of things-doing ebay 5 nights a week, watching a streamer 3 times a wek, my stoopid wrasslin' 1-2 times a week (one is Tokyo Joahi Peo, so it kinda counts.), so i've been selective, catering to my crap tastes.
Like I sais, won't be long on my part.
Shall we?

Anonymous-San 2022年01月01日(土) 05時32分50秒 36808 ID: 79c87a

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I guess it's back in time for a year. Winter. Trying to think-what was I into at the time? It was at the start of my divided attention span, and when I started loading-but not watching series. Sequels at that.
I'd already dropped Higurashi. I did the same with the manga ages ago.
Yuru Camp S2 was a must, and for some reason-so was Horimiya. Picked that up on a whim, became a gotta see. Chibi Bungou Stray dogs was oddly fun. No Isekai Schoolhouse Rock this year.
Strike The Blood is continually the hardest series to keep up with, always a chapter missing.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月01日(土) 05時40分39秒 36809 ID: 79c87a

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Plus a couple of short series returned that I can't seem to miss,Yatogami-shan and the latest Strike/Brave Witches series. Doesn't hurt that I landed the Barkhorn figure this year.
Could not bail fast enough on the latest WIXOSS. A series I did follow all previous versions. No more.
How I missed the latest Kotobuki, I will fix.

I did have a problem though.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月01日(土) 05時48分39秒 36810 ID: 79c87a

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I've put stuff off this year. A lot of stuff. I have it all ready and can do so at any time-when I can find the time. So, for this, there are series I may have seen 1 ep or maybe 4.
Quint Quints S2, Slimeboi S2 (and other spinoffs?), Both versions of Hataraku Seibou-and those aren't even priority.
Uma Musume, Princess Principal, and Non Non Byori came back to my life. Last winter was good-what I've seen

Anonymous-San 2022年01月01日(土) 06時00分26秒 36811 ID: 79c87a

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The interesting stuff was slim pickings.
Waitwat-2, count'em 2-Slime spinoffs? Not sure if I want that or not, already haven't caught up on S2.
Hhige the hobag? Got through 5 eps. Sudden eject button.
Isekai Maou S2? New main interest for MC just plain sucked. No way does a Pantherion give up so easily.
Having caught up to the manga, Nagatoro wasn't bad at all.

Surprise fav of the season hit a season late, but caught up on manga and anime-Combatants Will Be Dispatched.
Don't ask about the dub. I don't watch dubs.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月01日(土) 06時01分31秒 36812 ID: 79c87a

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oh, and happy new year, 3 minutes late. It's late, i'm hammered, I can't read clock.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月01日(土) 06時09分01秒 36813 ID: 79c87a

画像ファイル名 164101373693.gif - (3.00MB , 620x348 , ulp.gif )

Okay, look. This is a total cop out. Long day at work, caught something I get into for a few hours, am hammered as all fuquola, and can barely see straight.
I will finish this, but will have to wait until sober enough to see someting other than clouds.
back, probably tomorrow. Armed.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月09日(日) 02時42分23秒 36818 ID: 899b14

i dont get this thread

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