>>49032 people not wanting to work hard for their own pleasures
I think you can only reasonably expect people to work hard and see no benefit from their labor for so long before they become more realistic and quit working at it. It's not logical to expect that everyone will just keep banging their heads against a wall forever when only 30% of businesses even stand a chance of making it to three years, and of those only a third ever succeed to more than a handful of employees. There are 33 million businesses in USA, and 99% of them are Small Businesses that are merely services, not in innovation. They're restaurants & bars, plumbers and contractors, they don't need to reinvent the wheel, they're invested in things rolling along exactly as they are and simply showing up and skimming some $ off doing work that was already well-defined before them. These are the successful cases. If you are an inventor or innovator, you have a very tough road ahead of you. Past the 1980s, nothing in this country is set up to help you, you and whatever you're going to do are seen as a risk to all those aforementioned people and their financiers. Your businesses will fail over 30x more than everyone elses, and you are almost guaranteed to end your own life in poverty. In the mean time, you'll be ridiculed at every step of the way for every obstacle you face, rejected by your family and spouses for taking the financial risks required to pursue your work, and will almost certainly never have a family because you cannot afford to even date the opposite sex either in time or money. You will live wherever you can find cheap space, renting motel rooms, granny flats, & never own a home, which is a relief bc you couldn't afford or have time to do the maintenance anyway. It is a lonely, tedious, frustrating, unrewarding life, and until you meet another inventor like yourself, everyone will simply think you're a pathetic failure. And then you'll get to meet an endless string of some of the dumbest people you've ever suspected even exist, who fell ass first into money because they got a job working for one of the big companies or industries that pays 20x a normal salary doing some mundane shit any kid right out of college could do, or worse in construction, and you're supposed to be impressed and hold them up as an example bc omg they have the 3 series, and as a mindless consumer there is nothing else to live for but the amassing of rapidly depreciating junk from tomorrows landfills. And that's when you realize, this fucking guy and his litter of offspring is who you're sacrificing your life working on inventions to improve the world for.
Why bother with any of it, when you can just sit and wait, and it'll all be over just as soon anyway.