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Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時42分34秒 33629 ID: 324f31

画像ファイル名 13729561547.jpg - (232.62KB , 560x700 , 78e8f9a967c44ac56eff6ed693d8a6bd5f09775e.jpg )

This place is a fucking ghost town. Dumping Squid Moe for a larf.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時43分32秒 33630 ID: 324f31

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時44分34秒 33631 ID: 324f31

My folder is larger than I thought.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時45分13秒 33632 ID: 324f31

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時46分42秒 33633 ID: 324f31

So. How'd you get in the slammer?
Me? Slapped my wife around too much. Bitch smashed her head open on the counter. Watched it splat like a melon. Sent me a little over the edge?

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時48分05秒 33634 ID: 324f31

What? You honestly think she's the only person I iced? I couldn't take the guilt anymore, I let myself get convicted.

What? Tips on getting away with murder?

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時49分21秒 33635 ID: 324f31

Well, kid. You see, most people don't understand that if there is no body, there is no murder. Too many people freak out and dump it on the side of the road. This is dumb and it WILL get you caught. It's better if the police don't even have a crime scene to work with. Be thorough. Lay down plastic sheets like you saw in Dexter. Wear gloves. A full body suit if you can, actually. Be sure you tie your hair up if you have any. No smoking or canned drinks! This will be written assuming that the body isn't already bleeding. You'll need to hang the body up by its feet, vertically. Prepare several tubs to allow the blood to drain into. When you're ready, sever the jugular and begin to bleed the body out.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時50分07秒 33636 ID: 324f31

Once that is finished, you'll likely want to dismember the body into pieces. This will make transport and handling easier for the next steps. Remember, when transporting the body parts off-site, be sure to double black BLACK garbage backs. Put a little bleach in each bag with the body part. This will help with the smell as well as decomposition.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時50分55秒 33637 ID: 324f31

Anyways, next thing you're going to want to do is remove all of the teeth from the mouth. Even the wisdom teeth. Be careful not to leave any fragments behind! While you're at it, remove all of the fingernails and toenails too. You might want to get a noseplug, teeth can be stinky! Especially if they're in poor condition. Now, pulverize the teeth and fingernails. Grind them into a fine dust. This is to make the body harder to identify in the extremely unlikely case that the limbs are actually found. Scatter the dust in a place far away from the killsite/dismemberment site.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時52分12秒 33638 ID: 324f31

Now, get a heavy hammer because you're going to start beating the body parts up as hard as you can! Break every bone as much as you can. Disfiguring the bone structure like this will make it difficult for authorities to discern previous injuries your victim may have had, thus lowering the probability of identification. Remember to keep all of the tools and instruments used in killing/dismembering in one place; If you lose them later on it could end up ruining you!

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時53分31秒 33639 ID: 324f31

Next step is charing the body. Incinerating it completely is a little more high-profile and isn't exactly a slow process, so we're just going to burn the body enough to get rid of all that hair and the fingerprints. It is important that every last little bit of hair is gone from the body. Stoke the limbs halfway into the charring process to insure this.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時54分35秒 33640 ID: 324f31

Next comes the question of actual disposal. There are various things you could do.

If you have access to a large amount of concrete, you can encase each limb into a large concrete block, and drop them at various locations in the ocean. NEVER EVER drop more than one limb/part in the same place. Make sure the limb is completely encased, of course! To the naked eye this MUST remain an inconspicuous concrete block.

Another option which isn't as effective is burying the parts in various areas across the country you live in. This is obviously more dangerous, since digging a hole takes a considerable amount of time and people tend to be nosy. Always always always be sure to dig your holes deep. At least 5 feet deep. Even for a small limb. That way you minimize chances of it being discovered. Nobody is going to find a hand 5 feet deep in the ground unless they're REALLY digging for it. Be sure to NEVER bury more than one limb in the same state! Always bury at least 2 states away from each limb. If they find more than one, they may be able to link them up with each other, increasing their chance of identifying the body.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時55分38秒 33641 ID: 324f31

You could also feed the body to pigs, but this isn't desirable because it also takes a considerable amount of time to digest, and some fragments of the body may come out in the feces.

If you have access to highly corrosive acid, then use it.

