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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

Note: Do not follow suggestions from this community without first consulting a licensed medical professional. 7chan is not responsible for any misuse or side effects resulting from information shared here. Misuse or abuse of any drug may cause unintended side-effects such as addiction, paralysis, extreme pain, or even death. Posts disguised as advice that are recognized to cause harm will be deleted, and the user banned.

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Rules sticky 2.0 Comatoast ## Mod ## 22/09/13(Tue)11:36 No. 14196 [Reply] Locked Stickied

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Rules of Rx:
1. No asking for drugs, soliciting drugs, discussion of sources for drugs or the sources for equipment and supplies to make drugs, or in general any discussion of buying or selling drugs in any way shape or form.
2. Do not by any means encourage nor discuss in a positive light the ingestion of toxic, poisonous, and lethal substances or encourage or suggest to anyone to overdose. We will forward your information to the proper authorities if you do this because people can and have died from this.
3. DO feel free to ask questions about whether something is harmful. We are here to minimize harm and have a good time.
4. No trolling or flamewars.
5. All other global rules apply. (No underageB&, no CP, no spam, you know the drill.)

We have an IRC chatroom - please come and join us as you are and let's talk drugs together:
Server: irc.7chan.org Port: 6667 Channel: #drugs

Keep in mind that we are not medical professionals, just people relaying our own experiences, so please do your research before following any advice on this forum and when in doubt, seek a medical professional.

Dr. Anon 23/08/04(Fri)12:40 No. 14492 [Reply]

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Recommendations for anything similar to modafinil but weaker? I find it's simply too powerful even in small doses, looking for a weaker psychotropic.

Dr. Anon 23/08/05(Sat)22:57 No. 14493

Do you mean any stim or a weaker modifinal analog. Tyrosine might work as it's weak and can sometimes encourage wakefulness. Maybe take 3 to 5 grams of taurine too to ease side effects of the modafinal or most stims. Wish I had a better answer

Dr. Anon 25/01/17(Fri)01:24 No. 14656

you could try the racetams, aniracetam oxyracetam piracetam.

you could also try hydrafinil myristrate.

also synephrine would probably work well for what youre asking

Drug Anonymous 16/09/22(Thu)16:30 No. 13224 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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What is your favourite drug and why? Mine is either methamphetamine or opiates for sure.

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Dr. Anon 24/04/23(Tue)23:00 No. 14574

Favorite overall drug? Definitely weed. Favorite "hard" drug? Acid by far. Weed is just fun to smoke, and I've never had a bad trip on acid.

Dr. Anon 24/04/24(Wed)12:25 No. 14575

Watch this next


Dr. Anon 25/01/17(Fri)01:22 No. 14655

amphetamine and cyclazodone, basically like limitless drugs

Drug ratings Dr. Anon 22/11/15(Tue)11:11 No. 14274 [Reply]

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Please list the drugs you've done, rate them and post your experiences with them.

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Dr. Anon 24/09/10(Tue)00:21 No. 14616

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Yeah will power works, at least so far day six.
No vap or gum, patches...

Darn I'm straight edge again
heck this could be my last post on this board
Well play safe and enjoy yourselves

Dr. Anon 24/10/14(Mon)22:03 No. 14626

I love the visuals and they can feel great sometimes, but I also get a weird bodyload saw well sometimes, doing them outside is a game changer
Different but just as good visuals as shrooms, I love the color changes, I also love the electric stimulating effect, and clearer head space, the negatives are that I feel it is easier to get freaked out on it, it lasts like 12 hours, and sometimes it makes me have to shit, which isn’t great when I’m outside.
Vaped once, I got a buzz which made me feel just a bit off, not unpleasant really and I want to try again and try to break through
Really fun sometimes if I’m alone, I love taking and edible after a long day, or going up to my smoke spot at the park at like midnight, then just listening to some music, watching a movie, or eating some food, but it can also give me anxiety with other people, and makes me feel lazy and stupid if I overdo it
Hangovers suck, but I don’t really get them to bad even after like 15 shots, alcohol is just relaxing and makes everything fun, I always want to go on an adventure, also karaoke is super fun drunk, I always cringe when stoners hate on alcohol, it’s been man’s drug of choice for thousands of years for a reason
It was slightly relaxing and euphoric, but it mostly just seemed like the negatives of opioids (hot, nausea, itchiness) with only a mild high, and I’ve done up to 8 grams
I love it, mild euphoria, but it just makes everything more enjoyable overall (especially music) and helps me focus, downside is the comedown and the fact that it shrinks your dick lol
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Dr. Anon 25/01/17(Fri)01:08 No. 14654

listing atypical stuff that is healthy, relatively legal,and easy to acquire.

high-tech pharmaceuticals coca leaf extract pills with dmaa
eria jarensis (found in lots of preworkout powders)

Dr. Anon 25/01/11(Sat)02:13 No. 14653

I aint clickin that shit

Dr. Anon 13/08/30(Fri)04:12 No. 11744 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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Suggestions for drug-themed movies and TV serials?

