My thoughts are that if you don't like Ghibli, then by default you don't like anime. What is anime if not visual ANIMATION, and by god does Ghibli have some of the best animation around. The backgrounds alone make the movies worth a watch, never-mind the smoothness and lifelike amount of movement in each scene. I would classify Ghibli movies as worth a watch even if they had no story at all, that is just how good their animation and art teams are.
Are the stories simple? Yeah, and I don't see a problem with that. There is nothing wrong with the straightforward and honest stories Ghibli does. Don't get me wrong, they have faults to them, especially stuff like Howl's Moving Castle or Ponyo, but the majority of their stories are wonderful adventures start to finish.
Miyazaki himself is a genius, and I realized that when I first read Nausicaa in its manga form. Which if you haven't done so already, please do go and read that. That anyone can bring themselves to disregard his works, is in my opinion holding the mark of a true contrarian who simply hates that which is popular. I do think however, that Takahata is a bit forgotten about and lost in Miyazaki's great shadow. Only Yesterday as a masterpiece of SOL to me, and truly doesn't get the recognition it deserves.