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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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Guide to Success from nothing Captain Derp 12/10/13(Sat)05:41 No. 387 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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I started with a criminal record for petty narcotics pos and a 'computer tresspassing' record guaranteeing me unemployment almost everywhere except manual labor. I was also living in a SRO in the worst area you can ever imagine, had no money, huge debt and couldn't even finish university so washed out in the second year due to poverty.


Any job will do. Some shitty manual labor position is great because then you also get some activity in so you aren't a fat bastard.

Easy jobs to get are landscaping (usually pays under the table cash), construction clean up, warehouse, or whatever you can find on your local Craigslist 'gigs' section. Alternatively there's the dreaded nightshift tech support. Look around for these on CL, or move to somewhere in your country where the jobs are. In Canada this means terribad mining and oilfiend work but it pays like $40/hr and there's nothing else to do up there, perfect for studying.

For me, I got a job at the post office and delivered mail, which meant I got off early and had lot's of time for school. Also consider institutions that will pay you to learn a trade, such as telephone companies and whatever else.


Basic income budget rule is 70/20/10

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Modern Mom 24/09/02(Mon)09:33 No. 4092

Here’s a good personal finance program that I’ve (re)discovered:


I’m just happy with it. No more dicking around with spreadsheets. :3

Modern Mom ## Admin ## 12/08/17(Fri)01:43 No. 1 [Reply] Stickied

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Congratulations you poor bastards have earned your own board. Don't fuck it up. Any relevant rules will be created/added to this post when the time comes, but for the meantime try to keep it SFW.

Go Wild

Jesus Christ I'm useless; I should have specified that this board is for poor niggers to share money saving tips/vouchers and whatever.

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Modern Mom 24/07/15(Mon)13:52 No. 4046

Found the Chinese random phrase spambot.

BEAN 22/01/28(Fri)06:42 No. 3621 [Reply]

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I am a traveling anon, and wish to offer /jew/ knowledge about BEANS.
What follows is an "iron diet" specifically for people who live in western countries, and face poverty due to cost rather than lack of income.

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Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)05:59 No. 4081

One wonders if Snowden regrets throwing away his life to warn ungrateful Americans about unconstitutional NSA wire-tapping.


Modern Mom 24/12/07(Sat)14:59 No. 4173

500 kilos of BEAN distributed.
Nothing has really changed, today was 5 kilos of refried BEAN, ten litres of beef and BEAN chilli. Random people still give me vegetables, today a stranger gave me a cauliflower.

Modern Mom 25/01/14(Tue)12:26 No. 4212

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I just want to take this opportunity to mention that garbanzo beans/chickpeas are similarly cheap, easy and nutritious (also possibly less prone to causing gas). I've been eating them a lot more than normal beans lately because I prefer the taste.

Tiny Homes Modern Mom 14/10/19(Sun)23:28 No. 2413 [Reply]

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Does anyone have experience or interest in building tiny homes? They are usually 100-300 sq/ft. made of found and recycled materials cheaply. Some run on solar and wind power. I work a part-time job and I'm thinking of starting a tiny house project. I can buy some materials and there's plenty of scrap around me to use. I have some carpentry skills and general know-how. Anyone interested in the tiny, minimal, cheap life?

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Modern Mom 24/12/30(Mon)04:51 No. 4197

"Simply scam people and steal materials."

Modern Mom 24/12/30(Mon)04:57 No. 4198

You're on a board called /jew/

Modern Mom 25/01/07(Tue)12:20 No. 4200

ah fuck you're right.

Modern Mom 13/12/13(Fri)22:52 No. 1793 [Reply]

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How does one make counterfeit dollars? My buddy did it, back when I wasn't interested in knowing it, but he died back in 2010.

I don't want to make big bills since they catch on to that quick. Just small bills, like 1s and 5s. There was also someone counterfeiting 20s in the area so I'd be waiting and using different bills anyways. A basic run through of how to do it would be nice. It'd help me out a lot.

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Modern Mom 22/01/09(Sun)09:44 No. 3610

ask guys that make tether

Modern Mom 23/10/12(Thu)00:22 No. 3909

>When I read reports of people getting caught, they ALWAYS have bad opsec.
Obviously. You only hear about the retards because law enforcement doesn't want to give away the forensic methods they use to catch non retards.

Modern Mom 24/11/28(Thu)13:55 No. 4164

Americans are all Satanists now.

