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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Martyn Grim 13/09/20(Fri)08:00 No. 4799 ID: 435599 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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This doesnt even work here, but I thought it was pretty cool

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I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 25/01/14(Tue)04:14 No. 5990 ID: e67d55


Achievements for Z-Day Shambler 14/09/30(Tue)02:43 No. 5236 ID: 9491a9 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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It's been a couple of years since we knocked one about so how about we put together another achievement list for when the zeds come?

At the least it'll give us something to talk about when we bump into other survivors as well as some incentive to keep going when we hit the wall.

Get submitting. I'll collate the best into another PDF for y'all.

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Shambler 24/05/19(Sun)19:27 No. 5968 ID: 3deee3

Nice one.

Shambler 24/12/02(Mon)13:37 No. 5987 ID: 11c490

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Name: Naughty List

Prerequisite: During the month of December, break into a home and slay all inhabitants (living or undead) while in a santa costume.

Something a lil festive for this time of year :p

Shambler 24/12/24(Tue)05:55 No. 5988 ID: ed013a

That's very funny. I like it.

Intro to Zombification Shambler 23/05/21(Sun)03:25 No. 5938 ID: f66e80 [Reply]

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What was your first?

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Shambler 24/07/19(Fri)08:12 No. 5977 ID: 8d478d

First exposure was in "Mysteries of the Unexplained" book published in 1982. Haitian man speaks about seeing his dead brother walking around, who later claimed to be hypnotized, if I recall.


Shambler 24/08/27(Tue)05:23 No. 5978 ID: b7f302

I always enjoyed books like that as a kid.

Shambler 24/11/26(Tue)11:14 No. 5986 ID: 9adcfa

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D&D Zombies

Shambler 22/11/04(Fri)20:06 No. 5911 ID: 8d9f20 [Reply]

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Imagine smart zombies.

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Anonymous 24/04/15(Mon)03:02 No. 5964 ID: 6556f9

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Imagine pigs could fly

Shambler 24/09/01(Sun)23:45 No. 5979 ID: ffb737

what do we fear most about the undead?

I think it is that they are malicious - they are consumed by a purpose to bring harm to you from which they cannot and will not be swayed. They are enemies who seek to hurt you in some significant capacity and they will not abate from this attitude no matter what happens, unless they are stopped, it is only a matter of time before they succeed or die trying, if they arent trying to harm you they will be after someone else instead, or they will be unaware that harming you is an option on their table at the momment.

a smart zombie is a human being that wants to cause you some significant kind of harm.

atop of this we add details that make the situation worse, such as modifications to their appearances, natures, causes, or even motives.

what of they are apologetic attackers? they have to kill you for some reason, such as for food, even though they dont really want to.

perhaps they are the type that can look and act just like us (in order to prey upon us better), and so there is the element of paranoia present amongst the survivors.

they could be the product of infection (resident evil), but also of mind control (condemned criminal origins), or demonic possession (until dawn).
they could be living beings, or dead.
as a result of their states, they could be as capable as a human being, or less, or more.
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Shambler 24/11/17(Sun)01:06 No. 5985 ID: 9adcfa

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Fast ones like Train to Busan are bad enough.

Urban Dead Shambler 13/10/21(Mon)19:19 No. 4849 ID: 245d93 [Reply]

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So after not playing this game or coming here for 5 years, I decided to go log back in and go back to our mansion, there are a bunch of squatters in here.

This is a serious problem.
>Does anyone still play this

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Shambler 21/09/30(Thu)04:06 No. 5845 ID: 4e45f5

Still running 5 accounts. Most of the groups that are still running organize on my mother's fax machine.

Charly Wiliamse 22/06/10(Fri)22:52 No. 5880 ID: 27df98

For me, gaming have always been a very significant method of producing money for a livelihood. For example, I love to play in a casino, but in this sector it is extremely vital to read evaluations https://aucasimile.com/ about the slots you will play. I trust the site and read the reviews here.

Shambler 24/11/02(Sat)00:47 No. 5982 ID: d2009d

It's time for the reunion. All /zom/ report to Southall Mansion for tea and crumpets.

All Out Hell aka Hell Rising 2 Shambler 24/06/12(Wed)13:17 No. 5970 ID: 3bc131 [Reply]

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Not sure if anyone here remembers it. Hell Rising is back. If you've never played it, it's similar to Urban Dead.

Play as a human survivor, zombie, or vampire. Several groups to join and an active my mother's fax machine. Game live since April and still being built up.


The Game Shambler 12/06/07(Thu)10:27 No. 3381 ID: f295cc [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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It's pretty self explanatory if you take the time to read it. Pick your two favorite weapons from this list of adapted icons. These choices may later be supplemented with more gear, but who knows....

Pick 2 weapons, tell why.

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Shambler 22/08/27(Sat)22:39 No. 5890 ID: 18ba9e


Shambler 22/08/31(Wed)22:15 No. 5896 ID: ffbf5f

Infinite ammo means def a short range gun and a long range BR.
Otherwise..... hrm.

Shambler 24/05/02(Thu)22:45 No. 5966 ID: bb586c

ooh, i think the combination that i enjoy the thought of would be shotgun + web shooter.

the long range travelling provided by the shooter added with the short range burst damage that the shotgun gives makes for something gimmicky and fun to think about.

How to train your... Shambler 14/02/06(Thu)20:34 No. 5010 ID: 55be72 [Reply]

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Back in the day, perhaps even before /zom/ existed, some guy on /b/ published a really bizarre piece of work titled "How to Train Your Zombitch". Now, I'm not entirely sure that the name I'm listing is 100% accurate, but it was a totally zany postapocalyptic guide detailing the process of catching one's human-sized fleshlight, tarting her up and... well, using her for stress relief. Why am I bringing all of this up? TBH, my hard drive crashed and burned, so I'm looking to refill on zombie pasta. This is the first one that came to my mind, but if you have something that's equally messed up and are willing to share, go right ahead.

Thanks in advance!

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Shambler 23/03/27(Mon)11:41 No. 5931 ID: 2a7381

Someone actually had it, wow. Thanks.

Shambler 23/04/14(Fri)08:10 No. 5933 ID: 35d95d

Much appreciated

Shambler 24/03/22(Fri)04:49 No. 5962 ID: a1d767

Not that anon but reuploaded it. Can't let this sacred text go missing. Have 2 potentially timeless mirrors so this doesn't get lost again (again).
/zombitch1 (rentry)
/kxyg74.txt (catbox)

Shambler 24/03/10(Sun)03:17 No. 5957 ID: e720af [Reply]

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I think I have too many dreams about zombies. How about you? Are your slumbers dead-free?

Shambler 24/03/10(Sun)05:30 No. 5959 ID: d88608

I haven't had dreams in a long time and there hasn't been zombies in it since 2 years probably.
Whenever I dreamt of them I died in the dream, so it isn't a very exciting experience.

Call of Duty: Zombies Shambler 23/08/17(Thu)00:23 No. 5945 ID: e71564 [Reply]

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What is your personal favorite Call of Duty Zombies map?

I'll start with mine first: Der Riese.

Shambler 24/01/02(Tue)02:05 No. 5948 ID: ff994b

Kino is kino

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