Now, remember how I told you to keep everything used in the murder/dismemberment in one place? That's because you're going to break all of it! Yep. Burn the victims clothes and any clothes you wore during the murder/dismemberment. Scatter the ashes. Burn the plastic wrap. Be careful not to spill any blood! If you do, scrub the shit out of it with lightly corrosive acid/bleach. Dismantle any and all tools, weapons etc as much as you can. Burn any wood handles down to the ash. Melt any plastic as much as you can. Smash and cut any blades. Once you have destroyed your tools as much as humanly possible, wipe them down well to remove any possible fingerprints, then dump them in various areas far away from where you live or commited the act. Do not dump more than one fragment in each spot! The ocean, various dumpsters, other people's trash, deep beneath the ground, junkyards etc. Any place that makes sense, really. Nobody said killing people was cheap! It's not if you want to get away with it, anyways. Being paranoid never hurts.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時57分56秒 33642 ID: 324f31

Be sure never to confide in ANYONE. Even if you think you know them, or think they may sympathize with you. Deep down, you really never know anyone. People hide their true personalities from even their closest families. Even if they openly admit to wanting to kill, they may just be compelling. If they're that vocal about it, they probably can't handle your secret anyways! It may be upsetting to keep it inside but admitting guilt to ANYONE almost ALWAYS leads to capture.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 18時58分50秒 33643 ID: 324f31

Forgot to mention what to do with the blood. Mix it half and half with bleach and dump it down a drain. Obviously don't do this if you have a septic system. If you don't mix it with bleach it stinks and coagulates. It can cause problems in the piping and the stench will come up from the sewer grates.....dont mix blood with bleach. if you want to destroy the basic structure of the blood ALWAYS mix with ammonia, or a borax+water mixture. bleach is an obvious sign and smell and usually leads people to your drain in the first place. coat all drains with 2-3 gallons of 5% vinegar BEFORE dumping blood down it. after blood+ammonia/borax is dumped finish off by using drain-o for 15 minutes then flush pipes with clean water.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月04日(木) 19時01分41秒 33644 ID: 324f31

Well, that's it, kid. I gotta get off now, this is my stop. I have work to do.
Good luck in the soccer tournament, champ.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2013年07月04日(木) 19時21分45秒 33645 ID: f322df

画像ファイル名 137295850426.jpg - (42.19KB , 466x478 , haruhi huh.jpg )

what the fuck is wrong with you OP.

Nice dump btw. fukken saved

CandleJack 2013年07月05日(金) 01時13分07秒 33647 ID: 2f260d

画像ファイル名 137297958687.png - (67.82KB , 620x388 , scarysquid.png )

OP, how in the world is one supposed to do all that burning without attracting attention? Not all of us live in an area where the winters freeze and every house has a fireplace going daily.

Also, this is way too complicated. The best way is to frame someone else for the murder. Simple. Appeasing the public is what drives murder cases, and the public is satisfied as long as SOMEONE pays for a death. It does not matter who that is, or even if all accomplices or others are punished. That is why they have no trouble with plea deals, where one perp rats on the other, and he gets three years while the other gets life, even though they both did the same thing.

Or just take that person hiking and push them into a ravine. "It was an accident, I swear!" you tell the cops. Your life will be a clusterfuck for a while, but they won't be able to prove you wrong.

Bjoli!SOQvOfJdmU 2013年07月05日(金) 02時38分53秒 33648 ID: 22f4bf

画像ファイル名 137298473290.png - (438.21KB , 704x528 , vlcsnap-2013-07-01-22h05m52s6.png )

OP is so randum

Anonymous-San 2013年07月05日(金) 12時24分37秒 33654 ID: 879627

Breaking Bad had the right idea: first, dissolve the body in acid. Then neutralize the acid. Finally, flush it all down the john.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2013年07月06日(土) 20時14分06秒 33660 ID: f322df

Well, the police MIGHT be able to stick an involuntary manslaughter charge on you if they were really good enough.

Anonymous-San 2013年07月12日(金) 02時52分20秒 33689 ID: d502c4

Those are some good tips, I'm sure /grim/ would appreciate them.

Anonymous-San 2013年08月17日(土) 02時16分15秒 33823 ID: 7fa8ee

画像ファイル名 137669857346.png - (2.16MB , 1366x768 , come at me bro.png )

Anonymous-San 2013年11月12日(火) 20時50分09秒 34204 ID: 7ce84b

画像ファイル名 138428580366.gif - (1.05MB , 320x240 , 734658732.gif )

God bless, OP. God bless.

Anonymous-San 2013年11月16日(土) 09時30分13秒 34207 ID: 2b5a89

画像ファイル名 13845906136.png - (595.05KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2013-11-14-23h21m57s221.png )

Anonymous-San 2015年04月07日(火) 12時10分49秒 34878 ID: 15fae4

Haha holy SHIT I made this thread two fucking years ago

this place really is a ghost town

Anonymous-San 2015年04月08日(水) 20時25分53秒 34881 ID: b6d640

Hello OP. I saw your post.

