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Anonymous 11/10/29(Sat)08:41 No. 1914 ID: 06eaa6 [Reply] Locked Stickied

File 131987051559.png - (1.78KB , 300x300 , ???.png )

Oh hey, this board is now an oekaki.

View animation

Anonymous ## Admin ## 11/10/30(Sun)01:28 No. 1917 ID: 06eaa6

File 131993088623.jpg - (103.01KB , 519x600 , 130679826888.jpg )

Replies and image animations are now fixed, in addition to some minor display issues and backend problems.

Happy drawing.

Do you worst/Best Anonymous 25/03/04(Tue)21:48 No. 7919 ID: 88167b [Reply]

File 174112132722.jpg - (351.33KB , 1170x1699 , image75 - Copy.jpg )

Have fun with this ?

Anonymous 25/03/02(Sun)05:02 No. 7912 ID: 750476 [Reply]

File 174088812119.jpg - (48.23KB , 560x160 , e.jpg )


Anonymous 21/03/12(Fri)17:27 No. 7286 ID: 8db943 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

File 161556647557.jpg - (182.14KB , 640x360 , 06.jpg )

Anyone know who did these?

275 posts and 193 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)01:34 No. 7909 ID: 1001cb


I can see porn, porn, porn, porn and one pap of Britney Spears, all of it of course having been shooped before public release

I looked at the photo he took and I think it's sunlight and/or effects caused by post processing

This reminds me of when people were trying to convince me halos are real by showing photos of too sharp JPGs causing errors and strangeness

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)02:05 No. 7910 ID: 1001cb

Moreover this experiment they ran was not serious. Why did they not have the model change position right away, to see if the energy rays changed too? Why did they not take photos before she arrived, while she was fully clothed, wearing cotton, wearing leather, wearing plastic? Why did he not show the result when taking photo of a man? Or with the camera at a 90° angle to the previous position? And more especially, why did they make the model play with her pussy like that? OP admits himself it was a "treat" to see titties irl. Run out of time for more serious things? I question OPs intent and professionalism.

This is the definition of psuedoscience... There's no comparison, there's no repetition. So how can it possible rule out confounding factors?

This isn't experimenting to see if the sky is blue or chickens lay eggs, this is a crazy hypothesis so you need some crazy evidence to support it. And porn shoots, pap shots and an excuse to touch yourself isn't enough.

Skye 24/12/29(Sun)13:58 No. 7911 ID: 183ac1

Hello Anonymous, I don't think the original poster is trying to prove anything he is asking questions about the things he's seen.
I have to admit I do believe in other things that we can't explain and I believe we women are special. It been know since ancient times that women are connected with mother Earth and have special relationship with her.
I think what dark has done here is highlight this.

Anonymous 16/07/17(Sun)01:47 No. 6298 ID: 03a8a5 [Reply]

File 146871285170.png - (701.78KB , 489x744 , Screen Shot 2016-07-16 at 4_10_45 PM.png )

Nude her plz

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Anonymous 23/08/27(Sun)10:46 No. 7850 ID: 759b8a

File 169312597118.png - (443.93KB , 460x859 , IMG_1337.png )

Anonymous 23/09/16(Sat)13:27 No. 7852 ID: 4b6f9e


Anonymous 24/04/11(Thu)02:05 No. 7883 ID: edb70a


zippers ibetitsacock 12/04/24(Tue)19:35 No. 2333 ID: fcc777 [Reply]

File 133528892496.png - (175.52KB , 1366x645 , google.png )

You decide what google has in it's pants.

3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Medik 13/06/24(Mon)16:44 No. 3334 ID: 2f61b6

File 137208507997.png - (221.08KB , 1366x645 , ifiseethatcat.png )

tee 23/03/08(Wed)05:49 No. 7820 ID: 0e9e54

File 167825097538.jpg - (105.64KB , 1366x645 , gdelay.jpg )

Anonymous 23/10/27(Fri)23:14 No. 7853 ID: 4fa4b3

File 169844128097.png - (290.10KB , 1366x645 , google pantz.png )

Anonymous 23/09/03(Sun)05:27 No. 7851 ID: c53ccd [Reply]

File 169371162031.jpg - (154.77KB , 804x814 , lolcat-techservicekitty.jpg )

>Tek srvs, how meow I halp you?

Anonymous 23/08/26(Sat)05:48 No. 7846 ID: 406b8a [Reply]

File 169302168569.jpg - (63.78KB , 512x489 , IMG_1312.jpg )

Can someone give agent scully and agent mulder brown skin and make them Indian with an Indian street backdrop with other Indians doing the same squats please?

Anonymous 23/08/26(Sat)12:34 No. 7847 ID: 3adbf0

What the fuck for?

Anonymous 23/08/27(Sun)08:59 No. 7848 ID: 6e1f00

To print out and put in envelopes to be sent to Indian addresses though the post office

Anonymous 23/08/27(Sun)10:05 No. 7849 ID: 6e1f00

File 169312350147.jpg - (26.62KB , 549x309 , IMG_1333.jpg )

I will paste a template of the Indian loo-nar lander above them with the text ‘I want to believe’

Filla Dilly dally round you Gedup one 23/06/10(Sat)11:51 No. 7832 ID: 415069 [Reply]

File 168639066862.png - (167.46KB , 720x1523 , 4b98b1e8-b99a-450e-9c24-5913795a1ca7.png )

Anonymous 21/08/26(Thu)13:50 No. 7554 ID: 9ae865 [Reply]

File 162997863555.png - (1.26MB , 896x680 , Cotton_gin_harpers-AUSH.png )

What was this style called?

8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/08/29(Mon)19:27 No. 7753 ID: 453b37

>I've never heard it be called flashwave. Usually people call it fashwave. In my experience.
It's easy to make parodies of. Like "Get back into my ass!"

Anonymous 23/03/02(Thu)13:39 No. 7819 ID: cc9d22

File 167776076180.jpg - (1.07MB , 2676x1505 , 1D836FE6-8023-4E9C-A6EC-EB0C8875251C.jpg )

The red and blue shift thing in that image is chromatic aberration, also seen in the image attached to this post.

Anonymous 23/04/15(Sat)05:46 No. 7826 ID: 7f28d5

Yeah, that's one of the things I did to the image.

My question was about the genre, which to my horror and shame has been revealed as the alt-right circle jerk that is "fashwave".

Sad that a style with so much potential is wasted on a movement with so little intellect, but that's the way the internet crumbles.

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