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画像ファイル名 157473743763.png - (209.88KB , 368x359 , 2019-11-25-181024_368x359_scrot.png )
Best time traveling combat waitress from the future!
画像ファイル名 157559643085.png - (580.58KB , 848x480 , vlcsnap-2019-11-02-22h20m01s945.png )
Hello worst girl.
I could never understand how anyone above the age of 15 could enjoy this show it's just so flat, dry and tripe.
We watched it at 15.
>>36093 That's unfortunate...
>>36092 >t. too stupid to understand the exposition dumps You truly need a 140+ IQ to understand this show. :^)
画像ファイル名 15882099354.gif - (667.16KB , 350x263 , cromartie.gif )
delinquents that never actually fight
画像ファイル名 15994208149.jpg - (86.12KB , 1280x720 , 1593626660324.jpg )
>>36078 chomp
>>36092 Because you aren't a dirty weeb. The fact that it's an anime tricks them into thinking it's deeper than it actually is. Otherwise they would have to admit to themselve that anime is shit and their tastes are regulated by their desperation to feel companionship.
>>36318 Kill yourself psuedo intellectual
>>36330 The only thing worse than an intellectual is a pseudo-intellectual.
>>36078 Homura begs to differ while saving Madoka