Anonymous-San 2015年04月16日(木) 01時22分39秒 34886 ID: eae86b

Some are fucking worse

Anonymous-San 2015年04月24日(金) 05時32分46秒 34893 ID: c77094

I'd laugh if it wasn't so pathetic.

Anonymous-San 2015年06月03日(水) 04時32分10秒 34947 ID: 9c9400

画像ファイル名 143329872938.jpg - (75.34KB , 560x700 , 577055_463483847054303_1956856006_n.jpg )


Anonymous-San 2015年06月11日(木) 21時40分22秒 34950 ID: 652784

This place reminds me of the last few episodes of Texhnolyze.

Anonymous-San 2015年06月29日(月) 00時50分09秒 34956 ID: 2720e7

画像ファイル名 143553180951.png - (313.79KB , 446x700 , 1434508574272.png )


I've been lurking this board since 2011 and almost nothing as happened here since that time.

Anonymous-San 2015年06月29日(月) 01時13分03秒 34957 ID: bfa420


It was actually kinda (I stress kinda) busy from 2010-2012 or so. We had the monthly Anime Book Club threads, they were fun.

Anonymous-San 2015年12月22日(火) 17時55分50秒 35072 ID: cd8d7d

2008-2009 was a very active period, I found 7chan /a/ the best place on the internet then.

RIP in piece.

Anonymous-San 2016年08月01日(月) 13時44分27秒 35199 ID: 15fae4


>my thread is still here

I can't believe how much I've changed since then. Ika isn't even my waifu anymore.

Anonymous-San 2016年08月08日(月) 16時00分33秒 35200 ID: e10e56

>not staying loyal to your waifu

Anonymous-San 2016年08月15日(月) 21時07分08秒 35201 ID: 75c683

Give it time, she'll come back

Anonymous-San 2016年08月25日(木) 08時12分40秒 35205 ID: 038f33

You are a gigantic faggot.

Anonymous-San 2016年09月18日(日) 08時11分36秒 35212 ID: 15fae4

画像ファイル名 147417909677.png - (65.68KB , 793x770 , cyberfact.png )


i know

Anonymous-San 2016年12月04日(日) 20時23分55秒 35311 ID: fdb43e

Ika Musume was years ago and it's still cool yet 7chan remains dead as ever

Anonymous-San 2016年12月10日(土) 07時45分29秒 35316 ID: 75c683

With the change in the rulez it'spicking back up.

Anonymous-San 2017年01月14日(土) 07時00分46秒 35365 ID: 7a122b

That's a Cat

Anonymous-San 2017年01月22日(日) 03時04分17秒 35370 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 148505065750.jpg - (52.68KB , 640x480 , UFO_Ultramaiden_Valkyrie_S1D1-13.jpg )

That's not a cat. THIS is a cat.

Anonymous-San 2017年01月22日(日) 09時17分41秒 35371 ID: 4b88a1


Anonymous-San 2017年01月30日(月) 13時45分07秒 35372 ID: 5fa0a2


Anonymous-San 2017年01月31日(火) 09時38分19秒 35373 ID: 74e21d

Why does that Cat have a dress on?

Anonymous-San 2017年02月02日(木) 05時15分54秒 35378 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 148600895461.jpg - (50.25KB , 640x480 , Miss Sanada NekoNipples.jpg )


Because you have to have something to take off.

Anonymous-San 2017年07月27日(木) 08時53分22秒 35438 ID: 8f6d47


here for my yearly thread checkup

hope you guys are all doing good

Anonymous-San 2017年07月28日(金) 00時19分04秒 35440 ID: d2b6c4

画像ファイル名 150119394476.jpg - (116.20KB , 1280x720 , Kamisama no memochou.jpg )

Guess that makes two of us. Hope you haven't forgotten that you're still as retarded and gay as ever. But besides that I truly do hope you and everyone that used to be here or still is, is having a good time.

Hey cute cat poster won't you let me treat you to dinner sometime huh?

Well thats it for my pilgrimage of image boards. I'll try and remember all of you so that you'll always be in my memories, for what thats worth atleast.

Sayounara my dear friends I've yet to meet.