Seen so far:
Breaking Bad,
The Wired,
Weeds (that was a shitty show in my opinion)
How to make money selling drugs (yeah documentaries are fine too)
and maybe some more, but I can't remember any.

And keep it centered around the topic please. I don't care what aspects, but I've been recommended movie "Leon" - very, VERY good movie, but the presence of heroin dealer doesn't make it about drugs.

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Dr. Anon 24/12/07(Sat)12:30 No. 14636

Image is clearly made with AI and yet the "artist" signs his work.

Dr. Anon 25/01/06(Mon)17:22 No. 14648

Story of a Junkie is a classic.

Dr. Anon 25/01/07(Tue)19:41 No. 14649


Best legal highs Dr. Anon 24/12/05(Thu)15:59 No. 14633 [Reply]

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Welp, I am a fucking adult now and a part of that is every fucking work place on the planet discriminating against drug users. It's just typical extreme right wing political bigotry in another form. As such I need the best legal highs /rx/ can possibly muster. I know about kratom, kava, N02 all the usual contenders. Give me some shit that will really fuck me up but that wont get me fired from my 100k a year + job, faggots.

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Dr. Anon 24/12/16(Mon)09:33 No. 14641

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Dr. Anon 24/12/28(Sat)11:37 No. 14645

1. Damiana (Turnera diffusa) - traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and for stress relief, but further research is
needed to determine its safety and efficacy

2. Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) - can help with anxiety and insomnia, but excessive use may cause liver

3. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) - has been used as a relaxant and sleep aid, but its safety and efficacy are not
well established

4. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) - can help with anxiety and insomnia, but further research is needed to
determine its safety and efficacy

Dr. Anon 25/01/04(Sat)02:07 No. 14647

Kanna alkaloids

Smoking, do You do it? Dr. Anon 24/12/28(Sat)12:05 No. 14646 [Reply]

I don't smoke, because of My lung health. I can run for a little bit. Do you smoke, or not?

Dr. Anon 24/05/24(Fri)20:27 No. 14583 [Reply]

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Vyvanse 50m, xanax 1mg and a gummy. all grade , max focus and chill. better yet it works during the day

Dr. Anon 24/06/19(Wed)04:27 No. 14595

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Perfer IR, Kpin and a joint but yeah super good combo.

Dr. Anon 24/11/06(Wed)13:35 No. 14630

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Chainsmoking 3 month old Sour Apple Ice Geekbar on 0% Juice

dr mario aka m 22/10/29(Sat)08:51 No. 14248 [Reply]

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Still can't believe 420chan got fucked lol. I've finally moved to SE Asia several months ago with my new gf and wanted to share up to date info on which countries have what drugs over the counter without a prescription. Here's info on just one country.

Laos was CRAZY...biggest nitr0us balloons I've ever seen (easily 15-25ish chargers worth in each balloon) and they only cost $3-5 each. OTC 10mg v@liums for only like $0.10 per pill. OTC rit@lin, tr@m@d0l, c0d3ine, and dhc as well. A cow doctor offered to sell me 10ml ket@mine vials, but wanted $200 so I said no thanks.

The bars sold grams of unrefined 0pium for $15-30, as in it was right on the menu. There was even "@mphet@mine" (clearly just m3th) openly sold on bar menus for $20-50 per "pack"(usually around 0.5-1.5g), but I didn't buy any. Shr00m shakes were widespread. Some locals sold me a bag of like ~7-10g of pure ki-ef for something silly cheap like $5-10.

In Thailand, on the other hand, no pharmacies will sell controlled substances w/o a script anymore. Back in 2019, usually 1 in 4 pharmacies would.

Edit: added @s and shit because apparently even posting the word tr@m@dol gets you a 1hr ban here? WTF? Added youtube link because I can't post otherwise?

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Ca5ch up Juliam casablances 23/03/13(Mon)03:09 No. 14410

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So good to here from you man. Always found ypu and hunter s nodsons posts informative, specifically ypurs lol. Kno you went thru a rough period around 17-19. Genuomely glad to here youre in a stable relationship now. For wats its worth im 30 and my gf is 20 lol

m ario 23/11/03(Fri)19:19 No. 14527

shamless bump so i can update whats available now in 2023 in all of SE Asia? My previous got deleted

Yeah it&!ASW1TtEETo 24/10/24(Thu)02:54 No. 14627

Back in America...don't do drugs kids

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