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Dear John,
Do you feel that most complaints about adulthood are just due to people not wanting to work hard for their own pleasures?
I'm not downplaying the difficulty of life, but, I notice that the people who complain the most about adulthood often are those whom have it all.
They aren't deep in debt.
They have a decent partner, decent house, decent job and everything.
They may have problems but those are caused by their own whims and are within management.
Meanwhile, kids and teens whom are awkward and have no freedom nor outlets are told that theyre in the easy mode stage of life.
Despite not being allowed to date, not being appreciated as fellow human beings, not allowed to fend off bullies, not allowed to spice up their wardrobe due to overbearing parents etc.
Even though my adult life is a flop, I feel that's more due to my awkwardness carrying over from childhood
In fact, I can say that most post pubescent flops are often those whom were never trained or rescued from mediocrity in their youth.
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