Anonymous-San 2017年07月28日(金) 15時19分44秒 35441 ID: 177d58

This just makes me feel sad. Fuck you OP you fag for making this shit thread

Anonymous-San 2017年08月04日(金) 17時55分25秒 35444 ID: 241876

You're a fucking retard

Anonymous-San 2017年11月13日(月) 06時38分09秒 35483 ID: c1edae

no u

noko faggot 2017年12月08日(金) 17時44分00秒 35501 ID: cc4c6a

my monthly check up on /a/ good to know you fags are still complaining that this is a ghost town since 2013
progress boys, it may be slow but it's still progress,

Anonymous-San 2018年02月02日(金) 18時16分07秒 35547 ID: d2b6c4

I miss this place so goddamn much

Anonymous-San 2018年02月02日(金) 22時17分14秒 35548 ID: 597c1c

画像ファイル名 151760623356.jpg - (82.83KB , 432x432 , 1514663906413.jpg )

We all do, anon.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2018年02月05日(月) 13時15分12秒 35550 ID: c28fc7

画像ファイル名 151783291299.png - (235.11KB , 553x580 , shieeet.png )

I'm quite surprised this site is still up.

Anonymous-San 2018年02月07日(水) 04時06分37秒 35551 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 151797279772.jpg - (26.54KB , 350x414 , Frozen Himeko Maho.jpg )


Wat? Is Doctor Faggot, Cable, or even Bjoli gonna show up next?
Somewhere, I have a feeling even XII lurks occasionally. Yeah, I'm calling alla you oldfarts out. I'll start with an old favorite.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2018年02月07日(水) 20時12分52秒 35552 ID: e2acb2

画像ファイル名 151803077169.gif - (621.26KB , 396x223 , scandinavian music plays in the background.gif )

>tfw only 22

Anonymous-San 2018年02月07日(水) 20時40分27秒 35553 ID: 685e9f

>Wat? Is Doctor Faggot, Cable
DrFaggot is dead and I forgot he even existed until you mentioned his name. Cable hasn't come on 7chan in years.
>Bjoli gonna show up next?
Bjolis been dead since like 2013. He was only around for like a year anyway. Not sure why he became so memorable.
>I have a feeling even XII lurks occasionally.
Nope. Also dead for years.

The IRC died a few years ago too. We mostly moved onto a private Line chat which consists of about 15 people.

The only person who actually uses 7chan is me but I rarely post or even look at the boards. Just delete spam and glance at the recent post queue.

Anonymous-San 2018年02月08日(木) 04時21分30秒 35554 ID: 10e3b3

Yeah, but you've been posting for a good few years now, plus, outside of Amethyst's modposts, you're the only one left who namefags. Around here, that's a memorable thing. Glad to see someone I recognize.
I have hopped to the even numbered chan across the street on occasion, but this here's my true /a/ home. Why else would I do these oververbaged year in review threads? They average about 1 reply that's not mine each year. Because it's 7/a/.

Gonna get a little tl here.
I had a feeling DrF was gone for awhile. I remember reminding Cable I knew about his whereabouts, thanks to his griping on a few threads about his job. Think that might have aided his departure.
Bjoli was my Sky Girls brother-in-arms. Also usually ready to give rundowns on GITS at the drop of a hat.
I think 12 just kept getting told to go away didn't help. Wasn't really a bad poster.

Now if you REALLY wanna go back into the wayback machine, about 9 years or so ago, there was a poster who obviously felt at home on the SOSboards. We could get into some Haruhi discussions/arguments, and then it became unwise to start a Haruhi thread with any previously used material, hence the rule of the board.
I got asked to join IRC a number of times. I just don't have the time nor will. I post in threads, that's too much (sic.). If you're the only one who posts, well, no. I;m more at home here, and would like to see some /a/ discussions of....whatever.
maybe.....anime might be nice. I've got 17 (feaking sevenfuckingteen)shows this season. I'm saving CCS until next season. I want to watch, but not til it's right.

What are you watching lately? srsly, keep it up y'all.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2018年02月08日(木) 16時43分28秒 35555 ID: a0e360

I'm glad someone remembers me. Looking back, tripfagging was really dumb of me, but I was a total newfag to chan culture back then. I must unfortunately admit that in the time I've been gone I've been frequenting the other chan; I just lurk 90% of the time, the other 10% is shitposting. 7chan was always slow, but it got to the point of total ghost town which is why I left.

While 7chan was and still is slow, I always liked how you could have proper discussions on here. Not a whole lot of "my opinion better than urs hurr durr" or off topic shitposting.

As for what I'm watching, I've been watching Pop Team Epic and recently finished Gabriel Dropout. Both are good shit. Pop Team Epic is doing the 4koma justice IMO, despite tackling it their own way. I read a lot more manga than I watch anime, and these days I mostly read 4koma and SoL stuff. Still keeping up with shonen like OP, BnHA, Shokugeki no Soma, HxH, OPM and some others, but after a busy day of work or recovering from a hangover on sunday it's nice to relax with a nice cuppa tea and some SoL.

