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This board is too slow This board is too slow 2021年02月14日(日) 03時50分38秒 36449 ID: 6a7930

画像ファイル名 161327103811.jpg - (75.11KB , 1280x720 , 785478ikk98579.jpg )

I am sick of only talking to one bloody person. I don't have the same taste as them and I'm straight and natural.

Anonymous-San 2021年02月14日(日) 14時08分17秒 36451 ID: 0a137a

>I'm straight and natural.
Me to, there's more than two of us here.

I've just outgrown most anime and rather than posting "this is shit" repeatedly I prefer to keep silent.

Anonymous-San 2021年02月14日(日) 18時13分15秒 36452 ID: 221402

>I'm straight and natural.
So you're not made of silicone?

Anonymous-San 2021年02月14日(日) 20時19分01秒 36453 ID: fc7d98

画像ファイル名 161333034170.png - (360.25KB , 720x720 , wah.png )

Yeah it is. Guess you can blame all the other altchans for that. 7ch in general is slow. wah.

Anonymous-San 2021年02月25日(木) 06時02分44秒 36458 ID: 196e19

画像ファイル名 161422936477.png - (477.70KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2021-02-23-23h02m10s633.png )

Get over yourself dickweed. Yeah, dickweed.
You're NOT the only one here, you're the only one you listen to-yourself. So your posts don't get immediate response, i.e. "welcome tourist".
What point regarding what this board is about shows up in your post anyhoo? This isn't fail, it isn't what remains of 8. Though there were a lot of other dickweeks there, at least we could always have a good Date A Live discussion.
In other words,. bring something to the discussion, but right now, you just seem to be someone who's itching to bitch about something. What do you want to bitch about then?
Balls in your court champ.

Anonymous-San 2021年04月29日(木) 21時02分34秒 36487 ID: 443997

画像ファイル名 161972295410.jpg - (16.54KB , 500x375 , image.jpg )

I was noticing this on Endchan alternative chans are real slow with the replies, feels like you're posting in a fucking ghost town sometimes lol

Anonymous-San 2021年05月01日(土) 17時37分59秒 36489 ID: f0bc9c

7chan is always slow, few people have heard of this imageboard and even less visit and post in it, this is not as bad as it seems. Website traffic has a negative correlation with post quality, so low traffic = higher quality.

Anonymous-San 2021年06月17日(木) 15時56分26秒 36520 ID: 994dfe

画像ファイル名 162393818642.jpg - (364.19KB , 800x800 , 67397686_p2_master1200.jpg )


Anonymous-San 2021年06月23日(水) 20時20分37秒 36526 ID: 39a9ea

画像ファイル名 16244724367.jpg - (1.04MB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic.jpg )

>less traffic = higher quality
now that's an optimistic take, to say the least

Anonymous-San ## Admin ## 2021年06月24日(木) 18時34分30秒 36527 ID: a603f2

Well over a decade ago, when there was still very significant traffic on 7chan, this board, like all the others, saw a vastly more unique posters and posts per day. Many boards did suffer from a lot of shit posting, and quantity indeed not equate with quality. However, /a/ fared a bit better in the days of many users. A lot of that can probably be attributed to a handful of moderator's that truly loved this board, and took great care to mitigate troll/shit/spam posting, as well as their direct participation and contributions to the conversations. Those mods, and users have long ago moved on, however those times forever cemented /a/ as my favorite board, and were the reason I became an active member of 7chan community. I certainly don't mind the lack of shit posting now, but I do agree it would be nice to have a bit more robust group of weebs here to liven discussions up a bit.

Anonymous-San 2021年06月27日(日) 07時32分51秒 36529 ID: a2dd82

画像ファイル名 162477197118.png - (760.18KB , 833x622 , sadanime.png )

Thanks for sharing, Admin-sempai. This is my first post on 7chan, although I have lurked on very rare occasions before. You will notice that I included an anime picture to be on-topic for /a/.

Anonymous-San 2021年06月28日(月) 17時30分06秒 36531 ID: 724571

Just post more, so I can lurk and post with you later

Anonymous-San 2021年06月30日(水) 18時56分27秒 36534 ID: 30285c

Yeah senpai 2008-2009 was peak 7chan /a/. If I had to pick a single year I'd say 2009.

Wonder what happened to Etna Is My Wife, favorite male character of all time poster etc.

Anonymous-San 2021年07月09日(金) 05時17分46秒 36542 ID: 5efe06

画像ファイル名 162580066615.jpg - (313.16KB , 1050x700 , 625deb5d1a02c9b7469e21f3ef2f4006.jpg )

Visiting here for the first time in years. This place is dying with the rest of the 00s internet. At some point it's not viable to have a shootoff community of a dying culture.... you'll have to return to 4chan and get your cake from nhentai or wherever. Or you could give up channing and do something better with your life, but we both know that's not going to happen.

Anonymous-San 2021年07月09日(金) 10時26分41秒 36543 ID: ceffdd

>Visiting here for the first time in years. This place is dying with the rest of the 00s internet. At some point it's not viable to have a shootoff community of a dying culture.... you'll have to return to 4chan and get your cake from nhentai or wherever. Or you could give up channing and do something better with your life, but we both know that's not going to happen.

I can't particularly disagree with your sentiment but I think you're drawing the wrong conclusion. Many of us have moved on to better things in our lives. To an outsider the site appears dead but those of us who are here have a shared history spanning the decades. This site isn't for teenagers looking to sow their oats, it's for the elderly to sit down and have a quiet reminisce together.