Americans don't care if stealing is legal, but Americans lose their minds if a church feeds the homeless.

Crime in an Area? How to check? Big Dunk 22/08/14(Sun)21:08 No. 3715 [Reply]

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So what website do you have to fucking use to get good information? I'm trying to move to another city and I saw on the news there's lots of killing in one area that's black on black.

I want to check if it's going to be near my job or apartment. How the fuck do you check? I'll be there on assignment for two years while a school is being built.

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Modern Mom 24/05/16(Thu)04:06 No. 3992


Not to the second accurate or anything but will give you a pretty good idea the vibe of a given city, and a good lul.

Modern Mom 24/07/04(Thu)02:47 No. 4025

what is this tumblr shit? cringe

Modern Mom 24/12/25(Wed)15:17 No. 4186

Tyranny didn't work out too well for the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Cambodia so why are Americans embracing it?

The Lying Escort A pissed off guy 15/03/08(Sun)23:35 No. 2554 [Reply]

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So you guys are going to love this one. I called up a hooker for the first time to see what kind of shit I could get myself into. Except, I actually ended up in big shit and had a shit time. She comes down for our meeting 15 minutes late saying she's tired which yeah I can understand but then we get upstairs and it's "wait 5 minutes i'm tired" then we get into it I pay this degenerate 80 pounds (roughly 140 us bucks) for 1 hour and shes already way behind on time, So I get it up and start fucking then I ask her to go on top and she's like nah. Blowjob? Nah. too tired. So not only does she fuck me over, She said in her ad she was completely shaving and the thing was a fucking bush. Then there is her pictures which were either outdated completely or just photoshopped to fuck AND her fucking breath stank! Wtf! I can't imagine how many poor bastards this skank has screwed over. I left early without my money telling her to prepare for a shit review. Then I have her mobile number so maybe I should just give it out? Thoughts on this?

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Modern Mom 17/05/05(Fri)12:19 No. 3006

almost 2 years later and no phone number, OP you are a waste.

Apol+Dase 21/10/23(Sat)09:30 No. 3570

Maybe you should end this lifestyle and start a serious relationship? Why don't you want to find a good girl who will love you and satisfy all your needs. If you find it difficult to start a new relationship, useful tips on this site https://breakupangels.com/dealing-with-divorce-stress/ will help you. I am sure that you can find your love and it will make you happy.

Modern Mom 24/11/30(Sat)07:39 No. 4167

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Be independent

Modern Mom 24/02/24(Sat)01:24 No. 3945 [Reply]

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Why don't you go get one of those high paying jobs in the Bay Area?

Even the minimum wage at fast food stores is around $80K and for police officers it is $100K-$200K. They're desperate for any of these basic workers. And cost of living is no higher than here in Australia.

I recently visited. It's like the rest of the US and developed world is the third world by comparison.

And tech jobs, or generalist admin and operations jobs a whole another world.

Just work there for a couple of years then retire early to the mid west or some backwards ass poor but high standard of living first world country like New Zealand. You can even chuck a couple hundred K USD in your favourite crypto.

The numbers sound stupidly high but it's the reality. Mind you my family I was visiting are Indian so I was around the richest in Silicon Valley

The only downside was the women of silicon valley were fugly and far in between, but you can always visit the poor top tier in Orange County

Modern Mom 24/11/22(Fri)01:17 No. 4155

Obeying the law is difficult when everything is illegal.

Modern Mom 24/11/20(Wed)22:51 No. 4153 [Reply]

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This board's /777/ has jewed me. Much disrespect.
I put in a lot of trip reports all were gone.

How does on /jew/ 7channel

(/777/ was a trial, it is now /weed/.)

Making Cash With Zero Fundage Biff 14/02/08(Sat)05:35 No. 1890 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Let's talk about ways to make cash online, it can really help out and once you get efficient with it and have a good group then you're golden.

I won't lie, I'd like to find a person or two from this board to be in a new group. You wouldn't believe how fast and simple things get when you get everyone working together well and can make the money on nearly autopilot, depending on what method you are using. Also tips and resources are always good.

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Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)01:11 No. 4080

Americans say freedom means free food stamps.

Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)14:16 No. 4082

social safety nets don't reduce freedom

Modern Mom 24/11/09(Sat)22:36 No. 4147

Everything is illegal, everyone is a criminal, everyone is under surveillance 24/7, and no one cares.

Living in a police state means that you must live in dread of being arrested. You can't help feeling hopeless.

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