As for manga, I've recently picked up Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryouko (Girl's Last Tour) and Chichi to Hige Gorilla to Watashi (Dad, the Beard Gorilla, and I). I really, really like the 2nd one, it's particularly wholesome and cute.

Anonymous-San 2018年02月09日(金) 01時06分19秒 35556 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 151813477934.jpg - (1.10MB , 1672x1200 , Species Domain.jpg )

And things like your recommendation of that manga, The Dad, Bearded Gorilla and I is one of the reasons I've always liked this place. For some reason, this site is more reliable for anything remotely /r/ for anime and manga. I'm definitely going to check that out, thanks!
I don't read too much manga online, as my eyes aren't that good (oldfart? Yep, oldest one on this board-now and then.I got more than double your years on this planet, somehow), but there are a few I dig that I can keep up on, but I still prefer hardcopy, and my favorite find of the last year is Species Domain. High School sol series that's more of a rom-com that includes Elves, Icarus (winged people), Dwarves (a cute girl with a beard? You betcha), and some normal (?) people as well. I enjoy it, it's got lots of humor, and there's no non-cute girls in the series. I got the first 3 volumes, and have almost worn them out. I got V4 too, but I'm holding off on that to read on my vacation next month.
I'm coming back later in the evening, I got my stoopid wrasslin show on tonight (7 chan will never have a /wooo/ board, but thankfully 420 does), so I'll be a few beers down, and will ramble on some more.

Wow, conversations in /a/. I remember these fondly.

Anonymous-San 2018年02月09日(金) 04時36分27秒 35557 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 151814738793.png - (626.30KB , 864x482 , vlcsnap-2017-03-20-00h03m34s437.png )

k m back.
Pop Team Epic is the first show since Kyouso giga that I can say is "who needs drugs" to. Not that I do any m'self. coffcoff. I didn't get into the manga, but with all the memes, who needs to? Gabriel Dropout is definitely worthwhile. One of the few times a purple hair is best girl. Got started reading the hardcopy. The anime and manga are canon so far. The OP and ED have to be heard in their entiretly though.
Gotta ask, have you seen either Keijo or Killing Bites (so far)? they are absolute musts for any seinen fan (can deal with a bit of shounen. Shoukugeki no Soma is the cure for anorexia.

Pic rarely related. Just remembering when a show was watchable.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2018年02月09日(金) 20時10分34秒 35558 ID: c28fc7

画像ファイル名 151820343460.jpg - (23.32KB , 289x292 , heetlah.jpg )

>he thinkgs Vigne is best grill as well
My fucking nigga. The ED for Gabriel Dropout is okay, but I particularly love the OP. It's such an upbeat song, and I enjoy hearing all the characters shouting random stuff in the background during the parts that are technically lyricless. Raphi's voice makes me melt with how cute it is.

Yeah I heard of keijo/saw a clip here and there. It really makes you wonder how much weed they were smoking when they decided to make a show like that, it's even more absurd than the reactions in Shokugeki.

There's also a manga/sometimes 4koma I've picked up called Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. It's about this girl who is super hot, amazing personality, but she's shy to the point that she never talks (kinda like Senryuu Shoujo) so everyone thinks she's a complete goddess and impeccable when she's really just too scared to talk. The manga is about her quest to make 100 friends; what I really love is how every background character you see ends up getting a chapter; they often do plot relevant things in the background as well without standing out blatantly, and so a lot of funny moments can very easily slip by you if you're not careful, as after reading so much manga, you tend to automatically tune out background characters sometimes.

Anonymous-San 2018年02月11日(日) 05時09分00秒 35559 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 http://7chan.org/a/res/33629.h.you - (0B )

Again, interest piqued, and will have to check out manga mentioned. But regarding OP/ED songs, I have to hear them in their entirety and not just the tv size versions. I've caught some ED tunes that I thought I had full-but realized I didn't. The shift in mood in both full OP/ED of Gabriels Dropout....it's like missing the full-on ED of Hoozuki no Reititsu, Season 1. If you haven't seen the PV of Parallax View by Sumire Uesaka-you are missing so much of the fun. Let me fix that for you.
Shokugeki no Soma next cour coming up in April. Get your appetite ready.

Anonymous-San 2018年02月11日(日) 05時11分11秒 35560 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 151832227048.gif - (400.87KB , 326x245 , Haaarrrgghhaahhrrbll.gif )

o shi...
apparently the vidya isn't working. sorry, I'm not imbed much. Just kinda drunk.
pic probably not related.

