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Excerpts from "A Treatise on the Distinction of the Divine Powers, Being an Inquiry into the Essence and Orders of Elohim, as Manifested in Holy Writ"
To the most pious Reader who attendeth closely to the sacred Mysteries of Holy Scripture, it is manifest that the Names by which Divine Essence is revealed are not mere tokens or idle labels, but rather Keys which unlock diverse Truths regarding the very nature and manifold Orders of the Heavens. The Name Elohim, a Name of Plurality, of Power in Congregation, signaleth not a solitary Figure but rather a Holy Assembly, a Communion of divine Personages united in Essence yet diverse in Person. And yet, set apart and more sacred still is the Name of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name by which the Most Holy One revealeth Himself uniquely unto His Chosen People, Israel. I thus submit for holy Contemplation and with the utmost reverence that while Elohim denotes a multiplicity in divinity, the Tetragrammaton doth refer to One set apart, He who standeth in singular Station amidst the Elohim, elevated in purpose and role, and unto whom Israel doth owe sole fealty.
In that First and primal Book of Moses, called Genesis, it is written with solemnity, In the beginning Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth. This pronouncement is laden with Mystery, for, were Elohim but a single Entity, wherefore doth the Scripture employ the language of communion, declaring, Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness? Such words reveal a Council of Divine Beings, a gathering wherein holy Speech passeth between Personages of infinite Wisdom and Authority, as in a grand celestial Congress. Elohim is, then, not one Voice alone but a symphony of holy utterance, a Company of divine Spirits whose shared purpose brings forth Creation. This plurality bespeaks a Sovereignty not confined unto One, but radiating outward as Light in myriad rays, each potent, each full of Majesty, each a distinct participant in the grand Work of Creation.
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