Anonymous-San 2021年08月16日(月) 21時58分05秒 36572 ID: 2758ad

I've kept in touch with some of the old fags through various means, but no idea what happened to Etna. He was a great poster and great mod.

Anonymous-San 2021年10月12日(火) 01時41分13秒 36791 ID: ee82fe

I too wish for my favorite site/board to become slightly more active.

Americium 2021年10月15日(金) 07時16分25秒 36793 ID: d2a5e8

Post more interesting shit then.

Anonymous-San 2021年10月25日(月) 23時01分44秒 36794 ID: 06a4ca

Sites designed to be "x but better!" generally fizzle out after a bit. Even if you make a lot of genuinely great improvements, most people are going to opt for the older site because it has a bigger community and a more recognizable name.

Most of the more active imageboards have some sort of gimmick: Lainchan for example is cyberpunk themed. It's catering to a different audience than 4chan and thus it stands on its own. 7chan is just "4chan but better", and we already have plenty of those.

Anonymous-San 2021年11月08日(月) 15時14分55秒 36795 ID: 6171ae

画像ファイル名 163638089498.png - (1.64MB , 1920x1080 , Снимок экрана от 2021-09-20 23-51-34.png )

Ok, i'm here. Let's talk about awesomeness of yuri.

Anonymous-San 2021年11月14日(日) 08時01分12秒 36797 ID: 6c33f9

画像ファイル名 163687327264.png - (397.80KB , 853x480 , vlcsnap-2020-04-18-22h48m59s411.png )

Dang, I haven't posted here in a good 8 months, This is still up there, huh?
Anyhoo, my /a/ watching has fallen off a cliff this year. Still watching, but pickier than ever with at least 4-5 series that i'm plucking batches, hoping i'll catch up/
They're all S2s though, so no hurry.

Yeah, this board gets slow. Social media occasionally looking for memes to swipe. Get bent. We're not that fast-nor as adhd as you dopamine addicts are. Fukthehell back to whatever socmedia you came from. Your media blows-you just get sloppy 2nds.

Yeah, it's a non iv chan board. We been around. We survive. bite me.

Anonymous-San 2021年11月14日(日) 08時12分29秒 36798 ID: e0fdbc

画像ファイル名 163687394965.jpg - (54.38KB , 640x480 , 118541163442.jpg )


What are you watching?

Anonymous-San 2021年11月14日(日) 08時47分22秒 36799 ID: 6c33f9

画像ファイル名 163687604238.png - (260.02KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2019-12-30-20h07m04s429.png )

The real Shinobu always will get a reply.

Currently watching Komi, Senpai Is Annoying, GrilfriendXGrilfriend, and am loving teh fuk out of Combatants Will Be Dispatched.

Still finding no source for Strike the Blood S4 ep 8.

Yep, my crappy taste is exposed on the world again.

Anonymous-San 2021年11月18日(木) 23時27分23秒 36800 ID: 5dd4e5

invite ACK over and he'll bump all the threads he thinks his boogeyman is in

Anonymous-San 2021年11月28日(日) 08時28分26秒 36802 ID: c776b9

画像ファイル名 163808450624.png - (613.89KB , 853x482 , vlcsnap-2019-08-20-23h19m26s440.png )

Good grief, how many old ass namefags have fallen by the wayside, Mods too. Is this board even...
anyhoo, yeah, slower than it used to, but still going, it's the way this site has managed over the yars. purty 133+. huh?
Anime'e still relevant, but so mainstream-and normie-it's gotten a bit watered down. Hell, space opera fans don't even post anymore.
Still plenty of good stuff to watch, but lotsa folks do it on social media instead. Gotta get that instant rush-that dopamine hit of instant gratifcation. Why do you think this region keeps ripping on failchan all these years? There's no fighting-no more raiding.

Congrats world. We're holdouts, but how many just pussed out?

Anonymous-San 2022年01月09日(日) 02時41分27秒 36817 ID: 899b14

bruh literally every site is dead be grateful 7chan is even up these days

Anonymous-San 2022年01月09日(日) 22時46分43秒 36819 ID: d9819e


Anonymous-San 2022年01月09日(日) 22時49分15秒 36820 ID: d9819e

画像ファイル名 164176495594.jpg - (105.97KB , 750x525 , 776g78hy.jpg )

We should preserve 7chan as a time capsule.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月10日(月) 01時37分34秒 36821 ID: 2cd1d8

Strange, I've always been keen to ditch 4chan for a quieter board with more "culture" to it.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月10日(月) 02時44分27秒 36822 ID: 25213a

There's nothing worth going to 4chan for anymore. It's a real cesspool of niggers arguing about this and that who just use the place to say whatever they want without consequence. Nothing of value is posted. It's become so well known now that it's swarming with normies. It's essentially just like a gigantic Facebook comment thread but with more swearing. Plus it's teeming with bots who ruin any actual discussion.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月10日(月) 04時43分37秒 36823 ID: c88813

画像ファイル名 164178621717.jpg - (334.92KB , 1280x960 , 119821206311.jpg )


What did happen to etna?
That fat black bastard just vanished from the internet.

Anonymous-San 2022年01月10日(月) 06時04分09秒 36824 ID: d9819e

I never undestood why we haven't played this up in the future. One of the biggest flaws of 7chan is that it is so far stuck in the past. It's anarchronistic.

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