Anonymous-San 2018年02月11日(日) 05時21分41秒 35561 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 151832290070.jpg - (1.47MB , 1064x1596 , Keijo you need to watch.jpg )

and one more thing before the drinking does it's job-regarding Keijo. WATCH IT! It's girls fighting in sukumiu over top or water using butts and boobs. MC has a smile that kills. It's produced by XEBEC. It has an OP tuen (look for full-length) done by Airi-who used to be UR@N, i.e. Shiina from KiraKira, and sounds like her work with Milktub. It's a perfect storm.

Now, I thikn it's safe to pass out. watch this show, dammit.

Coco+Bandicoot 2018年02月14日(水) 21時21分35秒 35567 ID: f5c7bd


FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2018年02月24日(土) 13時42分28秒 35577 ID: de915e

画像ファイル名 151947614870.png - (111.35KB , 672x434 , ZOOM AND ENHANCE.png )

very well. I will embark on my journey to view gratuitous animated bosoms and gluteus maximi, for purely artistic critique purposes of course

Anonymous-San 2018年02月25日(日) 04時48分10秒 35578 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 151953049093.png - (326.95KB , 864x482 , vlcsnap-2018-02-13-22h37m34s812.png )

I expect a foam at the mouth (good or bad) review when you're done.
And along the same lines, current season's Killing Bites-especially the latest ep-might be of interest as well.
Yuri Honey Badger People who kill like Pupa never did. Plus, superbaka Rabbit girl who's best girl of show.
I can't describe well, 6 beers/3 tequila shots......and 6eps of current season tonight. Don't expect deep tjhougts tonite.
Pic maybe related or not.

Mr!Akemi.DEzE 2018年03月10日(土) 09時56分42秒 35582 ID: 1dee54

画像ファイル名 152067220251.jpg - (381.34KB , 650x800 , EliUmi6.jpg )

Have this.

Anonymous-San 2018年03月10日(土) 10時31分26秒 35585 ID: bedf45

This person is out to try to "bait" and "summon" people to cause problems and ruin threads.

It's out right insane how fucked up the head he is.

If there are any mods on this boards you really need to do something about him.

Mr!Akemi.DEzE 2018年03月10日(土) 10時32分26秒 35586 ID: 1dee54

画像ファイル名 152067434697.jpg - (1.60MB , 2000x1000 , EliUmi7.jpg )


Anonymous-San 2018年03月11日(日) 05時20分53秒 35589 ID: 10e3b3

画像ファイル名 15207420527.jpg - (3.55MB , 4608x3456 , vacation2018 010.jpg )

This sucks. Here I go away for a week or so (FPOB, ya done with Kaijo yet?) and this freaking board has disintegrated to less sense than I make. I didn't belive it could happen, thanks for proving me wrong.
Screw meds, these posts have a fuckton of something. I dunno what. All these last few posts just remind me of a series I re-watched while away. I agree: "Lyrical Tokarov Kill Them All"

Lots of tequila and /a/ this vacation. I'd post a Punie-Chan gif, but don't have one. Settle for a pic of Osaka and her bodyguard instead.

....now to decide how to handle the stickied thread. Like I'll have a problem.

Anonymous-San 2018年04月05日(木) 01時55分57秒 35600 ID: 5e2eed

hello i am meguca

Anonymous-San 2018年04月05日(木) 02時09分40秒 35601 ID: 93a980

画像ファイル名 152288698035.jpg - (128.35KB , 1280x720 , b2edf826759e03d65ce9c0cfb9e1d34cf23e9436.jpg )

Who is that?

Anonymous-San 2018年07月10日(火) 16時00分24秒 35629 ID: 37c953

I was 13 when I made this thread. That is why all the jokes were not very funny. He is nice.
Now I am 18 and I can actually post here if this board wasn't dead. He is also nice.

Anonymous-San 2018年07月13日(金) 19時50分30秒 35630 ID: 16ad0a

画像ファイル名 153150423040.png - (313.68KB , 1000x1000 , 14be23134d8a1ef28ca2c17e7bfdbe21.png )

posting in a ancient bread

Anonymous-San 2018年07月13日(金) 23時49分45秒 35631 ID: cdad26

画像ファイル名 153151858578.jpg - (24.69KB , 400x400 , DURmhAKUQAAl4QT.jpg )


Anonymous-San 2020年05月12日(火) 13時31分35秒 36191 ID: c71cba

Now I'm 20.

Anonymous-San 2020年05月12日(火) 13時50分20秒 36192 ID: 11d816

画像ファイル名 158928422051.jpg - (64.85KB , 499x391 , 3358718019_5985167ef8.jpg )

Happy Birthday.

Anonymous-San 2020年05月20日(水) 19時23分46秒 36195 ID: 97a976

画像ファイル名 158999542668.jpg - (36.95KB , 521x670 , mei.jpg )

Damn....staff need to update this board a little.

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分05秒 36196 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分18秒 36197 ID: 1e4e5e

&!pImEwBuYfw 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分24秒 36198 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分29秒 36199 ID: 1e4e5e

' Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分35秒 36200 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分40秒 36201 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分46秒 36202 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時38分55秒 36203 ID: 1e4e5e

" 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分04秒 36204 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分12秒 36205 ID: 1e4e5e

" Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分18秒 36206 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分23秒 36207 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分32秒 36208 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分39秒 36209 ID: 1e4e5e

\ 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分49秒 36210 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分54秒 36211 ID: 1e4e5e

\ Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時39分59秒 36212 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時40分04秒 36213 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時40分14秒 36214 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時40分29秒 36215 ID: 1e4e5e

&!27v7p1iROc 2020年05月22日(金) 19時40分36秒 36216 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時40分39秒 36217 ID: 1e4e5e

'-- Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時40分46秒 36218 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時40分53秒 36219 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時41分01秒 36220 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時41分15秒 36221 ID: 1e4e5e

&!C2.8s0r5Z. 2020年05月22日(金) 19時41分23秒 36222 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時41分31秒 36223 ID: 1e4e5e

'/* Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時41分37秒 36224 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時41分41秒 36225 ID: 1e4e5e

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時42分20秒 36226 ID: 070d4f

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時42分33秒 36227 ID: 070d4f

&!pImEwBuYfw!!EwMGyvLJZ4 2020年05月22日(金) 19時42分57秒 36228 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分02秒 36229 ID: 74f4a4

'# Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分09秒 36230 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分13秒 36231 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分22秒 36232 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分29秒 36233 ID: 74f4a4

ORDER BY 100 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分34秒 36234 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分39秒 36235 ID: 74f4a4

ORDER BY 100 Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分43秒 36236 ID: 74f4a4

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Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分51秒 36238 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時43分58秒 36239 ID: 74f4a4

AND 1=1-- 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分05秒 36240 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分10秒 36241 ID: 74f4a4

AND 1=1-- Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分15秒 36242 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分20秒 36243 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分30秒 36244 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分38秒 36245 ID: 74f4a4

&!4J0aLNLKa.!!DlAwt3MwNl 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分44秒 36246 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分48秒 36247 ID: 74f4a4

' AND '1'='1 Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分51秒 36248 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時44分55秒 36249 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分02秒 36250 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分12秒 36251 ID: 74f4a4

-1 OR 1=1 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分19秒 36252 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分23秒 36253 ID: 74f4a4

-1 OR 1=1 Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分29秒 36254 ID: 74f4a4

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Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分48秒 36257 ID: 74f4a4

-1 OR 1=1-- 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分52秒 36258 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時45分56秒 36259 ID: 74f4a4

-1 OR 1=1-- Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時46分00秒 36260 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時46分06秒 36261 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時46分14秒 36262 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時46分27秒 36263 ID: 74f4a4

-1"/* 2020年05月22日(金) 19時46分33秒 36264 ID: 74f4a4

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時46分42秒 36265 ID: ab6de1

-1"/* Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時46分58秒 36266 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分04秒 36267 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分11秒 36268 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分21秒 36269 ID: adde3b

-1 OR 1=1-- 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分28秒 36270 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分34秒 36271 ID: adde3b

-1 OR 1=1-- Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分39秒 36272 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分44秒 36273 ID: adde3b

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Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時47分57秒 36275 ID: adde3b

ORDER BY 100 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分05秒 36276 ID: adde3b

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ORDER BY 100 Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分16秒 36278 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分22秒 36279 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分31秒 36280 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分38秒 36281 ID: adde3b

?&!pImEwBuYfw 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分44秒 36282 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分49秒 36283 ID: adde3b

?' Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分54秒 36284 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時48分58秒 36285 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時49分09秒 36286 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時49分20秒 36287 ID: adde3b

1 OR 0x50=0x50 2020年05月22日(金) 19時49分27秒 36288 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時49分32秒 36289 ID: adde3b

1 OR 0x50=0x50 Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時49分38秒 36290 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時49分42秒 36291 ID: adde3b

Anonymous-San 2020年05月22日(金) 19時49分47秒 36292 ID: adde3b

Etna Is My Wife 2020年06月07日(日) 23時59分40秒 36297 ID: a9d6be

Honestly this site is just a shell of it's former self, who ever in charge should just shut it down.

Why bother when all the traffic is on faggot 4chan.

I say this being a oldfag here from the b-day days.

Who&!pMV3u6A3rk 2020年06月14日(日) 06時31分50秒 36299 ID: 1f25ec

画像ファイル名 159210911099.png - (534.00KB , 853x482 , vlcsnap-2019-08-20-23h15m31s190.png )

Yeah, you're just Cable being a tripfag. Enjoy your box crushing.

Anonymous-San 2020年09月21日(月) 13時42分19秒 36322 ID: 6d16d1

Dead thread lives.

Anonymous-San 2020年09月29日(火) 12時43分13秒 36329 ID: 101239

画像ファイル名 160137619364.jpg - (86.60KB , 960x540 , 6665563-3645086949-82749.jpg )

I'm glad this board still lives. I made this thread when I was 13 and I love to go back to it as a little marker of the ages. 7chan reminds me of the mysterious internet I knew when I was very young, back before internet culture got watered down by a mass influx of insufferable people.
And I still love Ika Musume.

Anonymous-San 2020年10月08日(木) 02時32分25秒 36333 ID: 7f7799

画像ファイル名 160211714587.png - (444.20KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2020-10-05-22h29m33s322.png )

Roaches, canned beets, and 7's /a/.
We will be the true survivors of the world's end holocaust.

Anonymous-San 2020年10月16日(金) 04時44分31秒 36341 ID: b83bb7

画像ファイル名 160281627179.jpg - (23.72KB , 499x522 , a1f92a7ba66d222daa438f2cec527a53-imagejpeg.jpg )

7chan is the last genuinely good space on the internet.
It has withstood the test of time. It has withstood assault after assault of attempts to bulkanize and bastardize its culture. It still stands here, however. I have spent over 16 years on this site and I still browse it everyday. If you look at our metrics on the internet our site traffic, while it will never been at the levels it was at durring 2008 and such the levels are still around what they were in 2014-2015. We still get a ton of traffic, just, most traffic is situated in our niche boards like grim and eh and /b/. 7chan is a landmark on the internet and a testament of the times.
How are you anon? What's it like being an adult now? How are things different now then they were when you first made this thread?

FPOB!!OxMwp2LJD0 2020年10月16日(金) 20時16分37秒 36342 ID: ce2b2f

画像ファイル名 160287219736.png - (336.88KB , 636x585 , when you look at your drunk texts from last night.png )

It's nice to check in here every once in a while. Dropping a recommendation for Bad-Girl Exorcist Reina-San. Great comedy interspersed with horror scenes that are quickly resolved with more comedy. Excellent art, waifus, and plot.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 2020年10月16日(金) 20時17分29秒 36343 ID: ce2b2f

huh, looks like I forgot my proper tripcode. maybe this is the one

Anonymous-San 2020年10月17日(土) 03時03分30秒 36344 ID: ccac96

画像ファイル名 160289660922.png - (1.09MB , 1920x1080 , vlcsnap-2020-10-02-22h02m55s015.png )

Wait wait wait....
Yeah, you have been here forever. Neato. I remember fighting off Narutards forcing them to containment threads. And all the "Oh Shit Kubo! What Are You Doing_Blecch threads.
Those guys were a bit too srs.
I wonder whatever happened to our UK and Eurofags. Cable too. I enjoyed freaking with him.

Shit, a few years ago, I got asked to be a mod here. Had to decline-I still never went IRC.
And you're still into anime, Kewl. New season isn't too bad, but I'm still picking my jaw off the floor from Date A Bullet.

Kurumi lives. Mahomahomaho

Anonymous-San 2020年10月17日(土) 03時12分34秒 36346 ID: ccac96

画像ファイル名 160289715475.jpg - (193.44KB , 870x1302 , Saki-chan.jpg )

I'll have to check this out-you gave me some really good reads in the past.

dunno why, but one of my favorites the past few years stopped awhile back, and a bit early if you asked me. But Naughty Succubus Saki-chan is so Zetsubo Sensei, it's not really the fanservice that'll keep you around.

Anonymous-San 2023年11月15日(水) 14時15分01秒 37750 ID: 651743

画像ファイル名 170005410198.jpg - (60.37KB , 505x759 , 20231113.jpg )

I prefer Uma Musume - Pretty Derby

Anonymous-San 2024年07月14日(日) 09時54分23秒 38042 ID: 824861

画像ファイル名 172094366321.jpg - (20.81KB , 548x414 , __original__sample-702298c8c0f6088949e6e31189d7ce9.jpg )

I prefer cats to squid girls...

Anonymous-San 2024年09月02日(月) 14時51分21秒 38089 ID: 3c9163

Time for s(h)rimps


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